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8 Tips To Improve Your Mental Well-being During Mental Wellness Month

7 min read
Last Updated on 21 February, 2024

As January is Mental Wellness Month, it is a good time to check in with yourself and your loved ones to see how they are doing. New Year's resolutions often focus on physical fitness: trying out a new diet, exercising more, and so on. But you should also keep in mind that mental health is just as important as physical health in your life.

Since people's mental health fluctuates daily depending on various factors, including physical health, the challenges at work, our stress levels, and even our relationships with others. Maintaining mental wellness is not always easy, but it is crucial.

Hence, every year January is observed as the Mental Wellness month. As one out of every five adults experiences mental health issues every year, thus Mental Wellness month intends to bring awareness towards good mental wellbeing.

The key is to be proactive in taking care of our mental well-being before issues arise.

This article will learn more about mental wellness and some of the practical ways to improve your mental health.

What Is Mental Wellness?


"Mental wellness is a positive state of mental health, and it is more than the absence of mental illness."

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental wellness as a "state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and can make a contribution to his or her community."

The ability to cope with life's stresses while maintaining a high quality of life is mental wellness.

Mental wellness aims to develop the tools necessary for finding resilience when life feels depleting. No matter your mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, there are ways to help you maintain mental wellness through life's ups and downs.

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Why Is Mental Wellness Important?


It is important to be conscious of your employee's thoughts and feelings daily. By focusing every day on improving mental wellness, you can increase emotional resilience, help manage stress and build an overall sense of well-being for your employees.

With January already being heavy with blue Monday, seasonal depression, and the holidays ticking off, people's mental health already falls with the temperature. Thus, during mental wellness month, it is important to check in with yourself and your employees' mental health and help provide them with proper.

Again, being mentally positive means that your employees are in order and functioning in their best interest. It can positivelyimpact your organization's turnover.

"Sustaining mental health requires work and time. The more you invest in your mental health, the stronger it will be."

Importance Of Mental Wellness In The Workplace

An emotionally healthy employee is happy, confident, and optimistic. They have control over their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It enables them to handle challenges, build strong relationships, and enjoy a better work-life balance.

Here are some reasons why it is important to achieve good mental health along with physical health -


Thus, mental wellness will also lead to the prevention of mental health conditions substance abuse and promote more productivity.

How To Improve Your Mental Wellness


Focusing a few minutes on enhancing and improving your mental well-being can help you combat some serious mental illness symptoms. If the concept of mental wellness is new to you, then here are some easy steps you can take every day to take better care of your mental health-

1. Embrace A Gratitude Attitude

Expressing gratitude or developing an attitude of gratitude for things and people in life increases awareness of your resources and positively improves your emotionality. It also helps you to build a positive sense of self.

Here are some ways for you to practice gratitude -

  • Take a deep breath and focus on two or three things you're grateful for. It helps to draw your attention from what is dragging you down.

  • You can also write down the things or people you are grateful for in your journal.

  • You can even show your appreciation through prayers or conversations.

Suggested Read : Top 5 Benefits Of Gratitude On Workplace Wellness

2. Practicing Mindfulness

Being aware of your inner thoughts and feelings is crucial. The environment around you improves your mood and helps to create positivity and manage stress.

And practicing meditation can help you achieve a sense of peace. Meditation is a great way of practicing mindfulness, and it is about living in the moment.

Since modern society is all about staying busy and focused, mindfulness challenges you to show up fully aware of every aspect of your life. It is important to be mindful of your feelings and check in with yourself.

Suggested Read : 13 Mindfulness Meditation Exercises To Improve Your Employees Well-being

3. Leading A Healthy Lifestyle

It is important to remember that both physical and mental health are intertwined, and your physical health affects your mental health and vice-versa. The body needs proper rest and nutrition to function to the best of its ability, and the mind and body work together to achieve the highest level of wellness.

Here are some healthy habits you can adopt to improve your mental health-

Regular Exercise

Exercising regularly or working out has a huge effect on your well-being. Walking for even 10 minutes a day can improve your mood, mental alertness, and energy. Taking part in regular physical activity improves your self-esteem and reduces your stress levels.

Eating Healthy

Good nutrition does affect your mental health/ mood, as the saying goes "You are what you eat.". A healthy and well balanced diet can help you feel more alert and keep your mind clear. It also improves your concentration and attention span.

Suggested Read : This Winter Snack On Food That Boosts Serotonin

Avoiding Tobacco And Alcohol Consumption

Even though it’s a common believe that smoking reduces stress but in reality smoking actually increases tension and anxiety. Thus, cutting out smoking does improve mood and reduces anxiety.

People with mental health issues are likely to feel much calmer and relaxed after quitting smoking.

Suggested Read : The Negative Effects Of Smoke Breaks At Work And Ways To Reduce Them

Good Sleep Schedule

A good night's sleep is closely related to good mental health. Mental illnesses can affect how well you sleep and lead to poor sleep having a negative impact on your mental health. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling irritated and exhausted. Poor sleep can also affects work performance and productivity.

Hence, finding out how to improve sleep quality and quantity can be helpful in treating these mental health issues. Getting more sleep is not a cure, but getting better sleep can be an important part of an overall healing process.

4. Goal Settings

Setting progressive goals can help you keep motivated and encourage you to attain milestones. You gain a sense of purpose that can help you when times are tough. You tend to accomplish your goals more effectively when your life has meaning. It further leads to higher self-esteem, and those with high self-esteem use their strength to their advantage and learn to overcome any weakness.

Suggested Read : How to Set Smart Fitness Goals for 2022

5. Better Social Support

Establishing and maintaining close ties with family and friends gives you a support system during tough times and people to celebrate your good times with. Connecting with your peers can have a positive effect on your mental wellness.

Socializing is important for your mental well-being as the chemicals released when you make human connections further help you feel better.

Being with your loved ones and relaxing with them will help you create a more meaningful relationship that will benefit your mental health and theirs.

6. Taking A Break

Taking a break or setting aside time to work on yourself is a vital step in improving your mental well-being. It is stressful to be running from event to event in life; this can be overwhelming for the mind and the body. Make sure to take small breaks throughout the day. You may choose to do something relaxing that you enjoy.

Suggested Read : 8 Awesome Ideas For Brain Breaks For Adults

7. Taking A Break From The Stress

Taking a break from stress can be quite beneficial for your overall wellness. It can be you eliminating things that are not healthy or helpful to you or even taking a break from watching the news or unfollowing negative people on social media. Setting up healthy boundaries in your life and learning to say no is an important part of the journey.

8. Seek Out Help

Whenever you feel overwhelmed by life's stressors, seeking professional support should be your priority. Being around people every day while dealing with stress can be stressful and take a toll on your mental health. Therefore, you should reach out for help whenever possible.

Tips To Boost Your Mental Health


Taking care of your mind is as important as taking care of your body. And mental wellness month is everything about encouraging you to begin your year focusing on all of the things that make up for your mental well-being.

Here are some tips you can follow to boost your mental health -

  1. Limit screen access

  2. Plan an excessive self-care program

  3. Eat a nourishing and well-balanced diet

  4. Staying active and fit

  5. Recharge yourself with a proper sleep schedule

Summing It Up

Thus, it is important to remember that mental health is one of our greatest assets and is a continual process. We can better focus and get along with others when we are mentally healthy. I hope that this article encouraged you to improve your mental health, build resilience, and enjoy life more.

This article is written by Neha Yasmin who is a content marketer at Vantage Circle. A selenophile with a penchant for discovering great meals and drinks. Is a self-proclaimed binge racer with a knack for cooking in her spare time. For queries, reach out to

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