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How to Host "Eating Disorder Awareness Week" at your Work?

9 min read
Last Updated on 21 February, 2024

Eating Disorder Awareness Week is an international campaign to dispel common misconceptions about eating problems. National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDA) Week is observed in the United States from Monday, February 27 - Sunday, March 5.

This campaign aims to improve public understanding of the significance of eating disorders. It also aims to educate the public about their causes and triggers. The event introduces you to therapies to promote early identification and intervention.

As an employer, you can play a critical role in supporting your employees by creating a safe and inclusive environment. You can create a supportive environment for your employees by hosting an awareness event.

Creating awareness will promote employee health and wellness. Let's work together to break down the stigma surrounding eating disorders. This event will also encourage everyone to prioritize their mental and physical health.

MYTH: Eating disorders can only happen to White teenage girls with high socioeconomic positions.

FACT: Eating problems affect people of all ages, races, and ethnicities, including women, men, and children.



This Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW), NEDA recognizes that It's Time for Change. NEDA also joins other mission-aligned organizations in celebrating Strength through Experience and Knowledge. #EDAW 2023 offers the chance to concentrate on lived experiences and eating disorder education. Both of which are essential catalysts for awareness and change.

The combined effort of Eating Disorders Awareness Week involves people from all walks of life. Everyone who has firsthand experience pledges to raise awareness of the eating disorder. Be it Family members, friends, healthcare professionals, and organizations.


Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW) was established in the United States in the 1980s. It was established by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD).


Since the 12th century, eating disorders have been discussed. Binge eating disorder, called "Night Eating Syndrome," was later defined as being able to happen at any time of the day. Binge eating disorder (B.E.D.) wasn't acknowledged as a medical diagnosis until the 1990s.

For more than 30 years, this annual, week-long event has given hope to people suffering from eating disorders. Also, people all around the nation have a chance to unite and support those struggling with eating disorders.

Over the years, EDAW has grown to include various events and activities. These activities aim to educate the public and promote healthy body image. The week is observed in the last full week of February and is celebrated globally.

Many organizations nowadays offer free or low-cost screening services during EDAW. That is why there has been a growing focus on screening and early intervention.

MYTH: Food has a major role in eating disorder behaviors.

FACT: Eating disordered habits are not just limited to food. They are psychological and behavioral problems with a strong psychological component.

Types of Eating Disorders and their Causes

Unhealthy eating patterns can arise as a result of a variety of psychological conditions. They may begin with an obsession over food, weight, or physical appearance.


When eating disorders are severe, they can have a substantial negative impact on health and, if ignored, can even be fatal. The second-deadliest mental illness after an opiate overdose is an eating disorder.

Eating disorders can take many different forms. The four most common eating disorders are -

  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Binge eating disorder
  • Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder

Fact: B.E.D. is a severe mental illness in which sufferers consume huge amounts of food and regret being out of control.

The symptoms of eating disorders include-

  • erratic eating patterns
  • excessive behaviors
  • feelings related to weight and food issues

These behaviors include-

  • eating a lot or extremely little
  • obsessing over food and weight

Although eating disorders can occur at any age, adolescence presents the largest risk. Yet, in recent years, there has been an upsurge in instances among youngsters and older individuals.

Eating disorders typically appear in adolescence or young adults. Additionally, eating disorders are becoming more prevalent among military service members.

There are many reasons for eating disorders. The risk factors, according to NEDA, can be divided into three groups:

  • Biological

A person is more likely to get an eating problem themself if they have a close relative who does.

  • Psychological

For instance, those who now have or have had an anxiety illness are more likely to develop an eating disorder.

  • Social

Individuals from racial or ethnic minorities are subjected to "acculturation" or pressure. For example, people from different races get pressured to adopt western beauty standards. Hence, they are more likely to develop eating problems.

More people suffer from B.E.D., yet few know its symptoms or how to receive help.

Impact of Eating Disorders in the Workplace

Eating disorders affect both physical and mental health. The cause of eating disorders is unknown. Yet, research shows a clear link between this behavior and people's attempts to manage intense feelings and events.


A person's capacity to work can be significantly impacted by eating problems. Eating disorders can have a negative impact on work performance in several ways, including:

1. Reduced Focus and Energy:

Eating disorders can cause malnutrition, lowering one's energy levels. Malnutrition can also make it harder to concentrate.

2. Increased Absenteeism:

People with eating disorders may have to take time off work for medical procedures, therapy, or hospitalization.

3. Reduced Productivity:

If eating disorders are left untreated, they can negatively impact one's health. This may result in productivity loss and more errors.

4. Interpersonal Challenges:

Managing connections at work can be challenging for those with eating disorders. Those suffering can have mood swings or other problems; not everyone else can handle those.

5. Stigma and Discrimination:

People who deal with eating disorders may experience prejudice. This can lead to becoming neglected by their coworkers, and the stigma attached to them can worsen workplace issues.

Myth: Eating disorders are not a big problem.

Fact: Eating disorders are a very significant problem.

Warning signs

The symptoms of different eating disorders vary. They all involve an excessive emphasis on problems with food and eating, and some also have an excessive focus on weight.


Concentrating on other life elements could be challenging because of this obsession with food and weight.

The symptoms may include the following:

  • Chronic dieting and calorie-counting obsession

  • Concentration issues

  • Avoiding social gatherings, especially ones that include food

  • Evidence of purging, such as immediately using the restroom after eating

  • Excessive use of caffeine

  • Abnormal cycles of menstruation

  • Exercise too much or engage in compulsive behavior

MYTH: Those who suffer from eating disorders are typically quite slim.

FACT: An individual who is ordinary or even heavier than average may be battling an eating issue.

5 Ways to Host Eating Disorder Awareness week at your Workplace


Here are some tips on how you can host Eating Disorder Awareness and Screening Week at your workplace.

1. Host a workshop or seminar:

Invite a mental health professional or a local eating disorder organization to conduct a workshop. Or a seminar about the same for your employees. This can be a great opportunity for employees to learn more about eating disorders, their signs, and how to seek help.

2. Organize a healthy potluck:

Encourage your employees to bring healthy, balanced meals to share with their coworkers. This is a great way to promote healthy eating habits and educate employees about balanced diets.

3. Display posters and flyers:

Create posters and flyers that promote Eating Disorder Awareness and Screening Week. Put these up in common areas, such as the break room or bathroom, to remind employees of the importance of this week.

4. Wear green:

Eating Disorder Awareness Week is represented by the color green. Encourage your employees to wear green on a designated day to show their support and raise awareness.

5. Share resources:

Provide your employees with resources on eating disorders. Resources such as websites, hotlines, and local organizations offer support. This can be done through an email, a bulletin board, or a company intranet.

MYTH: Having an eating disorder is a tactic to draw attention.

Fact: There are several reasons why people get eating disorders, but most often, it is not to attract attention.

Benefits of Screening for Eating Disorders at the Workplace


The first step in recognizing eating disorders is screening. Through screening, it becomes easy to identify those who need support and those at risk. Your chances of recovery are higher the earlier you undergo treatment for an eating disorder.

Consider some of its benefits to help you understand its significance:

Early Detection:

Screening can assist in the early detection of eating problems, resulting in rapid and efficient treatment.

Improved Health Results:

Employees can recover and prevent long-term health effects if eating disorders are treated early.

Productivity Gains:

Health improvements brought on by early treatment can increase productivity by lowering absenteeism.

Reduced Healthcare Costs:

Treating eating disorders can be costly and lead to prolonged absences from work. The cost of screening might be lessened for both the applicant and the employer.

Read: How Worksite Wellness Helps In Reducing Employee Healthcare Costs

Support at Workplace:

Screening shows that the business cares about the health and happiness of its workers. You must offer a welcoming atmosphere for those struggling with eating disorders to get assistance.

Treatment Plan

Eating disorder treatment is based on your specific disorder and symptoms. It often combines psychological counseling, information on nutrition, medical supervision, and occasionally drugs.

The treatment plan for an eating disorder typically involves a combination of the following:


This can include family-based treatment, interpersonal psychotherapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (C.B.T.).

Nutrition therapy:

Consult a nutritionist to provide nutrition and meal preparation information. Working with a nutritionist to create a balanced meal plan and enhance eating habits may be part of nutrition therapy.

Peer support:

According to a support group, peer support can be a useful adjunct to individual therapy. This involves your spouse, parents, or other relatives. Parents should be actively involved in their child's treatment and help with mealtime supervision.

Regular health checkups:

Regular monitoring of physical health. This includes keeping a tab on vitamin and mineral supplementation. Also, taking proper medication for mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression.

Every patient receives a unique treatment plan. It may differ and include input from a dietician, medical doctor, and mental health expert.

The treatment aims to assist the patient in regaining a positive relationship with food. It helps you stabilize your eating habits and enhance your physical and mental health.


Hosting "Eating Disorder Awareness Week" at the Workplace can promote healthy habits. It can hence, reduce the stigma surrounding eating disorders.

Workplaces can foster a safe and inclusive workplace for their employees by hosting these awareness events. Any organization can contribute to increasing awareness and impact their employees' mental health. They need the help of correct tools and preparation.

Read: Importance Of Wellness Events For Corporates

If you or someone you know is experiencing eating disorders, it's important to seek medical help as soon as possible. Eating disorders can be serious, even fatal, problems that must be treated.

It may feel intimidating or daunting to begin eating disorder recovery. But getting help from your community, support groups, and medical professionals can make your recovery simpler.

If you don't know where to begin, you can get support, information, and treatment choices for you or a loved one by calling the National Eating Disorders Association helpline.



Q.1 Why is it important to share awareness about eating disorders at work?

A: Early detection and intervention are essential for those battling eating disorders. And the workplace may play a significant part in fostering well-being and a supportive environment.

Q.2 How can I engage in activities for Eating Disorder Awareness Week at work?

A: You can take part in activities encouraging self-care and healthy practices. You can conduct events such as workshops and lunch-and-learns. There may be tools or information on eating problem assessment and treatment choices available at your workplace.

Q.3 Where can I learn more about eating problems and discover resources?

A: You can learn with the help of online resources like the National Eating Disorders Association or the Eating Disorders Coalition. Also, you can discuss this with your doctor or a mental health professional.

Q.4 What is the difference between bulimia and anorexia?

Similar to anorexia, bulimia is characterized by the desire for thinness and aberrant eating behavior. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by binge eating and compensatory purging behaviors. Anorexia nervosa, on the other hand, is a state of self-starvation.

This article is written by Daina Barman who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. Besides being an epicure trying to cook every dish possible, she likes to dance her way around everything. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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