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9 Monsoon Safety Tips You Need For Work

6 min read
Last Updated on 16 August, 2022

The monsoon season has arrived, and while it provides some reprieve from the scorching summer heat, it is also important to be mindful of the health challenges it can bring. This monsoon, like every other, may also create quite a bit of a challenge, especially if you are not prepared in advance, from traffic accidents to power outages.

Also, if you are a corporate worker and don’t have a personal vehicle to commute, it becomes more difficult.

As a result, if you want to enjoy this season without experiencing any unwanted events, you must abide by the following monsoon safety tips. In this article

Office Hazards and Problems during Monsoon

Although you might believe that working in a comfortable, climate-controlled workplace is risk-free, there are several dangers to your health and safety. However, there are additional risks to those employees who have to go out on a rainy day, and employees must be aware of them, such as reduced visibility and slick, wet surfaces.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, office employees have tens of thousands of accidents or health issues connected to their jobs each year.

The most frequent workplace mishap and problems faced by workers are:

  • Trip or slip
  • Sprains and strains
  • Poor workstation ergonomics
  • Indoor air quality issues
  • Inadequate or excessive illumination
  • Noise
  • Electrical dangers
  • Late to the office due to traffic
  • Wet shoes and clothes

Irrespective of all these issues, one must attend to their workplace to complete their tasks or deadlines.

Suggested Read: Workplace Health and Safety: Ways to Incorporate It

9 Monsoon Safety Tips

At times you have to attend the office irrespective of the weather conditions, be it meeting with a client or finishing an important project. And because of that, you cannot afford to take a leave or work from home.

Although the issues and concerns remain the same, you can surely follow these safety tips to avoid these unfortunate incidents.

1. Drive safely


People who commute by car should be attentive and adhere to all traffic laws and safety measures, particularly in and around flooded regions, because accidents are prone to happen during monsoons.

If possible, pull over to a safe place before the relentless weather eases a bit. Employers can also inculcate work-from-home policies for extreme weather conditions.

Keep an eye out for stray animals and pedestrians crossing the street. Additionally, be careful when riding a motorbike in the weather since it can topple over rather quickly on slick surfaces. Drive with caution near motorcyclists if you're in a car.

Staying away from large vehicles and turning on your headlights so that your car is visible despite the intense downpour is one of the most crucial aspects of road safety advice during the rainy season. Also, make sure to park your vehicle someplace safe and high.

You must check your fuel, brakes, tires, and wipers before driving in such conditions.

2. Avoid taking a walk in the rain.

It may be tempting to enjoy the rain while walking to work, but doing so is not advised for good health. Strolling through flooded regions suggests direct rainwater contact, which puts one at risk for various viral illnesses, including leptospirosis and fungal infections of the feet and nails.

Important: Diabetes patients are considerably more in danger than the general population.

One should also stay away from gutters, drains, and other low-lying locations to prevent harm from deteriorated roadways and exposed ditches. Another thing to look out for is electric poles (you should not touch electrical poles), fallen wires, and anything with a water ring around it.

If you must walk in a puddle to go to your house or place of business, be sure to wash your feet properly with soap and fresh water. Do not wear damp socks or shoes, either, as they are more likely to be contaminated with a variety of bacteria. One of the best suggestions for keeping safe in the monsoon is to wear rubber boots or covered shoes.

3. Carry an extra set of clothing with you.


One cannot always tell when the rains will come, which may be troublesome. And to avoid any embarrassment or health issues, it is advisable to have a full pair of dry clothing on hand to go to work. Get rid of your damp clothes as soon as you arrive at your workplace.

It's a good idea to keep one pair of warm clothes on hand, just in case, because wearing damp clothes in an air-conditioned environment might make you sick or even cause hypothermia. It will also come in handy and save you from embarrassment if you have an important meeting coming up with your client.

4. Keep a raincoat and an umbrella handy

Always have an umbrella or raincoat in your vehicle or at work during the rainy season.
Throughout the rainy season, having an umbrella on hand is essential. It will not only prevent you from becoming sick but will also help you prevent your valuables, such as your wallet, cards, and phone, from getting wet during rainfall.

During the rainy season, it's also a good idea to carry your stuff in little plastic pouches so that even if you are caught in a shower, you won't have to worry about water damaging the items in your handbag or backpack.

5. Keep your gadgets safe


High odds of a power outage accompany the monsoon season, and devices should always be kept charged for this reason. Additionally, it is advised to get a portable charger and rediscover the usefulness of landlines in offices for emergencies. To prevent spoiling, make it a point to get water-resistant bags to transport this electrical equipment to Work.

Also, if your electric devices aren’t charged or spoiled, it will affect proper communication among the team members and hamper the work.

6. Watch out for electrical dangers.

Knowing that water and electricity don't mix is probably a good idea. Beware of electrical risks during wet weather if you work in construction or any other sector. Stop operating electrical equipment and machinery if you detect a rain cloud moving in your direction and wait until the weather clears.

7. Drink and eat healthy.


The danger of contracting common illnesses like typhoid or dengue and digestive issues like food poisoning, diarrhea, and gastroenteritis, is higher during this season. As a result, it's critical to maintain a balanced diet and control what you eat, especially for those who get takeout at work.


To combat infections like cholera that are water-borne, offices should also supply their staff with filtered water.

Dehydration symptoms can be light or severe. However, one may readily avoid dehydration by consuming enough water. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day if you're working outside in the rain.

8. Avoid rubbing your eyes.

The risk of eye infections such as conjunctivitis, style, dry eyes, and corneal ulcers is quite significant during the rainy season. If left untreated for a long period, it may result in blindness. Therefore, to prevent irritation, redness, or itching, follow the fundamental advice of not touching your eyes too much and minimizing their exposure to the screen.

9. Assemble an emergency Kit


In your emergency kit, don't forget to add a battery-operated light and some medications.
The worst part of the monsoon season is the frequent power outages and flash flooding. It's always preferable to be ready for the worst, especially if you live in a region prone to floods, because you can't always combat or forecast such natural catastrophes in advance.

Here is a list of everything you need to have in your emergency kit in case things go out of hand during the rainy season.

1. Drinking water
2. Items of non-perishable food
3. Mosquitoes repellent
4. Thermometer
5. Bandages and cotton swabs for first aid
6. Ointments for healing
7. Medicines
8. Powered by batteries, emergency light
9. Extra pair of clothing and socks


Floods and heavy rainfall may stop anything in its tracks but not your work. Be updated about the weather conditions beforehand through news, social media, and various weather reporting apps. Look out for your friends and family and inform them of any unforeseen events.

If you get stuck in a downpour, look for flood relief helpline numbers in your area, and in the meantime, try to move to higher ground.

When disasters strike like floods, not panicking can save your life. Do follow the above-mentioned “monsoon safety tips” to prepare for such emergencies and stay safe.

This article is written by Daina Barman who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. Besides being an epicure trying to cook every dish possible, she likes to dance her way around everything. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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