10 Tips on how to Manage Period at work
You are at the office, all ready to pull up the chair to your desk and start with the long week of work but guess what happens? Aunt Flow says Hi, a day early. You are taken by surprise, or I would rather say shocked. It is scary to manage period at work, no matter what.
Especially when it comes without warning, for everyone undergoes the menstrual phase differently. As they say, no two periods are the same. While some people have the superpower to know when their period is approaching, others get a few signs or no signs at all. And the latter can often put you in awkward situations at work.
Workplace and Period
Now, the question is, why are we talking about periods in the workplace? With women consisting half of the workforce, it is only apparent for concerns to pop up every now and then. And since we spend most of our time at the office, talking about menstruation becomes a necessity.
Menstruation often comes with cramps, and working amid the pain is quite a task. You are at work and got your period. What is the first thing that comes to mind?
Probably the thought on whether you have got the provisions. If yes, well and good. But in case there are no period products with you. Besides, if no proper arrangement is available in your workplace, that is a dreadful situation to cope with.
Because, for one, a women cell should be present in every organization to deal with female issues. Feminine hygiene products are a must, together with menstrual products. This way, the female staff in the company will have one less thing to panic over during their periods.
Also, being cranky all day and severe menstrual cramps affects productivity. This makes women take sick leaves during times like this. Because period does take a toll on the health, implying fatigue, anxiety, and depression. And once this happens, work performance anyway takes a hit.
Tips on how to Manage Period at Work
You can follow specific rules if you want to stay calm and peaceful during that time of the month.
1. Eat well
Food is that significant part of life that regulates body metabolism. The diet you consume has a lot to do with your health. This is why you should be aware of what you eat during those days.
Healthy eating habits are already a necessity- while on period or not. Food rich in vitamins, magnesium, and fiber is a great deal of support during menstrual times. So, pack your lunch, keeping the nutrients in mind.
Carrying healthy snacks along comes in handy always, significantly to curb your urges for junk food.
2. Drink Water
I do not think there is anything else to say about this drink of nature. Water is, anyway, a great boost to everything, literally. Whatever be the disease, water is the solution. Also, it keeps the liver healthy. And balance hormone levels, especially estrogen, and regulates the menstrual cycle.
But often, in the hustle-bustle of work, we forget to drink water at all. That should be prevented. Got period at work or not, drink plenty of water. If needed, you can also challenge yourself on water consumption and see the results.
3. Exercise
There is no doubt that exercising is good for your health. But during the period, there are specific exercises which are restricted but the rest you should do. Also, exercise helps a lot with decreasing PMS symptoms.
The motivation to stay fit is something everyone seeks for. If exercising is too much to do at the office, go on short walks, maybe for movement of the body is the key.
4. Enjoy being Alone
If there is something you like to do alone or some food you are craving, give it a thought keeping in mind that it should be healthy. Also, resort to self-care by taking yourself out to get that dark chocolate.
5. Plan ahead
Some people do not get alarms and end up having the period all of a sudden. But even if you do not realize before the period happened, at least try to memorize the date and plan it accordingly. Carry your tampon or pad so that you do not have to go looking for these to your colleagues.
6. Wear Comfortable Clothes
Formals are a thing when it comes to going to work. But if you are on your period and there is something more comfortable than that, you ought to wear that. Because comfort is the key. The body needs rest and so do that formal black shirt you wear almost every other day.
7. Use a Heat pad
Period cramps are something very severe. There are people who blackout when going through the pain. So if you have the condition of cramps, get yourself a heating pad for this will give you comfort.
8. Sip on Herbal tea
This particular drink is personally approved. If you are struggling with cramps, start sipping on healthy beverages. Peppermint tea, ginger tea, and green tea- lower down the intensity of the pain. Herbal tea is freshening, and every company should keep a stack of this.
9. Avoid Junk Food
Staying away from fries is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. But during periods, it is one of the most intelligent choices. Food rich in salt will bloat you out due to water retention, and who wants that? So just give it a break for the next 7 days.
10. Say No to Caffeine
Coffee is one drink that really worsens menstruating conditions. It enhances the pain, for it restricts blood vessels, and nobody will like that for obvious reasons. Especially when you get your period at work, distractions are the last thing anyone wants.
So, the caffeine needs to stay far, far away from us during menstruation.
11. Track your period cycle
Sometimes, you are in the office and period shows up like an unexpected guest. What do you do then? Like if it's 10 days early. Ofcourse, we do keep our period dates in mind but there might be days when it goes out of our heads, thanks to busy schedules and deadlines.
In such scenarios, there are certain applications which come to the rescue- Clue, Dot etc. These applications help keeping a track of our period date, duraton and appearance. This data will help you know better and take the precaution better.
Then those surprise visits wil no longer be a thing anymore.
12. Get enough sleep
Sleep is a thing that acts as a natural remedy for several things. Especially, when we are on our period and those cramps start, sleeping becomes impossible. Then the next day, with that tiresome look, we head for office. This makes the situation even worse.
Thus, sleeping is something which is extremely important with or without period. And melatonin that is the nighttime hormone has a huge impact on our menstrual cycle.
So, the idea is to address your sleep deficit by getting a full night's sleep. Just turn off your phones and try to sleep early on those days, if not everyday.
13. Seed Cycling
Cycling between 4 different types of seeds is called seed cycling. Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and flax seeds prove to be vital necessities during the phases of your menstrual cycle.
Infact, cycling of seeds is often recommended for women with irregular periods, missing periods and period pain.
Wrap Up
So work-life gets a little disrupted when people are on their period, for that is a very uncomfortable situation women find themselves in. However, worry not and follow the points mentioned above and see the changes for yourself.

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