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5 Workplace Yoga Poses For Tiredness

7 min read
Last Updated on 21 July, 2022

Energy is vital for your existence, and it is energy that keeps you drawing closer to achieving your goals. But have you noticed that you often feel tired every day around the afternoon? And your drowsiness hits you out of nowhere, even though it's been barely 7-8 hours since you woke up?

The afternoon slump is very common among all the 9-5 workers. And most of your employees might get perpetually tired post-lunch making it harder to get through the day. Post-lunch drowsiness is the leading cause of mental and physical fatigue among all employees.

But yoga can come to your rescue. Yoga is not an exercise but a lifestyle. So, by adopting a few yoga postures into your daily routine, you can quickly eliminate that afternoon slump or fatigue.

This article will help you better understand how and which yoga asanas can help you reduce laziness and tiredness at work.

Why Should You Do Yoga If You Are Tired?


Yoga is beneficial for both your mental and physical health. It is not just about flexibility or about showing up with your yoga mat daily without expecting how it goes. You are never too old or injured to practice yoga, and it is not just an exercise but a way of life.

Yoga doesn't require you to be all pumped up or drain your energy like strenuous exercise or heavy workouts. If you are tired or exhausted at the end of the day, or if you feel that afternoon slump coming on, working out or even walking may not be a priority.

According to a study published in Biopsychosocial Medicine, 20-minute seated yoga sessions are beneficial for people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

A few yoga techniques like breathing, relaxing, meditation and some postures can help you. As a result, you will be able to get rid of tiredness and adrenal fatigue and even reduce your work stress. By incorporating a few yoga practices into your work schedule, you can become more active and less tired. Throughout the day, you will feel more energized and engaged.

You can beat the afternoon slump by combining movement, stretching, and breathing. Through yogic breathing practices or meditation, more oxygen is drawn into your breathing cycle, allowing your brain to function more efficiently.

Additionally, it improves blood circulation and relieves muscle stiffness. Yoga postures combined with deep breathing techniques will also reduce stress and benefit your mental and physical well-being.

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5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Laziness And Lethargy At Work

Everyday activities can leave you exhausted and worn out. Whether it be work, worries, meeting deadlines, social media, or personal position, your mind is constantly working. So, It is important to focus your movement on releasing.

When you do yoga, your body sighs with relief. With these poses, you will lengthen your spine, stretch your extremities, and learn to breathe more deeply. As a whole, you feel more balanced.

Here are a few yoga poses that you can practice that will help you reduce stress and fatigue at work -

1. Child’s Pose ( Balasana )


The child's pose is also known as the balasana. It is one of the easiest yoga postures you can practice to rev up your energy level and tackle your fatigue. It relaxes your muscles and calms the body by opening your hip and back muscles.

Steps To Do The Child's Pose -

  • Sit on the floor with your feet and knees a few inches wider than your hips.

  • Place your hands forward in front of you until your forward touches the floor.

  • If your forehead doesn't touch the floor, you can use a pillow or blanket under your forehead.

  • Now focus on taking deep, slow breaths.

  • Rest in this position for 5-8 minutes.

Practice Child's pose in empty stomach.

Health Benefits Of Trying The Child's Pose

  • Takes the pressure off your torso, shoulder, and thighs.

  • It creates openness in your hip.

  • It helps to generate deep calmness in your nervous system.

If you are pregnant, suffering from diarrhea, or recently injured your knee, you should avoid this pose.

2. Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana )


The butterfly pose is a gentle yoga posture that helps to stretch your inner and outer hips and groin, and it helps to soar energy in your body by circulating blood.

Steps To Do The Butterfly Pose -

  • Sit on the floor with the sole of your feet together, about 6-8 inches away from your pelvis.

  • Make sure that your back is erect, and bend your knees.

  • Now make sure that the edge of your feet is touching the floor.

  • Use your thumb and finger to hold the thumb of your feet.

  • Hold and stay in this position for 5 minutes.

  • Then try to breathe in slowly and relax your legs.

People with groin or knee injuries should avoid doing this pose.

Health Benefits Of Trying The Butterfly Pose

  • It helps to ease menopause symptoms.

  • It stimulates your thigh and abdominal muscles.

  • It helps to relieve fatigue.

  • Improves bowel function.

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3. Cobra Pose


The cobra pose is a reclining back-bending asana performed in a cycle of asanas as an alternative to Surya namaskar. It is a heart-opening backbend posture that stretches your entire upper body and provides relief if you are having back problems.

Steps To Do The Cobra Pose

  • Lie upside down on a yoga mat with your chin forward and gaze slightly down.

  • Keep your hands flat on the floor with your palms facing the ground and your elbows bent.

  • Now roll back your shoulders and lift your chest off the floor with the support of your hands.

  • Stay in this position for 15-30 seconds, depending on your comfort zone.

  • Breathe out as you drop your chest back on the floor.

  • Lay on the mat and relax in this position by taking deep breaths.

It is important to focus on creating strength between the shoulder blades in the upper back. If your lower back is in discomfort, don't come as high in the pose.

Health Benefits Of Trying The Cobra Pose -

  • It energizes the body by improving blood circulation in the body.

  • It also helps to reduce stress.

  • It helps to stimulate the organs in your abdominal area.

  • It helps to relieve pressure from the lungs and heart to improve their overall function.

  • It also helps to strengthen your arms.

If you're pregnant ,then you should avoid doing the cobra pose.

4. Corpse Pose


Corpse pose or savasana is a pose that is usually practiced at the end of any yoga session. The savasana pose helps you lie down on your back and relax your body and mind to assimilate the benefits of the asana practice fully.

Steps To Do The Corpse Pose (Savasana)

  • Lie down flat on your back with your legs extended out in a relaxed manner.

  • Put your arms beside your body with your palms facing upwards.

  • Now close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

  • Make sure to breathe in and out deeply.

  • Focus on every part of your body from head to toe while breathing.

  • Try to maintain this position for at least 10 minutes.

Practice this asana away from noise and external distractions.

Health Benefits Of Trying The Corpse Pose (Savasana) -

  • It helps you to let go of all the pent-up stress and fatigue.

  • It helps to center your mind and build your concentration level.

  • It helps to curb your blood pressure and anxiety levels.

Savasana is considered one of the easiest asanas and exercises. It is also considered one of the best cures for CFS ( Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

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5. Legs Up The Wall Pose ( Viparita Karani )


The legs up the wall pose are one of the best yoga poses that helps you to get rid of chronic tiredness and fatigue. It is an easy pose that can be easily included in your daily workout regime, and it can be done against a wall or even using a chair.

Steps To Do The Legs Up The Wall Pose

  • Place folded blanket under your hips or on your yoga mat for better support.

  • Sit parallel to the wall.

  • Lie flat on your back and stretch your shoulders to create a straight line.

  • Now keep your hips on the blanket and try to lift your leg upwards along with the wall.

  • Close your eyes and try to notice the breathing under your hands.

  • Rest and lie down in this position and practice deep breathing.

If you feel any discomfort, gradually bend your knees and try to bring your feet on the floor slowly.

Health Benefits Of Trying The Legs Up The Wall Pose -

  • It calms the nervous system.

  • Regulate the blood pressure.

  • It helps to release muscle in your lower back, legs, and feet.

  • It helps to reduce stress and improves your overall well-being and energy levels.

If you have certain medical conditions, include glaucoma or high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before practicing legs up the wall.

Summing It Up

You can thus replace extra cups of coffee in the afternoon with only a few yoga practices to avoid drowsiness.

Again yoga creates a pathway to openness and circulation in your body which further helps you to unwind. Yoga benefits your body and mind if you practice it every day. As a result, your mind will be calm, and you will be able to respond emotionally from a balanced position.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any other yoga poses to recommend, please let us know in the comments below.

This article is written by Neha Yasmin who is a content marketer at Vantage Circle. A selenophile with a penchant for discovering great meals and drinks. Is a self-proclaimed binge racer with a knack for cooking in her spare time. For queries, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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