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Coffee at Work: Health, Happiness and Workplace Performance

11 min read
Last Updated on 05 October, 2023

"If it wasn't for coffee, I'd have no discernible personality at all." - David Letterman

Coffee has become an intrinsic part of our daily lives, especially in the workplace. The invigorating aroma and delightful taste fuel our productivity.

From the moment the beans are ground to the brewing, drinking, and sharing ritual; every cup tells a story. Coffee serves as the perfect companion during those rejuvenating breaks that refresh and refuel us. Join us as we delve into the art of brewing a flavorful pot of coffee.

Top 12 Benefits of Leveraging Coffee At Work


A poll published in 2011 included a list of the occupations with the highest coffee consumption rates. Scientists/ technicians, marketing experts, education administrators, writers/editors, and healthcare administrators round out the top 5.

Let's embark on a sensory expedition, exploring the enchanting benefits of coffee at work.

1. It keeps you focused and alert


Caffeine is one of the most widely used stimulants. People who drink caffeinated coffee stay awake and have increased energy throughout the day. This helps them be more productive.

A study found that caffeine can enhance -

  • Short-term memory
  • Attention
  • Motor and cognitive performance
  • Reaction accuracy in the workplace

Consuming too much caffeine might be unhealthy. In light of this, limit your daily coffee intake!

2. Coffee breaks increase efficiency


The coffee break was created in the 20th century and gained popularity after the Second World War. During a survey conducted in 2010, MIT researchers found that group coffee breaks increase employee productivity.

Employees can discuss both personal and professional experiences during these breaks. When employees are permitted to take these breaks together, overall performance improves.

3. Aids in longevity


A study by the US National Institute for Health revealed a connection between daily coffee intake and mortality risk. It was discovered that the amount of coffee drunk had a greater impact on the connection between coffee and lower mortality risk. Men and women who drank three or more cups of coffee each day roughly had a 10% decreased chance of passing away compared to those who didn't.

Additionally, drinking coffee has several positive health effects:

  • Coffee consumption has been linked to a decreased risk of dementia, liver cancer, heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes.

  • Coffee has a lot of antioxidants, which are effective cancer preventatives.

  • According to Harvard research, women who consumed four or more cups of coffee per day had a 20% decreased chance of developing depression.

4. It can ease pain and discomfort


According to the US National Institute of Occupational Health, consuming coffee before engaging in computer-based work may reduce discomfort. Furthermore, up to two cups of coffee can lessen muscular soreness by as much as 48%.

5. Coffee helps in socializing


Remember how people visit coffee shops and cafes to catch up with friends and relax when necessary? Remember how people like the elegance and simplicity of these places?

Coffee breaks at work have the same result. Your staff members will be more ready to interact with one another and share details of their personal lives or even provide a hand when needed at work. There's something about sharing a cup of coffee with someone else that encourages conversation.

Communication between coworkers reduces, particularly when employees spend most of their time on laptops. The best method to increase engagement is to take deliberate breaks to talk with coworkers and forge closer business ties.

6. It can lessen sleep-deprived stress


The aroma of coffee alone has been shown to lower stress levels in those who lack sleep. Research at Seoul National University analyzed the expression of specific genes and proteins in the rats' brains.

Here, rats were exposed to the fragrance of coffee. Later, it was found that the exposed rats had proteins with beneficial antioxidant qualities known to shield nerve cells from stress-related damage.

Suggested Read: How Sleep Deprivation Affects Work Performance

7. It keeps you in shape


Numerous studies have connected caffeine intake to higher metabolic activity. It shouldn't be surprising that most commercial fat-burning pills contain caffeine. It implies that your body is burning more fat when you sit at your desk and sip your cup of coffee.

8. Boosted Employee Morale


Coffee helps to boost office morale. According to science, a few cups of coffee can increase your employees' productivity. According to studies, offering coffee at work helps to boost office morale.

Employees are more enthusiastic about coming to work when they know they will have a hot cup of coffee when they get there. They'll feel cozier all day long.

  • According to a 2008 McKinsey & Company research, 61% of workers believe their company cares about their well-being when they offer hot beverages.

  • In the same research, 85% of workers said good coffee boosts morale and productivity.

  • According to a 2014 Staples poll, 82% of workers think drinking coffee at work improves their mood.

When a workplace serves decent coffee, individuals feel valued and have job satisfaction. As a result, there is reduced employee turnover and dissatisfaction with employment in the workplace.

9. Time Effectiveness


Studies have shown that taking little breaks, or "micro breaks," throughout the day can increase the effectiveness and value of the time workers spend working at their desks. It enables individuals to stand up, stretch, and rest, which is excellent for their general concentration and well-being.

10. Efficient Meetings


Ever notice how your coworkers are less attentive and focused when you hold late afternoon or evening meetings? According to research, caffeine improves learning and memory and speeds up the process of picking up new knowledge.

According to John Hopkins University researchers, caffeine has been proven to improve memory. Long-term memory loss is reduced because the brain is more resilient to forgetting things. Hence, coffee evokes higher-quality meetings. This also allows your colleagues to retain knowledge better!

11. Employee retention


Employee retention is one of the most crucial elements of a productive organization. You must develop a fun, interesting workplace culture to retain top talent.

Coffee culture might help facilitate staff interaction and socialization. People are more inclined to stay when they feel they belong to the community.

Nespresso's survey revealed the following:

  • 65% of workers think that the workplace should provide good coffee.

  • 77% of workers feel morning coffee breaks are crucial.

  • 92% of workers desire in-office social spaces like coffee and lunch areas.

According to these figures, coffee culture significantly affects employee retention and happiness. Thus, more businesses ought to invest in it. Start by developing your coffee culture to construct a great workplace and retain your staff.

12. Enhanced Communication Among Team Members


Building relationships with your team or coworkers is crucial for efficient communication. When you discuss fresh ideas or work together on a project, the comfortable environment coffee culture offers for social interaction might encourage open conversation.

5 Interesting Facts About Coffee

1. The Essence of Brewing: From Bean to Brew


Brewing coffee is an art form that is crucial to creating that perfect cup. Whether it's the office coffee machine or a personal French press, the brewing method sets the stage for an exceptional coffee experience.

Did you know the water's temperature, grind size, and brewing time influence the flavor profile? Through precision and experimentation, one can uncover their preferred brewing method to suit their taste.

  • According to the National Coffee Association, 64% of Americans drink coffee daily. The majority of them consume during working hours.

  • The Specialty Coffee Association recommends water temperature between 195-205°F (90-96°C) for brewing to extract the best flavors from coffee beans.

  • The size of coffee grounds affects the extraction rate and taste. Finer grinds are ideal for espresso machines, while coarser grinds suit French presses and pour-over methods.

  • The optimal brewing time for most coffee methods is between 4-6 minutes, ensuring the ideal balance of flavor and strength.

The Pleasure of Drinking: A Cup of Joe for the Senses


Coffee's allure lies not only in its rich flavor but also in the sensory experience it offers. As you sip a freshly brewed cup of coffee at work, the tantalizing aroma fills the air, awakening your senses and heightening your focus. The pleasant bitterness and smooth texture dance on your palate, leaving you invigorated and ready to conquer the tasks.

  • A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that the aroma of freshly brewed coffee can enhance cognitive performance and increase alertness.

  • Coffee contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that blocks adenosine receptors in the brain. This leads to increased focus and mental alertness.

  • The acidity in coffee stimulates the taste buds, giving it a pleasant and slightly bitter flavor profile.

  • Coffee also contains antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid. This has been linked to various health benefits, including reducing the risk of certain diseases.

3. The Ritual of Coffee Breaks: Moments of Connection

Coffee breaks serve as cherished interludes amidst a bustling workday. They allow people to connect, share ideas, and foster meaningful relationships. Did you know that studies have shown that taking short coffee breaks can improve productivity and creativity? A shared pot of coffee acts as a catalyst for conversations, encouraging collaboration and camaraderie among colleagues.

  • The Coffee Association of Canada reports that 55% of Canadians consider coffee breaks essential for socializing and building relationships in the workplace.

  • A study by the MIT Sloan School of Management revealed that employees who take coffee breaks together have higher levels of productivity and job satisfaction.

  • According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 34% of workers believe that taking coffee breaks helps alleviate stress and boosts creativity.

4. Pursuing Quality: From Ground to Cup

The quality of coffee we enjoy at work relies on our chosen ingredients and equipment. Opting for freshly ground coffee ensures maximum flavor and aroma. Investing in a reliable coffee maker or French press allows us to unlock the full potential of the beans. When prioritizing quality, we elevate our coffee experience into a moment of indulgence and satisfaction.

  • The freshness of coffee beans greatly impacts the flavor. After roasting, coffee beans release carbon dioxide, and within 2-3 weeks, they start to lose their freshness and aroma.

  • Pre-ground coffee has a shorter shelf life than whole beans because exposure to oxygen accelerates the staling process.

  • A French press allows for full immersion brewing, resulting in a robust and flavorful cup of coffee.

  • Investing in a high-quality coffee maker ensures consistent brewing temperatures and extraction, guaranteeing a superior coffee experience.

5. Beyond the Office: Exploring Coffee Culture


While office coffee holds a special place in our hearts, venturing beyond the workplace unveils a vibrant coffee culture. Coffee shops beckon with their diverse offerings, artisanal brewing methods, and tantalizing blends. Taking occasional excursions to these coffee havens allows us to broaden our horizons, discover new flavors, and appreciate the craft behind each cup.

The global coffee shop market is estimated to reach $237.6 billion by 2025. This indicates the growing popularity and demand for specialty coffee.
Different brewing methods such as AeroPress, Chemex, and pour-over have gained popularity among coffee enthusiasts for their ability to bring out unique flavor profiles.

Coffee shops often source their beans from specific regions, promoting fair trade practices and supporting sustainable agriculture.

Suggested Read: What is Mushroom Coffee & Should You Opt it Over Your Regular Coffee?

What Science Has To Say?

Scientists have long praised coffee's health advantages, including its caffeine-induced energy boost and antioxidants' ability to prevent free radical damage. Dehydration, sleeplessness, and addiction are just a few of the negative impacts that coffee has been linked to.

Our findings are consistent with what others have found about coffee's effects on productivity. After consumption, caffeine has been shown to improve cognitive function temporarily. It has been shown that 200mg of coffee aids in quicker word and phrase recognition.

This impact, nevertheless, fades with time. Our results show that the post-caffeine slump is a real, observable phenomenon. And instead of returning to where you were at the start in terms of productivity, you significantly deteriorate.

Coffee might be considered a short-term remedy for lessening fatigue and improving cognitive function. Caffeine addicts, like smokers, are rarely able to return to their normal comfort and energy levels when the first high wears off. Instead, until the next cup of coffee intervenes, their energy and productivity levels continue to decline.

How Much Coffee is Too Much?


Your body begins to experience the effects of excess caffeine once you consume more than five cups a day, or 500–600 milligrams of caffeine.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the adverse consequences of excessive coffee consumption include agitation, upset stomach, a quick heartbeat, trembling muscles, and restlessness. Some caffeine-sensitive individuals begin to experience these effects with far less coffee.

As coffee lovers can attest, it is addictive, and consuming it too soon before bed might keep you awake at night. Switching to decaf is a good way to prevent the jitters that come with too much caffeine. Even without the nervous energy, coffee still has certain health benefits.

However, most people will experience enhanced performance at work if they consume coffee in moderation. Start the espresso maker, bring the coffee grinder out, or look for the filters. It's time for coffee!


Coffee at work is more than just a daily ritual; it's a sensory journey that invigorates and inspires. From the art of brewing a perfect pot to the pleasure of savoring every sip, coffee brings people together, fuels their creativity, and provides moments of respite amid a busy day.

So, the next time you leave the office for a coffee break, embrace the opportunity to experience the richness and warmth that a cup of coffee can offer. Let the aroma swirl around you, the taste mesmerize you, and the conversation flows as you embark on your unique coffee adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Where Should a Coffee Station Be Located in the Office?

Choosing where to put a coffee station in your office could be difficult because there might be several locations. It's crucial to locate a coffee station in a spot that is spacious and open to all your staff.

2. How Can One Set Up a Coffee Station at the Office?

To create a great tasting beverage, your office coffee bar has to be well stocked. You don't want your staff to be causing a distraction by rummaging through the workplace for napkins or coffee mugs. Your new coffee station needs the following to enable your team to make a wonderful cup of coffee with ease:

  • A coffeemaker
  • Coffee
  • Milk
  • Creamers
  • Stirrers
  • Napkins
  • Coffee mugs or single-use cups
  • Sweeteners such as cinnamon, honey, or sugar

3. Are There Any Etiquette Regarding Coffee At Work?

There aren't necessarily hard regulations, but it's appreciated to clean up after using the coffee area, including getting rid of disposed coffee grounds, washing cups, and keeping the space tidy.

This article is written by Ritushree R Singh, who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. Besides having a curious heart with an avid taste for music, she relishes traveling to new places and exploring different cultures whenever possible. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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