Editor's pick : Find here, the latest strategies to boost mental health in the workplace!

Inculcate These Healthy Habits For Mental Health

11 min read
Last Updated on 30 November, 2023

Our days are frequently hectic and stressful. If you've ever experienced periods of extreme anxiety, you know how much it may impair your physical and mental health. Finding techniques to be calm and relaxed will help prevent stress from taking a toll on you.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as a "state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."

Importance Of Mental Health


Physical health helps our bodies stay strong, whereas mental fitness enables us to achieve and sustain optimal mental health. We enjoy our life, environment, and the people around us when we are mentally well. We have the zeal to be creative, learn, attempt new things, and take chances.

We can better deal with the hardships in our personal and professional life. We don't feel good when we think about the pain and fury that can accompany the death of a loved one, relationship troubles, job loss, and other terrible occurrences. Still, we move on gradually and get ourselves normalized.

Protecting our mental health can also aid in treating or preventing mental health issues that occasionally stay connected with chronic physical sickness. Stress management, for example, can have a favorable influence on heart disease.

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." — Albus Dumbledore.

16 Best Healthy Habits For Mental Health


Here is a list of 16 simple habits to improve your mental health and well-being. Feel free to adapt these practices to your lifestyle or change them as you feel the best!

1. Give Yourself A Break


We live in a fast-paced society. Thanks to the internet, we acquire information rapidly, and we're always on the go, absorbing information and responding emotionally. In some aspects, this is a good thing; we're more connected than ever before, and we can speak with friends and family wherever we are.

We have access to new support networks that we wouldn't have had decades ago. However, it may also bring tension, worry, a sense of being overwhelmed, and tremendous pressure to be ready at all times.

Don't be too hard on yourself! Make time for yourself and practice gratitude and self-care. Go outside and spend some time away from your devices, and try to limit your time on social media. It's okay to take some time off and focus on activities that relax and make you happy, whatever they may be.

2. Try To Open Up

Despite our best attempts, it can be challenging to be open about our mental health issues at times. We never know how others would respond, which may be frightening.

However, being honest with yourself, being vulnerable, and asking for help are all critical components of maintaining mental health. Sometimes a kind comment from someone you trust may make all the difference.

We are not built of stone, and everyone suffers at times. Being honest and upfront is the best thing we can do for others and ourselves. It could be as simple as calling a friend and asking to talk, going online and finding an anonymous support network, calling a doctor and asking for help, or attending a local support group.

Whatever path you choose, talking to others, seeking advice, direction, and support can be a very satisfying experience. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the person people look to when they need help or advice, and you'll be able to provide them with the same assistance you received when you needed it the most.

3. Be Physically Active


Daily physical exercise is a powerful technique for developing confidence and fostering positive mental health. Be it a walk around campus or going skiing.

Exercise causes the production of chemicals that improves your mood, such as endorphins and serotonin. It can also assist in alleviating emotions of loneliness and isolation by connecting you with other individuals.

Regular exercise helps reduce stress and symptoms of mental health illnesses such as depression and anxiety. It also aids in recovery from various mental health concerns.

4. Eat Healthy Brain-Boosting Foods


Some meals are especially beneficial to your mental wellness. Foods like fruits, vegetables, dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids benefit your mental health and brain function. Try incorporating more brainy foods into your daily diet to improve your mental health.

Read : 11 Fantastic Brain Food Snacks To Boost Productivity At Work

5. Stop Multitasking


Do you ever attempt to multitask and feel like your head is in a million pieces? You are not alone!

Multitasking reduces efficiency and work performance and may leave your brain feeling overloaded and disoriented. This tension is detrimental to your mental wellness. Break the practice of multitasking and replace it with a positive mental health habit.

6. Get Outside Daily Or Spend Time With Nature

Remember to appreciate the importance of fresh air and spending time in nature. Fresh air has been associated with increased focus, less stress, better higher mood, lower risk of mental diseases, and increased empathy and collaboration.

Your body craves a vacation from the four walls and the laptop screens. Spending at least 30 minutes in nature can assist in refreshing your body and mind by breaking the day-to-day monotony. Fresh air is a wonderful way to boost your mood and may help cleanse your thoughts. Take some time before or after work to go running or brisk walking in a park or elsewhere.

It does not have to be anything severe or time-consuming. Getting outside for a few minutes daily is a basic and straightforward practice for enhanced mental health.

Choose holidays that offer a variety of outdoor activities such as boating, hiking, and so on.

7. Call Your Loved One

It is time to check in on your family and friends regularly. Call your parents, write an old pal a message, FaceTime your grandparents, contact your closest friend – do anything you can to keep connected when you are physically out of reach.

8. Self-Compassion

A self-critical or perfectionistic personality can exacerbate stress and anxiety. This might include believing that you must be flawless to be accepted, being unable to accept imperfections in yourself, extreme self-scrutiny, or having an inflated perception of others' expectations and your ability to satisfy them.

Despite what many people fear, the remedy to perfectionism is self-compassion, not letting it all go or saying goodbye to standards.

According to researcher Kristen Neff, self-compassion has three components: self-kindness vs. self-judgment, common humanity vs. isolation, and mindfulness vs. overidentification.

How we treat ourselves through life's ups and downs may greatly influence our mental and physical well-being.

9. Meaning and Purpose

Without a nod to meaning and purpose, no list would be complete. Defining happiness for oneself may be crucial if we battle mood and bad emotions.

Victor Frankl stated in Man's Search for Meaning: "For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue." It's difficult to keep "happy" under control. It is considerably easier to exert control over "meaning."

10. Find Techniques To Keep Yourself Occupied And Entertained

Finding methods to keep yourself occupied is one of the terrific habits to improve your mental health. Entertainment allows you to divert your attention away from more critical issues. So read a good book, listen to a podcast, or watch that Netflix or Amazon Prime series that everyone is raving about.

These activities might be a fantastic way to keep your thoughts engaged positively. So, attempt an entertaining mental wellness activity.

11. Create A Daily Routine, So You Have Something To Look Forward To

Taking a shower, getting dressed, and planning your workday is the best way to start your day. These are all things you can do to build a daily habit. You may also schedule a time to journal, watch television, or work on a hobby.

" You are just one habit away from your awesome life." - Ashdin

The objective is to establish a cheerful environment where you can look forward to coming to work every day. A schedule allows you to avoid being mired in your emotions, especially over long periods, which can severely impact your mental wellness.

Make a list of activities to accomplish throughout the weekdays and weekends to help you build a habit. Once you have your list in place and begin going through it, you may make changes as needed. Although it appears easy, it is a crucial mental health exercise, particularly if you work alone.

12. Create Lists To Simplify Your Life


Simple things like grocery shopping can be stressful for some people. Don't be surprised if you are one of them; it's more prevalent than you believe! Making lists and taking the time to discover what you need, whether online or in-store, may help you simplify your life and improve your mental health.

Buying enough to last you a couple of weeks and then meal planning, depending on your needs, might also assist. In this manner, you may reduce any stress associated with frequent food shop journeys. By doing so, you are building a flow and minimizing anxiety from a stressful task.

13. Take Charge Of Your Finances


Did you know that one of the most essential practices for mental health is budgeting? So, if you've been falling behind on your expenses, spend some time to get your finances in order. Making it enjoyable is the greatest approach to doing this.

While making your budget or paying payments, enjoy a slice of your favorite dessert. This way, it won't seem like a chore, and you'll like doing it. You'll be shocked at how much better you'll feel once your finances are in order!

Read : Financial Stress : A Big Deterrent On Employee Wellness And Work

14. Practice Mindful Meditation


Meditation, particularly mindful meditation, helps practitioners to concentrate on the present moment. Suzanne Westbrook, a retired internal medicine doctor at Harvard, described it as a way of "noticing what happens moment to moment, the easy and the difficult, and the painful and the joyful. It's about building muscle to be present and awake in your life."

While individuals worldwide have been practicing meditation for thousands of years, it has only recently become a prominent topic among conventional medicine practitioners, owing to research showing that it does more than make you feel better or less stressed. Physical advantages appear to be supported by clinical data.

According to research, meditation can help people get better hours of sleep by fixing their sleep schedules. It helps to cope with various symptoms of mental diseases like depression and anxiety. It also lessens some psychological challenges associated with chronic pain, and even improve cognitive and behavioral skills.

15. It's Okay To Say No

You don't always have to say yes. If you're feeling stressed or already have a lot on your plate, decline that lunch or happy hour offer. Saying yes to everything not only adds to your stress but also perpetuates the notion that you always want to do things, which might not be the reality.

People around you may automatically sign you up for activities because you generally say yes. Then, you go along with it out of obligation, perpetuating this mentally unproductive loop.

Saying no is difficult for some people because of a personality trait or a sense of responsibility. According to a large body of research, people are trained to say yes from an early age and continue to do so throughout their lives to adhere to society's standards. While it may be difficult to break, begin saying no to things you don't want to do or agree with.

It can improve your mental health by getting you into the habit of doing things that make you happy rather than merely doing things to satisfy others. Don't be concerned about what others will say if you refuse the get-together or reunion. If they genuinely care about you, they will understand you want to avoid activities that don't offer you joy. You're establishing limits, which is just okay.

16. Treat Yourself Once In A While

Pampering yourself may appear selfish when you have a family or other responsibilities. This is for you if you create excuses for not needing a new dress or a visit to the spa. When you work hard every day, it's natural to want to spoil yourself now and again. But it isn't easy when you're used to putting your wishes aside for the sake of others.

It gets tough to break the habit of saying things like "you don't need it" or "it's too much" when purchasing something that will bring you joy. Working hard without putting money away to indulge yourself might make it appear like you're working for nothing.

This might cause you to lose motivation and reduce productivity at work and in life. However, you don't have to break the bank to pamper yourself because there are several methods to practice affordable self-care.

Taking yourself on an at-home date is one of the simplest ways to indulge yourself on a budget. Begin by playing your favorite music and creating a meal you enjoy. Then, decide on some hobbies that would make you joyful. Perhaps drawing, watching movies, reading, or anything that makes you happy.

After that, finish the night with a lovely, warm bath. Light a few candles, use some essential oils for relaxation, and adjust the lighting to your liking. Make a DIY face mask using a moisturizing oil, give yourself a scalp massage, and warm up a towel to drape on your neck for a true spa experience.

Bottom Line

Adopting routines that foster a healthy mind and attitude is critical to our mental health. They influence how we interact with people and find purpose in our daily lives.

By following these suggestions, you'll be one step ahead of the stress that might try to suffocate you every day. However, get treatment immediately if you are suffering in life and are melancholic. Asking for assistance is not simply a way to prevent depression or self-harm; it's also a good sign that someone is there to hold your hand and guide you to the light. We realize how critical this is, and we're here to assist.

I hope this blog has given you a better knowledge of several behaviors that most of us unwittingly have and should break. Breaking habits can be as difficult as creating them, so be patient. There will be ups and downs, but even if you use these ideas just once, you'll be well on improving your mental health.

This article is written by Ritushree R Singh, who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. Besides having a curious heart with an avid taste for music, she relishes traveling to new places and exploring different cultures whenever possible. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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