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10 Best Herbs for Eye Health of your Employees in 2022

5 min read
Last Updated on 16 August, 2022

Covid changed the workplace forever. Some may say it opened up the possibility of a hybrid workplace for them, while others might say it made them lonely! More and more employees complain about their vision wellness regardless of the pandemic. As we live in a digital world, this could have happened anyway. Let's look at the best herbs for eye health in 2022 which your employees can incorporate into their daily life.

“A person who finds a herb has found a cure”- Michael Johnson

1. Fennel

It is no coincidence that ancient Romans called fennel 'The herb of sight'. This herb contains Vitamin A, Iron, and nutrients that slow down cataract progression and promote vision wellness.


Suggested Way of Use-

  • Grind 1 cup almonds, fennel, and sugar to powder form.
  • Add a few tablespoons of this powder to a glass of milk.
  • Drink before going to bed.
  • Continue this routine for 40 days to see the difference in your vision.

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2. Bilberry

It contains antioxidants called Anthocyanins. Blueberry and cranberry, their botanical siblings, also contain such substances. In the 1940s, during the world war-II, Royal Air Force pilots reported of improved vision when they ate bilberry jam.

In spite of initial studies supporting these claims, more recent studies show that bilberry benefits do not include improved night vision.


Regardless it's a good healthy bet to take if you are an employee! Consume 50 gms of bilberries in your lunch. You should consume it for a few weeks for the best results.

It remains to be seen whether bilberry extracts can benefit old people with deteriorating night vision. One study found that anthocyanins from the black currant ( Ribes nigrum ) reduced eye fatigue and also accelerated adaptation to the dark.

3. Green Tea

Free radicals cause so-called oxidative damage. It is the underlying factor of many chronic diseases, including glaucoma, and cataracts. Antioxidants from green tea mop up the free radicals.


Furthermore, lab studies show the polyphenols in green tea protect retinal cells from UV light damage. UV light contributes to cataracts and macular degeneration.

Try it every morning after you wake up. You can also have it in the office along with your lunch. Green tea can help employees feel refreshed in between a tiresome work routine.

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4. Turmeric

Besides being an antioxidant, turmeric is also beneficial to the eyes. Turmeric reduces the presence of oxidation in the eye's lens. As a result, the eye's lens remains sharp and accurate.

Additionally, turmeric contains an ingredient known as Curcumin, which promotes healthy eyes. Researchers have found that this compound is effective in treating dry eye syndrome.


Furthermore, it can also prevent the onset of retinal degeneration. A sore throat can also be cured with turmeric thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. This keeps the pharynx located behind the nasal cavity well-functioning, leading to lesser stress on retinal nerves.

Hence, employees should inculcate turmeric in their daily diet in order to maintain healthy eyes.

5. Squash

It is impossible for the body to make lutein and zeaxanthin, but squash provides them all year round. Summer squash is also rich in vitamin C and zinc. Moreover, the winter squash contains omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins A and C.


Employees can pack a lunch with a mixed veg dish by cooking a fresh squash with vegetables. Certainly, a good way to keep the visit to an ophthalmologist doctor at bay.

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6. Eyebright

Eyebright is a herb that can improve eye health, interestingly as the name also suggests. There is evidence that it can treat conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. It is a very communicable disease and can affect the health of other employees in the workplace.

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids resulting from an eye infection. The eyebright can significantly reduce inflammation and cure the infection.

Hence, whenever employees feel itchy or irritated eyes, they can bring this herb into use for an effective cure. Eyebright can be applied directly to the eyes as a lotion for desired results. There are also eye drops available with Eyebright extracts.

7. Ginkgo Biloba

It relieves the optic nerves and improves blood flow to the retina. The retina is located in the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Preliminary research suggests that it can especially help to improve vision in people with diabetes.


It is an antioxidant that is very good for protecting nerve cells, especially those in the eye.

8. Grapeseed

The extract from the grapeseed contains phytochemicals that are beneficial to the eyes. Aside from those benefits, it also contains antihistamines and antioxidants which promote eye care.


Nowadays, grapeseed extracts are easily available commercially so employees can consume them and the results could be visible in a few weeks.

9. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Ayurveda recognizes amla as a powerful remedy for improving vision. Amlas, also known as Indian gooseberries, are one of the best sources of vitamin C. This fruit is full of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients that can improve your eyesight.

Amla contains a lot of vitamin C, which enhances the function of retinal cells and promotes healthier capillaries.

Add a few spoons of amla juice to half a cup of water. Drink this twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. As the taste of amla is a bit sour, the juice can also be consumed with honey.

10. Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Eye health problems like conjunctivitis, irritation, infections, and inflammatory responses contribute to poor eye health. The antioxidant properties of basil protect the eyes from free radical damage and oxidative stress. In addition to preventing eye problems, it also treats macular degeneration and cataracts.

Concluding Thoughts

Employees need the right vision to perform well at work. For this to happen, employees must not only undergo regular eye exams but also eat the right foods as a preventive measure.

By consuming herbs that have proven results to treat vision problems, you can keep these problems at bay in the long run. So buy some herbs today and try them. Do let us know how you feel after consuming these herbs.

This article is written by Nizamul Bhuyan, a Content Marketer at Vantage Circle. With a professional exprience of writing on various subject domains like Corporate Wellness and Sports, he prefers to watch football and explore new places to unwind. To get in touch, reach out to

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