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Learn How To Reduce Eye Strain At Work With These 7 Effective Ways

3 min read
Last Updated on 16 August, 2022

In this age of advanced technology, digital devices like smartphones, computers, televisions, are present in every aspect of our lives. We are becoming more and more dependent on such devices and spend most of our time using them.

While we cannot deny that digital devices have made our lives easier and better, they have also affected our health negatively in many ways.

First of all, our lives have become much more sedentary due to technology. And with increasingly sedentary lifestyles, health problems like obesity, diabetes, heart disease are becoming much more commonplace.

Moreover, due to exposure to digital screens for prolonged periods, many people experience digital eye strain and other vision problems.

For instance, nearly 70 percent of Americans experience symptoms of digital eye strain.

What is Digital Eye Strain, and what are its symptoms?

Digital eye strain, also known as Computer Vision Syndrome, refers to a group of eye-related problems resulting from prolonged exposure to digital screens.

When viewing digital screens, our eyes' blinking rate reduces, which is usually around 20 times a minute. This reduced blink rate causes dryness and discomfort in our eyes.

The following are some symptoms of Digital eye strain -

  • Watery or dry eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Tired, itchy, or burning eyes
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder and neck pain
  • Difficulty while focusing
  • Increased sensitivity to light

Workplace Productivity and Eye Strain

If you are a corporate employee, you probably spend hours staring at your computer screen, which makes you all the more vulnerable to eye strain.

Digital eye strain can be very uncomfortable, and it can affect your ability to concentrate on tasks. It can also decrease your productivity at work and affect the quality of your life.

Moreover, the discomfort caused by eye strain can cause you to miss work as well.

Ways to reduce eye strain at work

While it is not possible to avoid digital devices altogether, it is possible to reduce the effects of digital screens on your eyes. By being proactive about protecting your vision, you can minimize the impact of digital displays and prevent eye strain.

Here are seven ways you can reduce the effects of eye strain at work -

1. Adjust your surroundings

By making small adjustments in your surroundings, you can effectively reduce eye strain. Start by positioning your computer screen at an arm's length away from you and 10-15 degrees below eye level.

Also, ensure that your room's lighting is comfortable for your eyes and matches the brightness of your screen. You can also use a desk lamp that provides efficient lighting with minimal glare.

2. Tweak your computer's display settings

Adjust your screen settings so that they are easy on your eyes. Ensure that the font size is large enough for you to read comfortably. Adjust the brightness and contrast levels according to your comfort as well. Adjusting these settings can make a significant difference to your eye comfort levels.

3. Minimize glare

Too much glare from light sources can affect your eyes and also cause headaches. To minimize and eliminate screen glare, do not position your screen in front of a window or under fluorescent lighting. Always keep your screen clean and dust-free.

You.can also use an anti-glare screen protector if you work in an overly bright workplace.

4. Reduce screen time

Do not sit for prolonged periods in front of your computer screen. Instead, take frequent breaks every hour.

You can follow the 20-20-20 rule: Look at an object 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Doing this can help you reduce eye fatigue and other symptoms of eye strain.

5. Blink more often

Blinking helps keep your eyes moist and healthy. But as mentioned earlier, staring at a computer screen can reduce the number of times you blink and make your eyes feel dry.

As such, you should make a conscious effort to blink more often during work hours to maintain your eyes' moisture levels.

6. Use protective eyewear and eye drops

If you are regularly exposed to digital screens at work, wearing glasses and contact lenses specially designed to reduce digital eye strain can help a great deal. Such protective eyewear can block blue light from screens and prevent eye strain.

You can also use over the counter artificial tears to keep your eyes lubricated and relieve symptoms of eye strain at work.

7. Visit an eye doctor

If you work most of the time on computers, it is essential to examine your eyes by an ophthalmologist regularly. By doing so, you can ensure the optimal health of your eyes and identify early indicators of eye diseases.

Therefore, be proactive about protecting your vision and schedule an eye exam at the earliest.

Besides working as a content marketer at Vantage Circle, Shah Alif Ahmed is also an internationally certified nutrition specialist, competitive bodybuilder and a musician. For any queries reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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