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Ways to celebrate Women's Health Week at Work

5 min read
Last Updated on 23 April, 2024

The month of May comes bearing surprises for us women. As it is known, we celebrate the second Sunday of May as Mother’s Day. But very few know that the same day marks the beginning of Women’s Health Week.


What is Women’s Health Week?

Like Jean Hailes says, “Women’s Health. Powerful stuff.”- women’s health week is nothing but a day dedicated to women and their health. As a woman, I know a lot of women are least concerned about their health.

Now, women are so giving that they make time for every other thing for their close ones but themselves and their health. We hardly even go for regular checkups; however, many are conscious and aware.


So, women's health week is a nationwide campaign that lasts for an entire week. This week comprises activities and programs revolving around women’s health needs and awareness. Especially with the ongoing pandemic, the need to take good health care has increased manifold regardless of gender.

As per research, we women are at a higher risk for poor physical and mental health. This gives us more reasons to consider health a priority and be physically and mentally fit. Hence, National Women’s Health Week is all about encouraging women in confronting their health conditions.

Women’s Health Week in the Workplace


Women make around half of the workforce in today's world. Times have changed, and no longer are we considered as the weaker sex. And employers have actually started prioritizing women’s health at work over other things. With paid maternity leaves and whatnot, things are moving forward. And in the right direction for female employees in every organization.

Along with other things, it is high time we stop taking our health for granted and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Workplaces are where we follow the most unhealthy routine. With sedentary lifestyle being in trend and in the constant hustle and bustle of work, employees are mostly stressed out. And amidst stress, it gets difficult for them to pay attention to their health. Especially, for women as we have to maintain work-life balance on a greater scale.

From working in the office on just computers to doing the dishes at home or feeding the kids, we have to do it all.

So, this women’s health week, come up with nice and convenient ideas for your female workforce and implement them effectively.

1. Women's Health Week Workplace event

You as an employer should plan ahead of the kind of programs or activities that will take place on the first or the last day of the women’s health week.

Engage your women employees in fitness activities like 7-minute workout sessions or some group tasks. Try to make it fun and more competitive by assigning fitness rewards against them.

2. Gifts and Rewards

If you are not really up for holding events and other activities, keep it subtle and simple. Order health-centric merchandise, preferably online, for your female employees. Or you could reward them with points redeemable as gift cards to keep the rewarding system simple.


Distribute the gifts among them with a note saying thank you for their contribution to the organization. Also, share information on how health should be treated on a first-priority basis.

3. Awareness about Healthy Eating Habits

Now healthy eating is something vital to stay fit. Then comes physical fitness. But many lack this essential information. So offer practical nutritional information to the women workforce through webinars and workshops.


Invite a nutritionist as a speaker who has expert knowledge about the shortcomings of an unhealthy lifestyle. Likewise, the workshops can have people talking about workouts or yoga most beneficial to women.

All in all, support the female workers in your company. Help them focus on nourishing their health to improve productivity and optimize energy levels.

Such kind of awareness needs to be present in the workforce- female or not.

4. Walking Challenges

You can opt for a week-long celebration of women’s health week too if you want to. In fact, that would be more impactful than a one-day event. Walking is the easiest form of exercise, and nobody minds going on walks. Therefore, introducing a step challenge can do wonders to your health week plan.


Hold a 7-day walking challenge for your female employees. They will have specific daily targets to fulfill, completing which will earn them prizes. Walking for a cause is never a bad thing. So bring out the competitiveness in your female employees, making them bond with the team while moving around a little at the same time.

5. Counseling Sessions

Managing stress is a heavy task, especially during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. With work from home in the scene, the mind stays confined 24x7, and it is worse. Women are more prone to stress than men, and aiming to manage all sides together, their mental health hits rock bottom.

In a situation as such, employers must come forward and lend a hand. So, this women’s health week, support the female employees in your organization by providing them with counseling sessions. These sessions will make them aware of their mental health and help them deal with stress efficiently.

Wrap Up

Now, celebrating women’s health week is not a humongous task. If you wish, you can celebrate it every day. However, the primary need is for the female employees to acknowledge their health conditions and take proper measures to aid them.

So, prioritize women’s health in the workplace and make your women employees feel secure and aware. I hope the ideas mentioned above helped. If you have some more in mind, feel free to share.

This article is written by Dipshi Bhattacharjee. Besides working as a Content Writer at Vantage Circle, she is an animal lover with a huge fascination for Cinema, Television & Foreign languages. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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