Mood Meters : A New Corporate Health And Wellness Initiative
Maintaining a consistent fitness routine can be exhausting and challenging, especially when life’s ups and downs constantly come knocking at your door. Also, today’s hustle culture and uncalled workplace stress can influence your mood to a great extent. That’s where Vantage Fit’s mood meter comes to your rescue.
Mood meters can help you measure your emotional state. You can log your subtle mood changes, which are then displayed on a digital screen so that you can track them over time.
One of the most popular features of Vantage Fit is the mood meter which helps you track how your emotions fluctuate throughout the day.
In this article, we will discuss what exactly this feature offers and why it might be beneficial for you and your company to better manage your employees’ mental health.
This blog will further dive deeper into the benefits of a mood meter and how you can use it to enhance your employee’s overall well-being.
What is the Mood Meter?
A Mood Meter is a tool that helps you ascertain the mood a person is experiencing at any moment. Generally, these meters obtain this result by a series of questions. In short, it gives an overview of the prevailing emotional state of a person. Vantage Fit's mood meter is a catalyst for understanding your emotions in real-time.
In this regard, the mood meter joints certain emotions into different categories to evaluate your mental state. These categories are mainly colors that define a specific mood you are experiencing. These colors are:
RED: Indicates negative emotions implying unpleasantness ( e.g., angry, depressed, anxious, or scared).
PINK: Denotes a lack of energy (e.g., sadness, disappointment, and aloofness).
PEACH: Okay, implying not great (e.g., recovering from something or dealing with it ).
YELLOW: Good, but not too energetic (e.g., calm, relaxed, high in spirit).
GREEN: High energy and a positive attitude (e.g., positive emotions).
Also read: A Step-By-Step Guide To Vantage Fit Synchronization
How Can Mood Meters Improve Employee Well-being?
The Vantage Fit App has a mood meter that enables you to develop emotional awareness muscles. This tool is intended to help you improve your employees' emotional intelligence and expand their emotional vocabulary, become competent, and be more in touch with your emotions.
Aim Of Using A Mood Meter For Employees Overall Well-being
The Vantage Fit App has a mood meter that enables you to develop emotional awareness muscles. This tool is intended to help you improve your employees' emotional intelligence and expand their emotional vocabulary, become competent on your own, and be more in touch with your emotions.
Benefits Of Using A Mood Meter For Employees
Feelings are vital; if left unrecognized, they can become a problem. Negative feelings should not be ignored, while positives must be encouraged. For an employee, it becomes a difficult task to maintain records of their daily emotions.
Sometimes, negligence can escort a series of unwanted events and emotions too. Furthermore, affecting health and wellness at both personal and professional levels.
Here are a few of the advantages of using a mood meter at your office:
1. Helps To Track Employees’ Emotions For Optimal Well-being
It’s no secret that your emotions play an important role in your overall well-being and an emotionally drained employee is more likely to be a liability to your company. When it comes to employee health or wellness, emotions play a significant role in it.
Positive thinking and managing stress are crucial to optimal productivity. The Vantage Fit mood meter feature offers an intuitive way to monitor your employee's emotional state, allowing g you to get an insight into how to improve their emotional wellness.
Further, by using the App, you encourage your employees to examine their current emotions every day. You can get the answer to the most frequent question like, “What is the current mental state of the workforce?
Also read: 15 Emotional Wellness Activities to Practice in the Workplace
2. Helps To Build An Emotional Vocabulary
The Vantage Fit app’s mood meter feature displays a variety of emotions which will help you to what you are feeling with more depth and accuracy than you might otherwise be not able to accomplish. It helps you identify if your workers suffer from constant bad moods, which can signify workplace depression.
3. Understanding Real-time Emotional Intelligence
The mood meter feature of the app will allow you to capture your employees’ real-time emotions as they log in to their mood before starting the day or at the end of the day. It further helps you to keep track of your employees’ overall mental state and what are the factors affecting their mood either positively or negatively.
When you encourage your employees to log their mood daily before, during, or after work, you can create a comprehensive emotional profile that helps you to understand the patterns and triggers that affect your employee's emotional well-being.
4. Helps To Understand The Relationship Between Mood And Better Physical Health
The mood meter feature allows you to explore the correlation between physical health and emotional well-being. By analyzing the data over time, you can help your employees figure out what triggers and impact their mood.
As a result, you can identify the patterns and suggest specific exercises or activities to boost their emotional well-being. Physical activity and mindfulness exerciseemotional well-being increase serotonin levels in the body.
The habit of logging in your mood daily will further help you tailor your fitness regime accordingly and optimize your workout to enhance your overall mood.
The yale center for emotional intelligence use the power of emotions to create a more equitable, productive, healthy, and compassionate society, today and for future generations.
5. Helps To Keep A Record Of Your Employee's Happiness Index
As your employee becomes accustomed to using the feature, they become more aware of their emotional patterns. They can see when and why they may have felt a certain way. This allows them to adjust these trends over time. It also helps them to deal with anger management issues by being more aware of the cause.
Also read: 13 Top Anger Management Techniques For Work And Wellness
Why Choose Vantage Fit To Track Your Mood?
To offer the best wellness program or facilities to your employees, you need a more holistic approach to employees' wellness. It means including all the dimensions of wellness including the emotional aspect that greatly influences your employees both physical and mental health at work.
Vantage Fit’s mood meter feature revolutionizes how you approach employees’ emotional states and the undeniable connection between your mood and physical factors. Its tracking feature helps you log your mood daily on a scale of poor to great, depending on the factors that affected your mood.
By monitoring and identifying your mood patterns, you can help your employees to manage their emotions, make informed decisions and be more aware of the holistic benefits of being self-aware.
Here are a few more reasons to choose mood meters as a part of your workplace wellness programs -
It helps you ascertain if your workers are suffering from constant bad moods, which can signify depression.
What is the current mental state of the workforce?
How certain events in the workforce or the system brings about a mood change in the office.
Helps deal with anger management techniques.
Cultivate positive thinking and emotions at the workplace.
Assess how certain moods affect productivity.
Makes workers aware of their emotional resilience and mental health.
Promotes a wellness culture in the workplace.
Therefore, the use of a mood meter is highly recommended in the current day and age. Whether you’re looking for improving your mental state or simply enhance your employees’ wellness journey, Mood-meter is a game changer.
For a happier and healthier workforce, let Vantage Fit show you how to use and implement this innovative tool.
Use of Mood Meters in Employee Mood Survey
One of the common ways to use this is through an Employee Mood Survey.
1. Morning and Evening Deployment
The first step is to choose a mood meter from the many options available on the market, such as the Vantage Fit app. You can get the free tools or the ones with a paid subscription. Select the one that works best for you and deploy it to the workforce two times a day.
By this, we mean that you should forward the link to your worker's systems every morning and evening. Using this meter two times a day will help you understand your employees’ set of feelings or how a day progressed for your worker in terms of mood.
2. Entry by Workers
After deployment of the link, ask your workers to enter their details. Mood meters work by asking a few questions to the users about their current state. By analyzing the input of the workers, the tool ascertains the mood an individual is experiencing. It will help workers understand their emotional state better at the workplace.
3. Spot the Trends
After the entry in the mornings and evening, try to spot the trend in your workforce's mood. It may be that the mood at the start of the day can be bleak, but as the day progresses, it may pick up. Understanding this trend will help you know how to handle situations.
For example, say you have news that may hurt the workforce. Here, convey the information when the office's mood is at its best for workers to process it with a clear head.
Also read: How to Sync Vantage Fit with Your Android Devices
4. Suggest Measures to Improve
Once you can spot the trend, it is time for you to analyze the reasons behind the cause. Here, you must also search for ways in which you can better the situation for your workers. You can sit down in an informal lunch and learn session and discuss how to improve the situation and implement it with the workforce.
5. Follow Up
After you take the steps above, you should follow up on the newly-devised plan and measure the results. If you can see better moods, then you have a winning strategy at hand. If the results are not satisfactory, you must go back to the drawing board and start over with new plans.
These are how a mood meter can help you understand and maximize your workforce's emotional state. In this regard, we can help you a bit more in the upkeep of your office moods.
Vantage Fit- An Employee Wellness and Corporate Wellness Platform
The Vantage Fit mood meter helps employees to keep track of their daily moods. It has a great influence on employees' behavioral health. Employees can easily deal with challenging attitudes when they have this system in place. Furthermore, it is one of the cognitive behavioral therapy techniques that encourage employee wellness programs to meet mental and behavioral health goals.
Vantage Fit, An Employee Wellness and Corporate Wellness Platform is a full-fledged wellness portal, is also equipped with a mood meter. In Vantage Fit, we call it a mood-o-meter.
Vantage Fit, An Employee Wellness and Corporate Wellness Platform being a full-fledged wellness portal, is also equipped with a mood meter. In Vantage Fit, we call it a mood-o-meter.
Besides this, you also get loads of useful features like
Calorie intake
Rewards, gamification, etc.
To get a clear idea of how Vantage Fit works, get a demo today!
To bring this to an end, we would like to recommend you one practice for proper mood maintenance of your workforce- Mood Mapping.
Mood Mapping
Mood Mapping is the process of monitoring your moods for at least one week to check up on one's prevailing mental health. To do this, you should break up the day's 24 hours into four or five times frames and enter the mood in those particular time frames.
You can take the help of mood meters to assess the mood for that particular time frame. Knowing the week's progression will help you understand how a certain period is going or if you are falling prey to depression, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What Is A Mood Meter?
A mood meter is a tool or device used for tracking and understanding emotions. Usually, it is a visual representation that allows people to identify and record their current emotional state.
2. What Are The Benefits Of Using A Mood Meter?
Using a mood meter can provide several benefits, such as increased self-awareness, better emotional regulation, improved communication, and the ability to identify triggers that affect your mood.
3. How Accurate Are Mood Meters In Understanding Emotions?
Mood meters are not designed to be precise scientific instruments but rather a visual aid to help individuals become more aware of their emotions. They are subjective and rely on the individual's ability to recognize and label their emotions accurately.
Understanding employee moods is crucial in dissecting mental health.
So, you must pay proper attention to your workforce's mood to better maintain your employee health. We hope with this piece; you are now aware of the benefits of mood meters. And, how Vantage Fit can help you in this case.

Vantage Fit - A complete AI-Powered Solution for seamless implementation of your Corporate Wellness Program to nurture a healthy and engaged workforce