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9 Wellness Portal: Features That You Should Look For

5 min read
Last Updated on 19 June, 2024

A Wellness portal is an online device used to execute and screen a wellbeing program. The portal is to collate and bring together the numerous parts of a wellness program together. There are numerous advantages of a wellness portal from both a business and an employee's point of view.

A wellness portal can serve as a platform that can be customized for your employees and the goal of your program. It provides a one-stop solution for employees and also provides personal wellbeing monitoring and evaluations.

A wellness portal must cover all the dimensions of wellness;

  • Intellectual
  • Nutritional
  • Spiritual
  • Physical
  • Financial
  • Environmental
  • Emotional
  • Social

Wellness portal and wellness programs


A Wellness Portal is different from a corporate wellness program . Only a few businesses try to equate a wellness portal with having a wellbeing program. Wellness portals helps in simplifying the overall process of your wellness program.

Portals can be utilized to help convey wellbeing programs and help deal with the procedure. In a way wellness portal is an inevitable component of a wellness program at present time.

In this age when employees live fast-paced lives, an employee fitness portal like Vantage Fit is priceless. The Wellness Portal offers employees a protected, simple method for getting to everything related to wellness. It provides significant wellbeing measurements and wellbeing records and also assists in maintaining proper nutrition habits.

There are numerous things that you should consider when looking for a wellness portal. Let’s look into features that your wellness portal must have;

1. Provide simple and effective wellbeing evaluation


Good health comes with good information.

Easy health assessment with simple evaluations can be time-saving. Health assessment is important so that they understand their underlying health risk. Simple and realistic questions with personal action plans always work wonders.

The bio test accumulates the information and give the instruction in a straightforward, private arrangement. Taking an individual wellbeing evaluation on a cell phone as basic and simple is also good.

2. Instruct the individual in an innovative and motivating way


There are many approaches to teach representatives about the requirement for solid practices. A decent wellbeing program is going to utilize different mediums to assist people with understanding the significance of wellness.

Wellbeing portal should do an excellent activity of decoding and delivering individual wellbeing data.

3. Track program participation and monitor progress


Highly customized wellbeing frameworks will naturally follow program interest and individual wellbeing practices. At the point when we see the improvement, you are motivated to proceed with new practices. By demonstrating cooperation and action, a decent framework can assist people with perceiving how their movement changes across time.

Wellness portal can assist you to achieve your optimum health the necessary wellness changes suggested in the portal. Employers can track employee participation to get a perspective on everything going on inside the team. This is maybe one of the most helpful parts of a wellbeing portal.

4. Incentives to motivate


Having a wellness portal isn’t enough but there should ways to motivate. The individual should get motivated to complete a wellness objective and rewards could be the best way to do so. Managing a wellbeing motivator plan is a must for a wellness portal.

Your employer’s wellbeing program should focus on health rewards. A decent wellbeing framework will be very simple for employees to report and keep tabs on their development. The simpler it is for employees to take an interest the more they will appreciate it. Thus it will be more probable they are to procure behavioral changes.

Read: 5 Advantages of Digital Wellness For Employees And Workplace Wellness

5. Easy integration


Being mobile friendly is the need of the hour. A mobile-friendly platform allows for consistency between employers and employees. Now again showings on the best way for employees to incorporate behavioral change are not sufficient.

Employees may require knowledge or information to assist them with being healthy. Providing nutritional plans customized for individuals based on their preferences and lifestyle is helpful. Different wellness or fitness blogs in the portal might be helpful for you to learn and incorporate it into your life.

6. Social connectivity


Social connectivity is the key to any mental and behavioral health condition. Wellness portals that offer team challenges, leaderboards, or other activities provide a platform for employees to engage. Allowing chats and appreciation among the participants can also encourage employees to form better teams in the future.

Wellness challenges are also good for social connectivity among the co-workers. It will bring employees closer together to stay motivated for a healthy living. The wellness leaderboard and challenges will encourage employees to go the extra mile to stay fit.

7. Trendy wellbeing features


A good wellness portal must consist of enhanced features that look into all-around aspects. It must consist of features like; 7-minutes workout, mood trackers, activity and meals logs, water intake feature, mindfulness meditation, etc.

With such options, individuals can stay interested to try and track something new every day. The concept of wellness and well-being are not more limited to traditional ones only. So, trendy health and wellness features can be exciting.

A healthy employee helps employees thrive in a successful workplace. Employees must be given free counselling, workshops, documentation or blogs, etc, on health and wellness. Providing wellness literacy materials will help individuals gain more knowledge on healthy living or why it is essential to adapt to a healthy lifestyle.

8. Calendar events


A wellness calendar planning will help employees’ track wellness activities throughout the year. It highlights special events, promoting awareness along with health, nutrition, food, etc tracking.

Calendar helps maintain and remind of activities that one is supposed to keep in mind and take up actions accordingly.

9. Wellness Literacy


Employees must be provided with all the information regarding health and wellness. Knowledge and awareness of health and well-being are crucial for every employee, whether physical or mental health.

Read more blogs on: Diet and Nutrition

Final words

In this time, people expect for quicker information, secure and easy means of accessing things. Wellness programs that use an effective wellness portal will improve employee’s health. There are many benefits of an employee wellness portal but perhaps the most obvious is the cost-saving value.

They also help in increasing the productivity of your organization.Overall wellness portals empower employees to actively manage their health. It also allows employers to maximize the impact of their wellness initiatives and promote a culture of wellness.

Debajit Baruah is an entrepreneur, marketer and analyst. He is a Digital marketer for Vantage Circle and authors in-depth guides that teach the importance of fitness and wellbeing in the corporate world. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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