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13 Mindfulness Exercises to Improve Employee Well-being at Work

21 min read
Last Updated on 03 October, 2024

The modern working adult’s mind is like a circus performer juggling a hundred flaming chainsaws while balancing on a tightrope and singing show tunes! With so much going on, it’s no wonder employees often feel overwhelmed and struggle to stay focused, one task at a time.

You'd be surprised to see how many employees are burnt out or experiencing stress because of constant hurdles and daily workloads. And often, due to busy schedules and tight deadlines, issues like mindfulness at work get overlooked.

According to research, 89% of Americans faced burnout in the past year. Among them, 44% dealt with physical fatigue, and 32% experienced cognitive exhaustion due to workplace stress.

It is, in fact, a modern-day warfare!

So, what if you encouraged practicing mindfulness techniques at work? Could purposeful, mindful breaks aid your employees in approaching their tasks with renewed clarity and focus?

Let us try to understand it in detail.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness means consciously bringing awareness to your experiences, thoughts, and emotions in the present moment. It is the basic human ability to clearly see and be in the reality of each moment rather than getting overwhelmed or controlled by the situation.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Clinic (1979), describes mindfulness as “Paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, non-judgmentally.”

To explain this concept in simplistic terms, Gautama Buddha once narrated a story about a turtle and a fox. The story is as follows:

Once upon a time, Mr. Turtle and Mr. Fox met in a jungle.

Mr. Fox’s mouth watered, thinking of the “turtle stew” that he’d get to devour that day. "Yummy", he thought.

Overwhelmed with extreme anxiety and worry, Mr. Turtle started panicking a lot. He instantly realized that no amount of sorcery could save his life today!

“Oh no! I am in so much trouble. What to do now?” Mr. Turtle thought.

(You won’t believe what his plan of action was!)

Mr. Brave Little Turtle went inside his shell and stayed still, not reacting but just being attentive. Mr. Fox went round and round Mr. Turtle but got no response. Eventually, he ran short of patience and went away.

The moral of this story is:

When you encounter “foxes” like worry, sadness, or depression in your daily life, respond like a mindful turtle. Go inside yourself and observe these states of mind without reacting or judging. This doesn’t mean escaping your problems.

Rather, it shows your innate ability to realize that these states of mind are temporary, and choosing not to be overwhelmed/ reactionary is the pathway to attaining clarity and wisdom.

A mindful turtle combatting foxes like stress anger anxiety in real life

"The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness."
– Abraham Maslow

How does Mindfulness Work?

While mindfulness techniques have long been practiced, modern science demonstrates how and why they work. Mindfulness can physically alter the brain, thanks to neuroplasticity - the brain's capacity to restructure and form new connections throughout life.

Advancements in neuroscience reveal how mindfulness alters the brain’s Default Mode Network (DMN).

The Default Mode Network is a set of interconnected brain structures first identified in 2001 by neuroscientist Marcus Raichle. It enables us to recall memories, envision the future, and self-reflect. Although on the flip side, the DMN can make us feel trapped by keeping our minds looped between anxieties and regrets.

This network connects parts of the cerebral cortex (responsible for thinking and decision-making) to the brain's deeper and evolutionary older structures that govern emotion and memory. When the DMN is overstimulated, the mind can get intensely chaotic. Because of this, Buddhists used to refer to this scattered mental state as the "monkey mind."

You might have heard the adage: “An empty mind is the devil’s workshop.” Well, scientifically speaking, when your mind has nothing better to do, the DMN activity intensifies. So, it’s not the devil, per se. It’s your DMN that behaves like a Dementor!

For instance, after an 8-week mindfulness (MBSR) program, MRI scans of the practitioners revealed :

Practicing Mindfulness results in Increased Gray Matter in Hippocampus and Decreased Gray Matter in Amygdala
  • Increased gray matter density in the hippocampus which led to better memory and good emotions.
  • Decreased gray matter in the amygdala, which led to less stress and anxiety levels.

Therefore, mindfulness techniques can silence the “monkey mind” and strengthen networks tied to memory, attention, and emotional regulation.

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.”
– Marcus Aurelius

What is Mindfulness in the Workplace?

Mindfulness in the workplace involves the practice of bringing intentional, focused attention to the present moment within a professional setting. While it originated from ancient Buddhist teachings, secular mindfulness has become widespread in modern corporate environments.

Companies have realized that mindfulness has tangible benefits for both employees and the organization as a whole. And integrating mindfulness at work need not be complicated.

What you can do is simply encourage leaders/managers to practice mindfulness and set an example for their teams. Consider organizing mindfulness workshops and providing resources to empower employees with practical tools for well-being.

Simply put, allowing your employees to practice basic mindfulness techniques will uplift their work ethic more than anything else. The benefits of integrating mindfulness into your work routine are manifold. Here are a few of the many benefits of mindfulness mentioned below -

12 Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness in the Workplace

How Employees Practicing Mindfulness Benefits Employers?

While encouraging employees to work harder may seem like a good way of boosting productivity, studies show that creating a positive, mindful work environment pays off far more for employers in the long run. Bringing basic mindfulness techniques into the workplace can lead to the following employer/organization benefits -

Increased Efficiency

By Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work an Employee Benefits the Employer with Increased Work Efficiency

Mindful Employees tend to work more efficiently, completing tasks with greater focus and accuracy. It benefits the employer through improved work quality and on-time project completion.

Innovation and Problem Solving

A mindful employee is assisting another employee in problem solving which in turn will benefit the employer

Mindful employees often contribute innovative ideas and solutions to demanding business challenges.

Financial Savings on Staff Onboarding

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Mindfulness practices lead to lower employee turnover rates. It leads to significant cost savings for employers in terms of recruitment, training, and onboarding expenses.

Improved Customer Relations

A Mindful Employee benefits employers with improved customer relations

Mindful employees are better equipped to handle customers calmly and effectively. This benefits the employer’s reputation and revenue.

Conflict Resolution

Mindful employees benefit employers by resolving conflicts

Mindfulness can equip employees with better emotional regulation. This can reduce workplace disruptions, aid team cohesion, and thus contribute to the optimal enhancement of the workplace culture.

A 2016 study found mindfulness techniques to be a simple and low-cost approach to decreasing negative emotions, stress, and anxiety.

What are Mindfulness Activities?

If you discuss mindfulness activities, it refers to the mindfulness techniques that you practice to help you find grounding in everyday life. It teaches you to be present in the here and now and helps to draw your attention to what's happening around you.

Further, it gives you the tools to put away your thoughts about the past and future.

The main purpose of mindfulness activities is to help you deal with situations without judgment and with a better conscience. Most activities or techniques require guided imagery, sounds, and breathwork to elevate your senses and find a sense of calm.

13 Mindfulness Activities for the Workplace

Here are the mindfulness exercises that both employers and employees can perform to balance their work-life:

1. Beginner-friendly Mindfulness Meditation

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Beginner Friendly Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is not about controlling one’s mind or eliminating thoughts or distractions. It is about cultivating focused attention.

A major event that gave many Americans their first glimpse of mindfulness meditation was Bill Moyers' 1993 special titled "Healing and the Mind." Later, Jon Kabat-Zinn introduced a program called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, which proved to be one of the most groundbreaking moments in the realm of mindfulness.

Research says that the more meditation experience a person has, the less their amygdala (the brain’s emotional center) reacts to triggers. That is because the connection between the emotional part and the regulatory part of the brain gets strengthened by mindfulness meditation training.

Moreover, in brain scans of expert meditators, the DMN is less active. So, people who cultivate meditation habits in their daily routine experience a strong sense of calmness.

This tranquil state of the DMN during meditation fosters a profound sense of mental clarity and well-being.

How to Practice?

  • Find a quiet place at your workplace and commit to a time frame for your practice. Start with just 2-3 minutes.
  • Sit on a chair or on the floor restfully, with your spine erect but not rigid.
  • Bring your attention to your breath entering and leaving your body.
    When your mind wanders, gently return your focus to your breath. Don't judge yourself, just refocus.
  • Pay attention to any sensations, thoughts, or feelings that arise. Observe them with curiosity and acceptance.
  • Expand your awareness of bodily sensations, sounds, or your general environment.
  • When the time is up, slowly deepen your breath and gently open your eyes, carrying mindfulness into your next activity.

Try to practice daily and integrate mindfulness into your everyday routine.

The key steps are getting into a comfortable seated posture, concentrating on your breath, observing when your mind wanders without judgment, and expanding your awareness. It takes regular practice but gets easier over time.

Suggested Read: 8 Surprising Benefits Of Introducing Meditation At Work

2. Mindful Listening:

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Mindfully Listening to Others

Although phones and social media were invented to aid human interaction, it is rare to witness a person without their face buried in a screen. We do talk to each other, but we rarely listen to each other attentively.

Mindful Listening, thus, is a form of active and empathetic listening where you fully engage with the speaker, giving them your undivided attention. It is about being present in the moment, without judgment or distractions, and intently listening to what the other person says.

How to Practice?

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place at your workplace where you can have an engaging one-on-one. Turn off your phone or put it on silent mode to eliminate distractions.
  • Maintain eye contact with your colleague to convey your utmost attentiveness and respect. Ensure that your body language is relaxed and welcoming.
  • Practice active listening to fully grasp what the speaker is saying. Avoid formulating your response in your mind while they are talking. Listen with the intent of fully understanding their words and emotions.
  • Take a moment to reflect on what they have shared with you. Respond in a thoughtful and considerate manner, considering the speaker’s perspective.

Mindful listening requires patience and attentiveness, especially in challenging situations. Stay present and establish healthy communication.

3. Mindful Eating

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Mindful Eating

In the hustle and bustle of modern workplaces, it’s too easy to fall into the habit of mindlessly munching at your work desk, barely paying attention to what you’re consuming. However, introducing mindful eating at work can fruitfully impact your health.

Here are a few tips for a mindful meal:

  • Step away from your desk during lunchtime. Seek out a quiet place to relish your meals.
  • Put away your phone.
  • Express gratitude for your meal and the nourishment it provides.
  • Chew your food mindfully and thoroughly to aid digestion.
  • Be mindful of unhealthy cravings. Rather, choose healthier options and be mindful of portion sizes.
  • While eating, engage all your senses. Notice the aroma, texture, and the appearance of your food.
  • Incorporate vibrant colors into your diet, including abundant vegetables and fruits.
  • Track your water intake to ensure proper hydration.

Embracing mindful eating today can improve your physical, mental, behavioral, and spiritual well-being. Therefore, I encourage you to start this practice today.

4. Mindful Immersion

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Mindful Immersion

Mindful Immersion, often referred to as “flow,” is a state of complete engrossment in a task. It’s when you’re so deeply engaged in what you’re doing that you lose track of time, and distractions melt away. This flow state is characterized by focused attention, a sense of joyfulness, and a feeling of being in control of the task.

How to Practice?

  • Select a specific task you need to work on.
  • Define clear goals and objectives for the task. Having a clear sense of your target will help you in staying focused.
  • Start the task with a sense of purpose and commitment. Put aside any thoughts that don’t pertain to the task. Try your best to be fully present in the moment.
  • Eliminate Multitasking. Just pay undivided attention to the task at hand.
  • Stay committed to the task’s progress and adjust your efforts accordingly. If you feel your attention waning, take a short break.
  • Find joy and satisfaction in the task itself. Appreciate the challenges and little achievements as you make progress.

5. Mindful exploration of the 5 senses

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercise at Work through Mindful Exploration of the Five Senses

This aims to make you feel centered by focusing on your 5 senses in the present moment. When you feel stressed at work, taking a few minutes to engage with your senses can help you find composure amidst the daily hustle.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Switch to a comfortable seated position during lunchtime, with both feet on the ground and your hands resting gently on your lap. You can either close your eyes or keep them open, focusing on an object in the room.
  • Take a moment to feel grounded in your chair. Pay attention to your breath - the inhale, the exhale, and the peaceful space in between.
  • Acknowledge how your body feels in this moment.

Now, explore your senses one by one. We will pause for 30 seconds after exploring each sense-

  • Hearing: Shift your focus to the sounds around you. Listen mindfully without judgment to both nearby and distant sounds, even those within your body.

  • Smell: Now, direct your attention to scents in your surroundings. Breathe in slowly and notice any scents that come to mind, whether distinct or neutral.

  • Sight: Gently open or keep your eyes shut, observing your surroundings. Note the colors, shapes, and textures that catch your line of sight, or feel the sensations of color and light with your eyes closed.

  • Taste: Now, pay attention to the taste lingering in your mouth, whether sweet, bitter, or neutral.

  • Touch: Focus on sensations of contact or touch, whether the feeling of the air brushing against your skin, your connection to the chair, or the texture of your clothes.

  • After exploring all the senses, gently redirect your attention back to your breath. Take one last deep breath, and when you’re ready, slowly open your eyes. Gradually bring your awareness back to your room and carry this sense of mindful presence with you as you continue your day.

By engaging your senses mindfully, your employees can take a moment to anchor themselves in the present. This practice can bring your employees a sense of clarity, reduce stress, and promote a sense of well-being.

6. Mindful Body Scan

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Mindful Body Scan

If you want to try something different apart from meditation or normal mindfulness practice, you can opt for the body scan meditation. Body scan meditation (BSM) involves directing your attention toward sensations occurring in different parts of the body. It helps you become more aware of your body language, bodily sensations, feelings, and emotions.

Here’s how you can practice it:

  • Close your eyes briefly and mentally scan your body.
  • Begin the scan from your toes and slowly move your way up to your head.
  • As you progress, try not to let your mind wander. Instead, anchor your attention to each body part you encounter.
  • Release all the tension from your body gradually.

You can practice this using a wellness or health app like Vantage Fit, which provides features like 8-minute body scan meditation sessions.

The American College of Sports Medicine found that body scan meditation can promote physical and emotional wellness.

7. Mindful Desk Yoga Stretches

Long hours at a desk can lead to stiffness and discomfort. Fortunately, you can infuse your workday with mindful desk exercises to alleviate stress, boost energy, and enhance overall wellness. Here are two simple office exercises you can incorporate into your work schedule:

Seated Cat-Cow Stretch

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Seated Cat Cow Stretch

This stretch promotes flexibility in the spine, releasing neck and back tension.

How to Practice:
  • Sit comfortably with your feet on the floor and your hands resting on your knees.
  • Inhale deeply as you arch your back, lifting your chest and chin upward (Cow Pose).
  • Exhale slowly as you round your back, tucking your chin to your chest (Cat Pose).
  • Continue to flow between Cat and Cow poses with each breath for 1-2 minutes.
  • Focus on the sensations in your spine and the rhythm of your breath.
  • Finish by returning to a neutral seated position, with your spine in a comfortable, upright posture.

Desk Chair Pigeon Pose

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Desk Chair Pigeon Pose

This stretch targets your hips, alleviates lower back pain, and enhances blood circulation in your legs.

How to Practice?
  • Start by sitting at the front of your chair with your feet touching the ground.
  • Lift your right ankle and place it on top of your left knee, creating a figure-four shape with your legs.
  • Gently press down on your right knee to open up your hip, but make sure not to force the stretch. You should feel a comfortable stretch in your right hip and buttock.
  • Hold this posture for a duration of 30 seconds to 1 minute while keeping a good posture and breathing deeply.
  • Next, do the same thing on the other side by putting your left ankle on top of your right knee.

Incorporating these desk exercises into your daily work habits can greatly impact how you feel at your desk. By taking just a few minutes each day to stretch, you are not only nurturing your physical well-being but also enhancing mental clarity and focus.

Suggested Read: 15 Easy Office Stretches For Better Employee Health

8. Mindful Gratitude

Employees Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work by being Mindfully Grateful towards each other

Incorporating mindful gratitude into your workplace culture can be a game-changer for individual employees and the organization. It’s about appreciating and acknowledging the contributions of your colleagues/employees and those outside your organization.

Here’s how you can cultivate Mindful Gratitude at work:

  • Begin by expressing gratitude yourself. Recognize and thank your employees/peers for their contributions, no matter how small.
  • Incorporate appreciation rituals into team meetings or daily routines. Encourage colleagues to share moments of gratitude.
  • Create platforms where employees can recognize and appreciate each other’s efforts.

For instance, we have an in-house Rewards and Recognition platform, Vantage Rewards, where employees/employers can appreciate each other by writing mindful words. They can also reward each other with badges and monetary appreciation.

  • Offer mindfulness and gratitude training to empower employees with practical tools.

Although being grateful to others is crucial to ensure mutual harmony at the workplace, being grateful to one’s own self is equally important. To practice self-gratitude, consider keeping a gratitude journal. Each day, jot down three to five things you’re grateful for. Doing so will help you to count your blessings when work stress blows off the charts!

Suggested Read: Top 5 Benefits Of Gratitude On Workplace Wellness

9. Mindful Observation

A Woman Praticing Mindfulness Exercises at Work by Mindfully Observing A Potted Plant

Mindful Observation is the act of intentionally and attentively observing a natural object or element from your surroundings. It involves focusing your attention, without distraction, on the details of an object or scene.

How to Practice Mindful Observation at the Workplace?

  • Choose a natural object within your workplace environment that catches your interest. It could be a potted plant, a piece of furniture, a view from the sky from your window, or even a bird outside.
  • Find a quiet spot where you can be undisturbed and can mindfully observe.
    Approach the object with a sense of curiosity. Notice its colors, shapes, and textures. Don’t judge or analyze.
  • Engage all your senses while you are observing.
  • Let go of any distracting thoughts or concerns about work-related things. Focus solely on the object; immerse yourself.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Pay attention to the details that you might have overlooked before.
    Anchor yourself in the present moment and deepen your connection with the chosen object.

Practicing mindful observation at the workplace is a powerful way to strengthen focus and attention. Such exercises can help employees deal with absent-mindedness and instill enhanced mental prowess.

10. Mindful Acceptance

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Mindfully Pausing and Accepting her Reality

The modern workplace is often dynamic and filled with diverse challenges and emotions. It’s natural to encounter situations that can trigger stress, frustration, or discomfort.

Practicing mindful acceptance offers a powerful tool to navigate these moments with awareness and resilience. It’s about accepting these negative feelings as a part of your current reality rather than resisting or suppressing them.

How to practice?

  • The very first step is to recognize and name your emotions. When faced with a stressful situation at work, pause for a moment and identify your feelings. Is it frustration, anxiety, or stress?
  • Take a short break to focus on your breath. Pausing and breathing allow you to create space between the stimulus and your response.
  • Observe your emotions and work-related situations without judgment. Refrain from labeling them as “good” or “bad.” Instead, just acknowledge them as a natural part of your experience.
  • Treat yourself with compassion. Remember that it's okay to feel what you’re feeling.
  • Understand that there are aspects of your workplace that you can’t control. Rather, shift your perspective and view those adversaries as opportunities for growth.

Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation. Once you’ve acknowledged your feelings and circumstances, you can work towards constructively solving the issues at hand.

11. Mindful Unplugging

A Woman Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work by taking a Stroll outside to Unplug herself

Mindful unplugging means thoughtfully disconnecting from digital devices and distractions to regain control over your life. It’s about creating moments of presence and mindfulness by chiding away from screens.

How to practice?

  • Designate a specific unplugging time during your workday.
  • Silence notifications.
  • Engage in mindful breathing exercises.
  • Step outside for a short walk or simply gaze out the window and observe nature.
  • You can also utilize your unplugged time to read books or write about your inner feelings.

Make your lunch break an unplugged ritual. Put away your phone, step away from your laptop, and savor your meal mindfully. Later, go for a nice little walk. It will aid digestion and keep your mental weariness at bay.

12. Mindful Visualization

A Man Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work through Mindful Visualization

Visualization is a mindfulness practice that helps shape your mindset and emotional state for various challenging workplace situations. It’s about harnessing the power of your imagination to cultivate positive associations that align with performance and wellness goals.

How to practice?

  • Identify the specific circumstance or emotion you want to address. For example, preparing for a PowerPoint presentation, managing performance anxiety, etc.
  • Seek a quiet space and sit/lie down with your eyes closed.
  • Define your intention for the visualization process. What do you want to achieve or feel during this practice?
  • Imagine the desired scenario as vividly as possible. Engage all your senses.
  • As you visualize, allow positive emotions to flow. Feel the confidence and satisfaction associated with your ideal goal.

Consistency is key. Dedicate a few minutes each day to reap the benefits of mindful visualization.

13. Mindfulness-Inducing Card Games

An Employee Practicing Mindfulness Exercises at Work by Playing Mindfulness-Inducing Card Games

This is a fun, gamified version of mindfulness added to the list. Ever heard of drinking games? So, rather than deciding who gets to drink, we will focus on who will unlock their mindfulness power based on the card prompts.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Introduce the concept of mindfulness and the purpose of the cards to your colleagues. Emphasize that these activities are designed to help them relax, refocus, and boost overall well-being.
  • Place the cards in a stack and shuffle them. Each colleague can take turns drawing a card from the deck.
  • When a card is drawn, the colleagues should read the prompt or activity aloud and follow the instructions. Encourage them to engage fully in the activity, focusing on the present moment.
Here are a few prompt ideas:
  • Think of a happy memory and describe it in detail, including sights, sounds, smells, and feelings.

  • Pick a scent you love. Imagine you're surrounded by that scent, and describe how it makes you feel.

  • Dance to an upbeat song for 60 seconds. Feel the energy move through you.

  • Keep the activities short, typically around 1-2 minutes. The goal is to provide a quick, refreshing break.

  • After completion, share each other’s experiences. This instills a sense of connection and shared mindfulness.

  • Schedule such fun sessions regularly. You can keep changing the prompts as per your wish.

Thus, by doing things mindfully at your workplace, you invest in your personal and professional growth, fostering creativity, resilience, and a heightened sense of presence in your daily tasks.

How to be Mindful at Work?

How being mindful at work improves employee wellbeing

Bringing mindfulness to our work entails learning to inhabit each moment fully. Rather than rushing through tasks on autopilot, we can train ourselves to engage fully with the activity.

Here are a few things that you can do:

  • When you notice your attention drifting, gently bring it back to what you are doing now. For example, feel the keys under your fingers while sending emails and read each sentence closely.

  • If in a meeting, focus on the speaker's words and tune into your breathing.

  • Cultivate mindfulness in your workday by pausing to set intentions before tasks.

  • Limit multitasking and give full concentration to each activity instead.

With consistent effort, you can learn to inhabit every work moment mindfully.

Mindfulness Exercises for Anxiety and Depression

Depression is one of the major causes of mental health disability in the United States and worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. It impacts around 264 million people globally and 17.3 million adults in the United States alone.

Depression is characterized by constant feelings of hopelessness and/or loss of interest or pleasure in activities. It is very different from sadness. While sadness can spring from life occurrences, depression, on the other hand, doesn’t necessarily require any misfortunes to occur.

On the other hand, anxiety disorder is another leading cause of mental health disability in the post-pandemic era. It can induce symptoms such as panic attacks, overwhelmingness, upset stomach, loss of libido, insomnia, and extreme fatigue, to name a few.

Both depression and anxiety are interrelated. In fact, chronic anxiety can increase a person’s risk for depression in many ways.

And coming to work with such debilitating disorders sounds very dreadful. Here are a few of the exercises that employees can do at the workplace to combat this dreadfulness:

Mindful Breathing

A Woman Practicing Mindful Breathing to Combat Anxiety and Depression

Take 5-10 minutes to focus solely on the inhale and exhale of your breath. Notice the sensations in your nostrils, the rise and fall of your chest. This simple practice can quickly calm the nervous system when anxiety strikes.

Noting Technique

A Woman deals with Anxiety and Depression through Mindfully Noting her Emotions

During anxious moments, mentally note "worry," "fear," or "anxiety." This labeling of anxiety triggers creates distance and perspective on the feeling.

Walking Meditation

A Woman deals with Anxiety and Depression through Mindful Walking Meditation

Take mindful walks to relieve anxiety and clear your head. Feel the feet connect with the ground.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

A Woman Combatting Anxiety and Depression by Practicing Loving Kindness Meditation

Counteract negative self-talk by repeating mantras of compassion towards yourself and others. Send thoughts of "May I be happy," etc.

Sensory Awareness

A Woman deals with Anxiety and Depression through Mindful Sensory Awareness

Engaging your senses by mindfully smelling flowers, tasting tea, and listening to birdsong can pull you into the present.

For severe cases of Depression and anxiety, it is recommended to seek professional help.

Suggested Read: 12 Best Ideas For Overcoming Depression At Work

Tips on getting the most from Mindfulness

  • Pay full attention to your senses - sights, sounds, textures. Notice details.
  • When your mind wanders, gently return focus to the present moment.
  • Observe thoughts and feelings with friendly acceptance, not judgment.
  • Focus on your breathing or surroundings to anchor yourself in the present.
  • Be patient and kind to yourself. Minds wander. Simply refocus when they do.


These are some mindfulness program success stories from people who have benefited from the practice. Let's take a moment to hear their thoughts:

Testimonials of mindfulness programs

Wrapping Up

Fostering mindfulness among employees is an investment that pays dividends.

When individuals embrace positive change through mindful activities, they embark on a transformative journey that fuels personal growth and enhances professional development.

By encouraging employees to engage in mindfulness exercises at work, you pave the way for a more focused, resilient, and harmonious workforce.

This commitment to employee well-being can lead to increased job satisfaction, reduced stress levels, and much more, ultimately benefiting both the individuals and the organization as a whole.

So, why wait?

Start implementing mindfulness at your workplace in 2024, and watch the positive transformations unfold.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you exercise mindfulness at work?

You can do the following exercises to practice mindfulness at work:

  • Take brief moments to check in with your breathing and physical sensations throughout the day.
  • When your mind drifts, gently return your attention to the task at hand.
  • Look for opportunities to pause and refocus.

With regular micro-practices, you can stay centered even in demanding environments.

2. What are mindfulness activities?

Mindfulness activities involve purposeful engagement with the present moment. This includes:

  • Mindfulness Meditation,
  • Mindful Movement,
  • Conscious Breathing,
  • Sensing your Environment, etc.

Any activity can cultivate mindfulness by tuning into the here and now.

3. What are the mindfulness activities at work for anxiety?

A few of the mindfulness activities at work for anxiety are:

  • Mindful Breathing,
  • Short Meditation Breaks,
  • Mindful Walks,
  • Present-Moment Task Focus,
  • Yoga Stretches.

Training your mind to stay grounded in the now rather than getting carried away by anxious thoughts is key. Anchor yourself regularly with sensory awareness and gentle redirection of attention.

This article is written by Bijaya Lakshmi Sarma, who is a content marketer and wellness expert at Vantage Fit. As an avid runner for over a decade and a keen reader of books on holistic wellness, Bijaya aims to guide people toward lifestyle changes that help them surpass their wellness vision. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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