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From Stress to Strength: Using Somatic Psychotherapy to Cultivate Employee Well-Being

6 min read
Last Updated on 01 July, 2024

Do you ever feel like you can't work anymore, and all you want to do is take a break? This is likely due to stress, anxiety, and fatigue at work.

Well, somatic psychotherapy offers solutions to these problems. It is a holistic approach to healing the mind, body, and soul from traumatic events. Helps you to shed your stress and issues that hamper your personal and professional growth.

This therapeutic approach certainly helps you to connect with yourself. Explore your behavioral patterns and know your mental, emotional, and physical health better.

What is somatic psychotherapy?


Have you experienced any emotional or psychological issues in the past? If yes, did they lead to problems like burnout, absenteeism, and performance-related issues?

The fact is, traumas do impact one's life negatively and hamper progress. They can lead to various health problems and demotivate you in real time.

Soma is a Greek word meaning "the living body." Somatic Psychotherapy is a unique discipline. It has been predicated on the theory of psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich's blocked emotion theory and how your body responds to it.

Well, the human mind and body are intrinsically related. The entire working of the mind, body, and soul is complicated and needs care. Somatic psychotherapy is an umbrella term for mind-body connection and therapies that center it.

According to a study, somatic therapy has also helped people with PTSD symptoms and depression. It studies the effects of the emotions in your body and helps you heal on a cellular level.

It focuses on how emotional and physical sensations and experiences impact your well-being. Somatic psychotherapy can ease your body from unwanted pain and your mind from negative emotions.

Furthermore, it can help you be more mindful of your life experiences and health behavior.

Types And Techniques

  • Mind-body centering
  • The Hakomi method
  • Sensorimotor psychotherapy
  • Dance movement therapy
  • Grounding exercises
  • Voice work
  • Massage
  • Meditation and restorative yoga, etc.
  • Traditional talk therapy ( to treat anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc.

What Are Some Common Challenges It Addresses In The Workplace?


Somatic therapy techniques can treat negative emotions and their impact on your nervous system. They are particularly based on evidence-based somatic psychology and body psychotherapy.

Somatic therapy can be helpful for employees experiencing various challenges related to work. Mostly workplace stress, burnout, interpersonal conflict, trauma, etc.

This therapy can be helpful if they want to develop greater self-awareness and emotional coping skills. Besides, there are other challenges it can help you with, including the following:

  • Grief
  • Anger
  • Relationship issues
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Depression
  • Trust
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Insecurity

How Can Somatic Psychotherapy Help You Heal in the Workplace?


Somatic psychotherapy is a form of therapy that integrates the body and mind to promote healing and well-being. Somatic experiencing focuses on bodily sensations and regulating the emotional system.

It will help you transform your wellness journey by helping you balance your personal and professional life. Here are a few ways somatic psychotherapy can help you heal;

1.Improves bodily awareness:

It will help you become more aware of your body sensations, emotions, and behaviors. Increased awareness leads to more mindfulness and connection to oneself.

2. Reduces stress and anxiety:

Techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help lower workplace-related stress and anxiety. It will help you attain a state of calmness and relaxation.

Listen to: Integrating Breathwork As A Wellness Strategy At The Workplace by Ed Harrold

3. Trauma resolution:

This therapy is useful for overcoming past trauma if you have any. You can also reduce such symptoms with more physical and emotional wellness activities.

4. Improves relationships:

You can improve your behavior and lifestyle patterns. Become more aware and conscious of your choices. And will be able to channel your communication and empathetic skills well.

5. Increases resilience:

With somatic psychotherapy, you can develop resilience to face life's challenges better. It will help you feel more ready to handle complex situations. Also, it enhances your productivity skills at work.

Listen to: Measuring Your Emotional Intelligence At Work by Brenda Lee

The benefits of somatic therapy may vary depending on the individual and their unique circumstances. Talk with a certified therapist to determine if somatic psychotherapy suits your needs.

How Can Your Organization Improve Your Somatic Experiencing?


Organizations have been talking about the holistic well-being of their employees since the start of the century. Corporate wellness programs have made it easier to achieve holistic well-being goals.

Even though somatic psychotherapies are yet to be a part of, organizations need to know how beneficial they can be in creating an excellent workplace culture. Here are a few ways your organization can improve your somatic experience:

1. Inclusive Corporate Wellness Program:

How about an inclusive wellness plan encouraging you to take up 7-minutes workout sessions? Motivates you to do yoga, helps you to have a relaxing day, and stay fit. Have you ever considered how benefits of an all-in-one corporate wellness plan?

A program that guides your wellness journey is the century's need. Also, that helps to improvise your healthy morning routine, regulate your steps counting, or mindfulness and mood.

If not, then now is the time to give it a thought.

2. Workshops or courses:

Organizations can also arrange somatic therapy workshops, yoga, sound healing, and tai chi classes. Arrange body-centered practice sessions to help employees reduce stress and stretch at work.

Allowing even 20-30 minutes twice a week for such sessions can create a zen office. It will help everyone at work reduce day-to-day pressure and relish life.

3. Partnering with practitioners of somatic therapy:

An in-house licensed somatic psychotherapist or mental health counselor is a good option. Allowing once-in-a-week one-on-one therapy sessions to employees can be beneficial. It will make the process easier for both employers and employees.

4. Integrating somatic practices into existing programs:

You can also incorporate somatic practices into existing corporate wellness programs. Add guided body scan and loving-kindness meditation to your employee wellness plan. Or teach in-house breathing exercises and help them in their spiritual well-being journey.

Listen to: Role Of Spiritual Wellness In Employee Health by Hema Vyas

5. Providing resources and education:

Provide aids and instruction on somatic psychotherapy. Include reading materials, podcasts, or others to help employees learn about it to implement them in life.

In Conclusion,

Somatic experiencing is a form of alternative therapy. Not only it helps you increase your productivity and job satisfaction, but it also enhances your holistic wellness experience.

The inclusion of psychotherapeutic treatment for workplace wellness is not to be undermined. This is because there is a rising need for self-awareness, emotional regulation, increased self-regulation, vitality, and aliveness, among many others.

Convert your stress into strength with somatic psychotherapy. And step into experiencing a new journey to holistic well-being.



How can somatic psychotherapy help improve employee well-being?

Somatic psychotherapy can be particularly helpful for employees experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or trauma-related symptoms.

It helps individuals become more aware of their bodily sensations and emotions. Somatic psychotherapy can help you develop better-coping mechanisms, reduce feelings of overwhelm, and improve your overall emotional regulation.

How long does somatic psychotherapy last, and how often are sessions scheduled?

The length of somatic psychotherapy can vary depending on your needs. Sessions are typically scheduled weekly, lasting between 50 and 90 minutes per session.

What qualifications or credentials should I seek in a somatic psychotherapist?

When looking for a somatic therapist, it's important to find someone licensed or certified in the field of psychotherapy. Besides, look for a therapist with specific training or experience in somatic therapy techniques.

This article is written by Parismita Goswami who is a content marketer at Vantage Circle. A feverish poet and cinephile with an intense taste for music, specifically rock, she has the heart of an explorer, learner, and is a lover of the Himalayas. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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