Editor's pick : Find here, the latest strategies to boost mental health in the workplace!

21 Best Books About Mental Health For Workplace Wellness

12 min read
Last Updated on 01 July, 2024

The continuing world health crisis has turned employees' lives upside down both financially and emotionally. Worldwide, most of the workforce feels anxiety, loneliness, and stress about their health and finances.

Maintaining your mental health has never been more important than it is today. However, picking up a book can be an easy way to take charge of your mental health.

According to studies, as little as 6 minutes of reading per day can ensure quality nap, reduce stress and enhance your mental health. By reading, we strengthen our brain's neural circuits and pathways while lowering our heart rate and blood pressure.

Benefits of Reading on Mental Health

Books are more than just comfort. As portals to different worlds, they bridge the gap between the past and future and provide a support system in times of crisis. Books can be valuable in so many ways.

It has been shown that reading is not only an enjoyable way to stay entertained, but it is also a great way to improve mental health. From autobiographies to self-help books, there is a book for everyone to enjoy.

To sum it up benefits of reading about the health of employees are -

  • It provides a healthy excuse to unwind from the workplace stress and burnout.
  • Reading relaxes the body by lowering the heart rate and easing the muscular tension.
  • It can contribute to enhancement in the knowledge pool of the employees
  • It allows us to connect with others having similar experiences.
  • It helps to make the mood of employees much calmer and tranquil.
  • It improves the employee communication skills.
  • Cutting out screen time is a healthier way to achieve digital wellness.

Suggested Read: The 12 Good Things about Reading That Offer Employee Well-being At Work

20+ Best Books About Mental Health

Following are some of the best books on mental health, which can help to improve mental well-being in the workplace. Happy reading!

1. The Body Keeps the Score

Trauma can come in many forms, whether it is a near-death experience or an unexpected loss. In the workplace, too, sometimes with pressure situations, employees experience panic situations. This book by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk analyzes recent scientific findings and uses personal stories to reveal how trauma impacts both the mind and body.


76% of employees reported at least one symptom of mental health condition in the past year, up from 59% compared to the pre covid statistics. Using recent scientific advances, Dr. Kolk demonstrates how trauma literally changes the brain and body, impairing capacities, engagement, and self-control. From neurofeedback and meditation to sports and yoga, he explores innovative treatments that offer new paths to recovery. ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ highlights the tremendous power we have for healing—and offers new hope for reclaiming our lives.

Employees can understand their bodies and their spiritual connection by getting their hands on this book.

2. Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

Remember that you’re not stuck with the brain, you’re born with. Known neuropsychiatrist Daniel Amen examines new scientific evidence associated with anxiety, depression, and anger in his book 'Change Your Brain, Change Your Life’. It provides shreds of evidence as to how the brain reacts to different situations.


Dr. Amen’s book talks about various aspects of mental health like-

  • Using simple breathing techniques to handle anxiety and panic.
  • Boosting the memory power by inculcating specific habits to decrease the risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Conquering impulsiveness and learning how to focus.
  • To stop obsessive worrying with effective communication and writing exercise

This book can help employees get rid of their mental blocks and focus on work. By doing so, employees' productivity will get better and they will be better prepared to handle their anxiety and mood disorders.

3. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

With a perfect blend of wisdom and humor, Gottlieb invites us into her world providing the perspective of both clinician and patient. Within the context of love and desire, guilt and redemption, hope and change, she explores the truths and fictions we tell ourselves. The author highlights how sometimes just talking it out is the best solution.

"Maybe You Should Talk to Someone" portrays a deeply personal yet universal tour of our power to change our mindsets in a way that is revolutionary.


In a competitive environment like the workplace, the demand from the employees is to harness a strong mindset. This book will surely encourage employees to take control of their mental health through effective communication and bonding.

4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple: 10 Strategies For Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, And Worry

In this book, Seth J. Gillihan examines the concept of mindfulness by providing a guide of 10 strategies for improving mental health. These tools include things like identifying negative thoughts and symptoms of anxiety or depression through manageable steps to effectively deal with them.


By reading and following a few strategies and therapies mentioned in this book, a workplace can have a positive effect on employee performance and employee health.

5. Be Calm: Proven Techniques to Stop Anxiety Now

In this book, author Jill Weber splits anxiety into three sections: feelings, behaviors, and thoughts. All the top symptoms are examined and techniques were suggested to control them. Many suggestions were also provided for finding inner calm in an easy-to-read and easy-to-apply manner.


Since anxiety is a common phenomenon in the workplace, this book can guide employees to implement various techniques which can help further, to manage workplace stress and anxiety better.

6. Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present

Just about everyone falls victim to overthinking these days. This book covers how overthinking is tied to burnout, stress, and increased anxiety. The author gives a set of suggestions on how one can manage it in its tracks and work to focus on the present via visualization techniques and various coping strategies.


Employees sometimes find it tough to focus on work due to turmoil in their personal lives, workplace bullying, or mental disorders. It is important that they clear up their headspace to filter out unwanted thoughts and focus on professional and personal responsibilities without a breakdown.

Work-life balance is the ideal state which every employee wishes to achieve and what better way to start than understanding all the factors which help you manage situations better. This book can surely help you find that ‘sacred nirvana’ of satisfaction.

7. If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy?


If the pandemic showed us one thing, it’s that modern popular culture largely values career success above all else. This book can help employees see that they can pursue advancement and professional success while still living a fulfilled personal life.

8. Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess: 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps to Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Toxic Thinking

In this book, neuroscientist Caroline Leaf aims to help readers beat toxic thoughts by breaking down complex scientific theories and swapping them out for easy-to-follow tactics to boost positive thoughts and general mental wellness.


Employees who have experienced any signs of anxiety, stress, and toxicity that are having an impact on their mental health can benefit a lot by going through this book on clinical psychology.

9. Personal Recovery and Mental Illness: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals

Personal Recovery and Mental Illness is a staple read on mental health. It has a sound framework with a focus on positive mind shifts and conceptualizes mental health from a personal recovery model.


Built on the principle of individual differences, this book explores new dimensions of recovering from mental health illness. Followed by case studies and interview samples, the book justifies its name and paves the way for therapists across the world to flourish in their field.

So if you are finding it tough to keep up with your mental health due to work pressure and anxiety, you might consider reading this book. It will provide a perspective of a doctor as to how they approach mental illness treatment.

10. The Social Skills Guidebook: Manage Shyness, Improve Your Conversations, and Make Friends, Without Giving Up Who You Are

Mastering social skills can be life-changing both professionally and personally. Proficiency in understanding the language of emotions and self-expression does not only increase their chances of becoming a better professionals, but also better humans.


The Social Skills Guidebook is beneficial for understanding the deep-rooted causes of social anxiety, interpersonal struggles, and avoidant personality traits.

The book revolves around three main topics:

  • Mental barriers that affect communication – including shyness, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
  • Communication and listening skills.
  • Practical ways to help ourselves and others improve their social lives.

So if you are one of those who struggle with social skills and find it tough to gel well with your colleagues then you may consider spending a few bucks to read this book.

11. Good Days Start With Gratitude: A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude

**The impact of gratitude on mental wellness cannot be emphasized enough. ‘Good days start with gratitude‘ has been a bestselling guide on cultivating gratitude in daily life.


It comes as a 52-week standard form with exercises that help us realize what we are grateful for and how we can practice spreading gratitude to ourselves and others.

Developing gratitude also helps to create a healthy work environment. This leads to a stronger team bond that facilitates achieving the business and wellness goals of the organization.**

12. Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behaviour

Self-destructive thoughts are often too late to be identified, putting our mental health at risk. This book contains 40 such self-debilitating thought patterns to watch out for, including guilt, dependency, self-pity, and unhealthy self-criticism. It provides us tips on how to transform negative thoughts to positive ones.


Using clear language and an easy-to-understand tone, the book covers everything we need to know for bringing about the desired changes within ourselves.
If you want to improve your mental well-being but don't know where to start, consider reading the book.

13. When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection

In this book, Dr. Maté integrates insights from his medical practice with findings from research to deconstruct the mind-body connection. By identifying links between chronic stress and depression with physical Dr. Mate emphasizes the importance of maintaining a wellness regimen when dealing with illnesses like arthritis, cancer, and heart disease.


This book can aid employees in the prevention of mental breakdowns resulting from physical illness. Employees can become aware by taking cues from the sign that the body gives when it is unwell.

14. The Future of Mental Health: Deconstructing the Mental Disorder Paradigm


The Future of Mental Health highlights the scope of improving mental health and promoting overall well-being. The book offers alternatives to conventional treatment methods, enabling mental health treatment plans to be revolutionized.

15. Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions

Russell Brand is widely known for his acting career, but he has carved a niche for himself as an anti-addiction advocate. Brand provides steps for people with addiction and their loved ones to get the help they need in his debut book.


Brand has openly battled with drug, alcohol, and food addictions. With humor and compassion, the comedian weaves his own story of addiction with the lessons he learned during recovery. Rather than asking readers why they are addicted, Brand believes the real question should be: “What pain is your addiction masking? Between Brand’s own revelations on the world and his personal plan of recovery, the actor offers an original approach to overcoming addiction.

Brand is not a mental health professional, but his experiences may help readers feel less alone. So, if you are using substance abuse to mask your workplace anxiety and burnout, try reading this book and make a healthier change in your lifestyle.

16. Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now


"Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now" is a valuable resource for employees struggling with anxiety by DR. Claire Weekes.

It's a self-help book that offers a comprehensive understanding of anxiety, along with coping strategies and techniques. Employees can build resilience, manage stress, and regain control over their thoughts and emotions by engaging in self-reflection and utilizing the book's guidance.

This book can empower employees to take step-by-step guidance on understanding and mitigating anxiety symptoms. And also to overcome them to lead better professional lives.

17. Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle

In their book, Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., and Amelia Nagoski, DMA, wrote about ending burnout to help readers understand and unlock the biological stress cycle.

"Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle" explains why women experience burnout differently from men. And addresses anticipatory measures on how to minimize and manage negative emotions.


In short, this book strongly focuses on women experiencing burnout and provides practical strategies for stress management, identifying triggers, and developing healthy coping mechanisms.

Moreover, the book focuses on self-care , setting boundaries, and restoring balance. Overall, it equips employees with the knowledge and tools to address burnout effectively, improving well-being and enhancing job satisfaction.

18. The Kindness Method


Behavioural Change Specialist Shahroo Izadi believes the only way to make change last is by becoming kind to oneself. Shahroo Izadi, in the book, The Kindness Method, explores a compassionate approach to personal growth and positive change. Izadi introduces a method that emphasizes the power of self-compassion and kindness to transform one's habits and behaviors, affecting professional growth.

"The Kindness Method" is a transformative guide promoting self-compassion as a personal growth catalyst. It encourages readers to treat themselves kindly, empowering them to make positive changes and lead a more fulfilling work-life.

19. In Love with the World

"In Love with the World" is a book by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a renowned Tibetan Buddhist meditation master. The book is a captivating memoir that chronicles Rinpoche's extraordinary spiritual journey, which took place during a four-year wandering retreat.


"In Love with the World" is a personal account and a spiritual guide, offering readers valuable lessons on meditation, mindfulness, and the pursuit of inner peace. He highlights the transformative effects of practicing mindfulness and compassion and the desire to remain happy and grounded.

This book will help employees reflect on their own lives, challenges, and how to embrace impermanence. It also teaches how to cultivate love and compassion in the workplace.

Listen to: Managing Oneself in today's world by Bhaskar Bora

20. Own Your Self: The Surprising Path Beyond Depression, Anxiety, and Fatigue to Reclaiming Your Authenticity, Vitality, and Freedom


"Own Your Self: The Surprising Path Beyond Depression, Anxiety, and Fatigue to Reclaiming Your Authenticity, Vitality, and Freedom" is an empowering text that offers valuable insights for employees struggling with mental health conditions.

Dr. Kelly Brogan, a renowned psychiatrist, and bestselling author, challenges conventional approaches to mental health. She advocates for a holistic and integrative approach that addresses the root causes of these issues.

This book inspires employees to generate a renewed sense of purpose, vitality, and productivity. It also motivates individuals to create a harmonious and fulfilling career path by exploring the connection between emotional well-being and professional fulfillment.

21. This Too Shall Pass

"This Too Shall Pass" by Julia Samuel is a powerful book that offers guidance and support to employees encountering challenges in their professional lives.


It aims to bring forth a fresh perspective on the ups and downs of the workplace. This book also encourages readers to embrace difficult times and develop a positive mindset to face challenges by instilling hope and resilience.

Psychotherapist Julia Samuel provides strategies for employees to cope with the complexities of their professional lives. And adapt to change mindset, and nurture their well-being, for growth, resilience, and success.

Listen to: Building Emotional Resilience Is The Key To Optimal Well-Being by Megha Mathur

Final Words

Sharing and expressing are two critical components of improving mental health. It allows us to put things into perspective and saves us the unbearable agony of suffering alone.

You can use the resources mentioned in this article to get started on spreading the word about well-being and implementing the strategies yourself. Remember that happiness begins with the self, and focusing on the right things is the key to a well-balanced life.

This article is written by Nizamul Bhuyan, a Content Marketer at Vantage Circle. With a professional exprience of writing on various subject domains like Corporate Wellness and Sports, he prefers to watch football and explore new places to unwind. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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