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How Generation Z Will Value Health And Wellness At The Workplace

6 min read
Last Updated on 15 February, 2024

Colleges and Universities are getting ready to graduate their elder Gen-Zers this summer. Following the footsteps of millennials, Generation Z will soon be looking for jobs comprising 20% of the workforce. This generation puts great emphasis on technology and wellness in their daily lifestyle. Employers who are getting ready to recruit new employees; should know how Gen -z will value health and wellness at the workplace.

A study found that 70% of Generation Z workers gave more importance to health insurance and 63% for high salaries than office perks in their first jobs. Around 61% of them wanted to work under a boss they respect. Thus, It gives a vivid picture of the importance of quality work life that they aspire from their dream organization.

As we delve deeper, it is crucial to know who they are and what role you can play as excellent managers.

Who is Generation-Z?

Generation Z or Zoomers is a successor of Millenials who were born between 1996 to 2012. Widely known, Gen-Zers had access to the internet right from their childhood. They have experienced the popularity of digital communication and advancing technology. They are tech-savvy and have high standards for investing time online.

In 2020 the first batch of the cohort is soon going to become the largest consumer in many countries like India and the US. They will be choosing brands that can outlive their transition into a new decade. This generation is rather vocal about their interests and personal ambitions.

What do they look for within your workplace?

Unlike millennials who thrive for purpose in a particular job, Gen-zers focuses on return on investment. They are active and have an ardent desire to excel in a given task, which makes them competitive and independent. Generation Z is good at multitasking and receptive to instant gratification for a completed job. They want clear goals, dedicated mentoring, benefits, and personal challenges to keep them engaged.

Here are a few statistics to strengthen the arguments of what Gen-Zers look for within your Organization:

Employers must be well prepared already to recruit an energetic workforce. It can be done by developing strategic employee programs that include the latest wellness initiatives, surveys with rewards, and recognition programs.


How Covid-19 changed the wellness perspectives of Gen-Zers?

With the greatest recession and rising health implications, Covid 19 has its impact on countries, organizations, and individuals worldwide. All this turmoil is happening when the oldest generation of Gen-Z is getting ready to join the workforce. It is expected that they will be pragmatic, independent, and have survival mode while building their future careers.

Companies around the world facing economic breakthroughs have enough idea of the new normal. The office culture and related supply chain have been changing radically. It throws an opportunity for employers to study the expectations of Gen-Zers as a modern workforce.

Millennials have a collaborative mentality, and like to mingle in groups together. You can witness this by their way of living; they mostly preferred to rent co-living spaces or were ready to work in limited office space. This was during Pre-pandemic, millennials valuing socio-economic development within the office. As the new cohort of the workforce will join offices soon, it is seen that the pursuit of workplace wellness will rise in light of Covid 19. They will be careful with the choice of living and having social gatherings.

Unlike Millennials and Gen-X, the Zoomers will also prefer jobs that provide holistic workplace wellness. As the workforce is going digital, you will witness them applying for work from home policies as job preferences. It will give them work flexibility and maintain a healthy work-life balance. These digital natives are practical and self-dependent, emphasizing the company’s salary, perks, and growth opportunities.

Onset Covid 19 has changed the wellness perspectives of Gen-Zers. They make sure to avail health insurance before joining as the workforce. Companies have been focusing on upgrading their wellness programs to retain the young force with the help of tech and other resources.

**Here I have mentioned three viral wellness trends to make your workplace Gen-z ready. **

Three Wellness Trends in 2020 To Make Workplace Generation-Z Ready

1. Promote via Wellness Campaigns

A series of Wellness Campaigns undertakes activities to achieve the state of having a sound body, mind, and spirit. It can be done virtually or within the office. Campaigns teach your employees’ team spirit and promote health and wellness

Virtual communication is gaining traction among the tech-savvy Gen-Zers. They like to spend quality time networking online rather than in person.

It is no brainer to use mobile applications and services for health promotion and keep them engaged. You can use social platforms to celebrate the winners of the contest.

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2. Provide Customized Health Care Benefits

Regarding employee benefits, healthcare insurances remain the first preference for Zoomers. Better health is the epitome of happiness and productive life; nearly 38% of gen-zers check for health programs before joining the organization.

Wellness initiatives like health coaching and corporate health check-up gained popularity in 2020.

Health Coaching uses the motivational interviewing technique to bridge the gap between employees and managers. This helps in getting a personal touch to the wellness programs by knowing your employees better.

While Corporate Health Checkup policies benefit you and your employees by providing health packages and schemes, it also provides biometric screenings and other sophisticated tests at a minimal cost.

3. Use Latest Technology and Tools

Using the latest technology helps in improvising and customizing your wellness programs. It saves enormous budgets of the company and gives better employee experiences.

With the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the introduction of virtual reality and artificial intelligence marked a new way of lifestyle. It is now possible to use ML to analyze mood states and other health disorders.

Gen-Zers being familiar with technologies keeps interested in experimenting with the latest tools. Providing resources within your workplace will keep them engaged and more productive.

To know more: Top Workplace Wellness Trends in 2020


Worldwide workplaces are soon going to experience the first wave of Generation Z. Keeping updated with trends will help you get familiar with your young workforce.

It will be interesting to witness how Generation Z showcases distinct skills, habits, and needs to the workplace. Hence employers need to reinvent their culture and benefits to recruit top talent.

In the global catastrophe, the entire work culture has also experienced a digital paradigm shift. Close attention should be given to health and wellness initiatives. It’s high time to take note of the expectations of the wellness need of new joiners and elevate the programs.

This article is written by Rangana Atreya, a Content Marketer at Vantage Circle. Having a creative mind with a spiritful life, she takes inspiration from travelling and learning languages. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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