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Finding Zen in the Office: 5 Proven Approaches to Honor World Meditation Day

7 min read
Last Updated on 29 November, 2023

Distractions have become inevitable in employees' lives, from texts and phone calls to emails and meetings. Unexpected interruptions also often wreak havoc on productivity at work. Besides, entertainment, social media, and marketing have been so prevalent we have forgotten about the greater things in and around us.

Yes, life is fast-paced. Finding mindful times in juggling work and home is becoming more difficult than ever. Well, meditation offers a way to deal with offshores of the world outside and within oneself.

Therefore, World Meditation Day is celebrated on May 21 every year. Even though the history of meditation can be traced back to 1500 BCE, it still plays a prominent role today. Predominantly, meditation elevates overall well-being and reduces many health conditions.

What Is Meditation?


Meditation is the art of focusing on a specific object until the mind is clear. Meditating is a skill and an experience that can be enhanced over time.

It is a formal exercise to curve awareness by resting your mind, body, and soul. Daily meditation can make one more conscious of their time, space, and self-worth. Enabling them to become more agile, stress-free, and happy.

Meditation generates compassion, improves relationships, and alleviates calmness and clarity. It also enhances employees' concentration and observation skills. To do meditation, one does not require any prior experience. All they have to do is; remain present.

The best part is mindfulness meditation can be done even while sitting in an office chair, walking to work, or listening to music. A 10-15 minute daily can improve mental and behavioral well-being for a lifetime. In doing so, employees can increasingly learn to experience the present moment directly.

Well, the more employees are present, the more they are healthy and balanced. Meditation can infuse greater intentions and thoughts into one's life. It can also sharpen skills and motivate employees to lead a successful career. Therefore, it is still considered a powerful holistic wellness practice today.

Why Celebrate World Meditation At Work?


Managing stress and remaining productive at work has become the biggest task for many employees. But the key is "right now," which means focusing on the present moment.

While mental health issues remain recurring, many suggest meditation is the cure. According to a Gallup study, a missed workday due to mental health can cost $340 per day for full-time workers in a company. It has become a major issue concerning employee performance, burnout, and poor health.

If employees feel challenged by such wellness conditions, meditation can be a great way to detox. It can help them de-stress and reduce anxiety, absenteeism, and other workplace-related issues.

In an article by Forbes, 13 leaders share their biggest distractions and how they refocus as life is busier than ever. Also, repetitive work or multitasking might eventually lead to disenchantment.

One of the suggested ways is meditation; to revive their course of focus and energy. Meditation beholds the power to change negative emotions to positive ones. It can generate a sense of peace and calmness in the mind. Hence, improving attention, creativity, and decision-making ability.

In 2020, companies had spent $51 billion on employee wellness which is expected to rise to $100 billion by 2030. This is because leading companies prioritize employee health and wellness by incorporating a holistic wellness program to kickstart organizational growth and success.

Thus, celebrating World Meditation Day can create a positive work culture and improve employee health behavior in many ways.

10 Ways To Practice Meditation


To incorporate meditation into employees' workplace routines, here are some suggestions for employees to practice meditation at work:

1. Setting a regular schedule:

Dedicate a specific time for meditation each day. It could be before work, after the lunch break, or at the end of the day.

2. Informing colleagues:

Let your coworkers or manager know you'll meditate during specific times so they understand and respect your need.

3. Using guided meditation apps:

Use Vantage Fit mindfulness meditation sessions that offer guided meditation sessions to stay focused and at peace.

4. Walking meditation:

Walking meditation can be done during your lunch break or while coming to the office. To practice, slow your pace, pay attention to each step, and focus on your breath.

5. Using ambient noise or calming music:

If your workplace is loud, use headphones with calming music or a podcast to block distractions and create a peaceful ambiance.

6. Body scan meditation:

Sit comfortably in your chair and slowly scan your body from head to toe. Pay attention to the areas of tension or discomfort and release the tension to relax.

7. Mindful eating:

Eat mindfully by savoring each bite and paying attention to the food's taste, texture, and smell. This can help you tend to mindfulness and ease your digestion.

8. Gratitude practicing:

Before starting your work or at the end of the day, take a few moments to reflect on things you're grateful for. This can bring a sense of compassion and reduce stress.

9. Finding a quiet space:

Find a peaceful corner to meditate and minimize distractions.

10. Mindful breathing exercises:

Take short breaks to practice breathwork. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, breathe, and exhale slowly. (Repeat this 5-6 times.)

Listen to: Integrating Breathwork As A Wellness Strategy At The Workplace by Ed Harrold

Important: Meditation is personal; employees can adapt these suggestions to fit into the workplace environment. They can start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable.

Importance of Meditation Day At The Workplace


Meditation at work can make employees feel their best, relaxed, confident, and valued. Spending their valuable 5 days of your week in a safe and positive environment is crucial.

The fact is that modern life can be stressful and weary. Employees must take some time to slow down on this World Meditation Day and start their new habit tracker. So, ask them to stop losing themselves in anticipation of the past and future and start a new lifestyle.

According to a survey, anxious employees report difficulties managing problems like; meeting deadlines; managing work; maintaining personal relationships, and participating in regular meetings. Finding peace in the clutter of personal and professional life has become imperative for employees.

Organizations can generate health consciousness among employees by promoting mental and physical activity. Employers can make employee well-being journeys easier by providing access to a well-built corporate wellness platform. Having a culture of health in the workplace can motivate employees to excel in life while adapting to healthier lifestyle choices.

Encourage employees to participate in activities such as walking, running, or biking to work or join a corporate fitness challenge. Motivate healthy eating habits and provide healthy snack options in the break room. Provide access to exercise classes, fitness centers, and gyms in the workplace or nearby.

How To Celebrate World Meditation Day In The Workplace?


Celebrating World Meditation Day at work can promote mindfulness, relaxation, and well-being among employees. Here are five suggestions to observe this day in the workplace:

  1. Group Meditation Session: Organize a group meditation session during the workday. Set aside a designated space where employees can gather and lead a guided meditation session. It will help employees reduce stress and attain mental clarity.

  2. Mindful Breaks: Encourage employees to take mindful breaks throughout the day. Set reminders where individuals can independently engage in mindfulness exercises at the office itself.

  3. Wellness Workshops: Arrange wellness workshops on yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Invite experts to conduct sessions on various techniques or benefits of it. Such workshops will give employees tools and strategies to incorporate meditation into their daily lives.

Also, this will enhance employee engagement.

  1. Meditation Corner: Design a quiet room in the workplace for meditating. Encourage employees to utilize them to relax and rejuvenate by practicing spiritual wellness. Provide comfortable seating, cushions, and soft lighting to create a serene atmosphere.

  2. Mindfulness Challenges: Launch a mindfulness challenge to engage employees. Set achievable goals, such as meditating for 15-20 minutes each day or completing a specified number of meditation sessions within a given period.

Offer incentives or wellness-related rewards or recognition to whoever is active or has participated in creating awareness and harmony by practicing meditation.


Humans are busy in a world of constant movement. So, this World Meditation Day set a pause. Prioritize the well-being of employees and provide them with opportunities to experience the benefits of meditation on World Meditation Day and beyond.



1. What is World Meditation Day?

World Meditation Day is an annual event observed on May 21 to raise awareness about the benefits of meditation and promote its practice worldwide.

2. What are some popular meditations?

There are nine common types of meditation practice: Mindfulness meditation, Spiritual meditation, Concentration meditation, Movement meditation, Mantra meditation, Transcendental meditation, Progressive relaxation, Mindfulness meditation, and Visual meditation.

3. Why should we celebrate it at the office?

Celebrating World Meditation Day at the office can create a positive and mindful work environment, reduce stress, improve energy and motivation, and enhance productivity.

4. How can we involve employees new to meditation? Can we celebrate it virtually?

Provide introductory sessions, share beginner-friendly resources, host Q&A sessions, and create a supportive environment for employees to explore meditation. You can arrange online meditation sessions, share online resources, and encourage self-guided practice for remote or hybrid work settings.

This article is written by Parismita Goswami who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. A feverish poet and cinephile with an intense taste for music, specifically rock, she has the heart of an explorer, learner, and is a lover of the Himalayas. To get in touch, reach out to

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