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Spiritual Wellness: Changing The Dynamics of Corporate Wellness Today

6 min read
Last Updated on 30 July, 2024

Happy, calm, and composed: That's how you feel after a good day and after amplifying your health. The crux of your health and well-being lies in preserving the overall balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Spirit implies the soul or psyche, and looking after your spirit is spiritual wellness. Meditation, mindful walking, reading, conforming to positive affirmations, spending time with nature, practicing yoga and inclusiveness, etc., are practices that can enhance your spiritual health.

A spiritually lifted soul remains focused at work and is also rejuvenated. It also helps to harness the force of vibrational energy and positivity in life. Besides yoga, reiki, sound healing, meditation, book discussion groups, etc., all pave the way to give life meaning.

Engaging in such activities will help you recourse your overall wellness journey and live a better life.

What is Spiritual Wellness?


Spiritual wellness is about bolstering the sense of purpose and meaning in life, including morals and ethics. Life can be tough at times, and often we feel lost about it. But, by indulging in spiritual well-being, you can find the synchronization of the body, mind, and soul that you have been looking for.

Let's consider that your life is filled with everything you always wanted and wished for, including your dream job. But, you still don't have peace of mind, and you are not happy. Then, you must definitely be ignoring the spiritual energy calls.

Finding meaning and the purpose of life is a never-ending process. Looking deeper into oneself and connecting or supporting the quest for enlightenment is spiritual wellness. The aim is to inculcate positivity- hope, forgiveness, acceptance, and joy, and eliminate negativity such as doubt, fear, disappointment, conflict, etc.

An individual's life may be full of ups and downs, like running after a 9-5 job, taking care of personal health and family, or following their passion. If you ask nine to fivers, they would say they are not living their lives, and it is because of the lack of time and space they get. So, encouraging spiritual wellness has become prime for organizations and others.


Let's take a recent example to understand how the idea of well-being has been expanding over the years. Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida entails a commitment to invest in "human capital" and "people" as vital to creating ingenuity, ingenuity, and new ideas. Health and well-being are integral parts of Japan's strategy moving forward. And also, "ikigai" is a Japanese term that describes the concept of bliss, reason, and significance in living.

The rising implications of health and wellness can heavily impact your work-life balance. Here is why workplaces need to prioritize employees' health behavior, lifestyle choices, and spiritual well-being.

Related: 71 Spiritual Wellness Quotes To Rekindle Your Employees Absolute Well-being

Spiritual Wellness To Revive Employees Overall Wellness


The modern-day workplace's very common and neglected problem is "dis-spiritedness" and the lack of energy and motivation at work. The spirit is often lagging in initiating ideas, taking part, or hustling. Employees can't fully engage themselves at work because they seem to be demotivated.

So, to overcome this, promoting a sustainable and spiritual work culture has become a must. And not overlooking holistic wellness, which must be implemented in every organization to boost employee engagement and morale.


Well, when you escalate your spiritual wellness, you:

  • Strengthen your bonds with others around you.
  • Enhance your intellectual wellness
  • Think positively and develop positive emotions.
  • Make life more purposeful and add value.
  • Take care of your mindfulness.
  • Become compassionate, confident, and resilient.
  • More accountable and responsible for our own decisions.
  • Prioritize your social health.
  • Become more productive and focused at work;
  • Spread joy and positivity in the office.

Also Read: 10 Positive Phrases To Uplift Employees Self-Esteem At Work

Why Do Organizations Need To Focus On Creating A Spiritual Workplace?


Organizations are recovering from the rising stress, burnout, and mental health crises during and even after the covid-19. At the same time, companies today are also providing corporate wellness programs to support employees' financial, mental, and physical health.

Recent studies suggest a significant upsurge in feeling disconnected among people while increasing their health risks of smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and lack of physical activity. Many health and wellness researchers also found resilience and psychological health were a concern among many employees.

But how to resolve this issue? The best way to understand or reconnect with oneself is by practicing spiritual wellness. Enriching your spiritual health will give you the power to be resilient; besides, it is the best self-care technique. And also, opt for a wellness program that promotes employee spiritual well-being.


With the rising health and wellness concerns worldwide, work cultures are also going through profound changes. Fortune Magazine says 78% of Americans feel a need to experience spiritual growth, and half of them say they openly talk about such spiritual needs at work.

Therefore, reimagining a spiritually-infused workplace can change the entire scenario of employee health and well-being. Outsourcing a deep-rooted modern work culture has become crucial as it will allow you to thrive personally and take the organization to the top.

Read our blog on: The 12 Good Things about Reading That Offer Employee Well-being At Work

What Workplaces Need To Create A Spiritually Enriched Workspace?


Nurturing spiritual wellness helps you understand the core values of a better work-life and work culture. For example, it tends to foster;

  • Care: Encourage social interaction among employees to foster a loving work atmosphere
  • Friendship: Unity and harmony among employees always help employees build better teams and succeed.
  • Happiness: Keep employees happy so that they give their best at work.
  • Gratitude: Practicing gratitude improves employees' spiritual health, mental and behavioral.
  • Integrity: The most important organizational culture today is trying to preserve coherence and morality.
  • Positivity: A positive work environment is something every employee looks forward to being and working for.
  • Joy: Without celebrations and events, employees slow down and become unproductive.
  • Love: Foster love by elevating inclusiveness.
  • Peace: Why not try creating a Zen workplace to nurture what today's workforce is demanding?
  • Recognition: Employee recognition is the basic trick to creating a happy and successful workplace. Try Vantage Circle to engage your employees at best.
  • Success: Promoting the culture of growth will ensure employees attain personal and professional development.
  • Health: Last but not least, encourage employees to be healthy and fit. Provide them with corporate wellness platforms, such as Vantage fit, and help them rediscover themselves. Be sure that the change aftermath results in the workplace.


10 Tips To Improve Your Spiritual Health Both At Work And Home


  1. Spend 5-10 mindful minutes every morning
  2. Take a walk in the nature
  3. Travel and explore places
  4. Indulge in productive hobbies
  5. Practice Yoga
  6. Do some regular exercises
  7. Read more often
  8. Take minutes off from your regular work schedule to relax
  9. Create biophilic workspaces or put some plants at the office
  10. Once in a while, arrange onsite/offline wellness sessions for all

There is a major misconception regarding being spiritual and religious. And that we need to understand that being spiritual is religious

Want a few ideas to increase your employee's energy and motivation? Check out this article!

Bottom Line

Spiritual health drives your spirit to productivity and resourcefulness, reducing mental, behavioral, or physical health conditions. Also, defeat absenteeism, burnout, and others that many offices face.

Organizations must enhance employee experience and integrate the culture of wellness. And help employees maintain that personal and professional balance by bringing out their best at work.

Thus, spiritual wellness is crucial for consistency, growth, and success at the office. Besides, it increases cooperation, gratitude, and mindfulness at work. In a stagnant or traditional work culture, employees hardly get time for themselves or look after their health. But, a spiritually enhanced workplace keeps in mind the need to meet the demands of the 21st century.

This article is written by Parismita Goswami who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. A feverish poet and cinephile with an intense taste for music, specifically rock, she has the heart of an explorer, learner, and is a lover of the Himalayas. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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