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Prioritizing Your Mental Health: 5 Self-Care Ideas for Women

9 min read
Last Updated on 23 April, 2024

How often do you do things that are solely for you? When was the last time you did or engaged yourself in something that made you happy? If the answer to the above is often, then it's excellent, and you should keep going. But if it's mostly no, then maybe you should take a break, start thinking about it, and emphasize the "why'.

Women's health and mental health are two of the least discussed topics, be it cause of the taboo sticking around them or because most women are raised to believe the other way or raised to normalize them. But that shouldn't be the case.

You'll be surprised to learn how little effort it takes to boost your mood or escalate your overall emotional and mental health. Practicing or indulging yourself in a few self-care techniques or ideas to pamper yourself occasionally can boost your mental wellness.

Practicing self-care is a huge component of wellness , making it a top priority for maintaining a healthy relationship between physical and mental health.

This article will further help you better understand the impact of self-care on women's mental health and discuss five more self-care ideas for you to participate in.

How Does Women's Mental Health Impact Their Performance At Work?


Women today are not confined to age-old traditional roles; they have leveled up quite a lot. And often, because of the same, they tend to neglect their physical, mental, and emotional health. Women, in particular, often put their self-care on the side track as they are too busy or occupied trying to balance their personal and professional lives.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be challenging, considering women's versatile roles. Workplace stress and pressure can take a toll on your mental health if you're constantly struggling to find time even to take a pause.

Due to this, you may suffer from recurring physical health conditions such as headaches, insomnia, upset stomach, loss of appetite, emotional distress, low energy, mood swings, and others. Your work performance can be negatively affected by all this discomfort.

Furthermore, women report feeling uncomfortable sharing their thoughts about sensitive issues and work-life challenges 25% more frequently than men. Thus, when the work culture does not cater to the employee's basic needs, their mental health is more likely to be negatively impacted.

According to a CDC report, senior-level women employees are more likely to experience burnout and postpartum depression while returning to work. Additionally, 67% of women employees reported difficulty finding proper mental health support or care at work, negatively impacting their productivity and creativity.

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How Can Self-Care Help Your Mental Health?


The concept of self-care can be different from person to person, but on the fundamental level, practicing self-care means deliberately doing things to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional being. Although it might sound very simple, you often neglect and pay little to zero attention to self-care and how it can improve your mental health.

Mental health today is as serious as your physical health and prioritizing it is essential. Almost everyone has some mental health issue, whether they are aware of it or not; hence, taking care of it shouldn't be just for those diagnosed with mental health conditions but for everyone.

You can manage or minimize the symptoms of mental health problems to some extent by practicing self-care techniques and making some lifestyle changes.

Additionally, it prevents some symptoms or problems from developing or worsening over time. It is important to practice self-care to build resilience to unexpected stressors.

Self-care is primarily about self-awareness, so practicing self-care can help you recognize the patterns in your emotions, making you more emotionally mature to handle what triggers your stress.

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5 Self-Care Ideas To Take Care Of Your Mental Health


When you talk about self-care ideas, they are almost everywhere; from Google to Pinterest, you can find an abundance of ideas on taking care of yourself. But how often do you take the time to do it or practice it for yourself? Creating the perfect routine or list of self-care habits can be the most challenging part of the journey.

Self-care means different to different people. Remember, it is not a one-size-fits-all. What might work for you might not work for someone else. The main aim of self-care is to make you feel good about yourself. So, when creating a list of habits and activities, it should be personal, anything that makes you feel good about yourself. Self-care is a completely personal experience.

Here's a list of ideas you can practice or indulge yourself in to take better care of yourself and your mental health -

1. Embrace A Positive Attitude


The first step in your self-care journey is changing your perspective and thinking. Too often, when you indulge in negative thoughts about yourself, you deprive yourself of the basic care and need that your body or mind requires. You forget to show appreciation for all the good things around you.

Embracing positive thinking can help you be more grateful for what you have and what you can have. You start seeing things as opportunities instead of obstacles when you adopt a positive attitude. Furthermore, it reduces stress and eliminates unnecessary stressors.

“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.”
— Mandy Hale

It also pushes you to practice gratitude more often, and when you do so, it automatically puts you in a good mood. Again, adopting a positive or gratitude mindset puts you on the path to achieving the highest level of self-care.

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2. Invest Time In Unwinding And Getting Better Sleep


The most important part of your self-care journey is to rest and sleep. The importance of relaxing and unwinding as part of your care routine cannot be overstated. In general, women tend to wake up early and stay up late, leaving them more prone to irritation and mental health problems.

The best way to relax is to have good sleep hygiene. Make it a priority to create a healthy sleep schedule for yourself to ensure that your body and mind get the rest they need.

Practicing healthy sleeping habits and paying attention to your body's needs is important. When you are sleep deprived, it affects your physical and mental health. You can also take power naps at work. These are also excellent ways to improve concentration and refresh. Remember, your body needs time to rest and renew.

3. Practice Conscious Living


Conscious living can be part of your self-care routine towards achieving better mental health. Practicing mindfulness is one of the best and most simple ways to improve your mental health and overall wellness.

“Becoming acquainted with yourself is a price well worth paying for the love that will really address your needs.” – Daphne Rose Kingma

The process of being more mindful involves placing your attention on self-awareness and living in the present. As you become emotionally resilient, you worry less about what may happen.

Through mindfulness or conscious living, you become more aware of what your presence signifies and how to make the most of it. Meditation, focusing on your breathing, spending time outside, or simply reciting mantras can help you gain a clearer perspective of your life, and a better understanding of your thoughts since your thoughts' quality determines your mental state.

In addition, it helps you deal with problems in a healthier way and be more emotionally stable.

4. Set Healthy Boundaries And Learn To Say "NO"


How often have you said no to someone or something you're uncomfortable with? Saying no can be pretty difficult for most of you since you might not want to come off too strong or rude. But not saying no can cost you more than you might think.

“No is a complete sentence.” —Anne Lamont, author

Pleasing people is not a strong personality trait, nor is it good for your mental health. If you keep saying yes to things that otherwise make you unhappy or uncomfortable, it will eventually lead to anxiety and frustration.

Being unapologetically honest about your actions and setting healthy boundaries are equally important. Setting boundaries as part of your self-care routine can improve your mental and emotional health. By setting boundaries, you can manage stress and build healthy relationships without exhausting yourself. You shouldn't feel guilty about setting boundaries or saying no as a part of your self-care journey.

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5. Make Healthy Living A Priority


When it comes to self-care, the most important part of the journey is making healthy living your top priority. You will be surprised to know that your body and mind have a unique connection, and taking care of either one automatically helps the other. Simple changes to your daily lifestyle choices can contribute greatly to your overall wellness, and when you're physically and mentally fit, you're happier.

A healthy lifestyle can be as simple as changing your diet, sleeping schedule, or exercising regularly. You feel better when you exercise because your brain releases a happy hormone called serotonin.

Exercise or yoga can be a simple activity that does not have to be aggressive. As part of your lifestyle choices and eating healthfully, you can even walk for 30 minutes. Some good self-care ideas are simple practices like running a bubble bath, yoga,meditation , music, indulging in a favorite hobby, or even reading a book. These further allow you to relax, calm your mood, and boost your mental health and, consequently, your overall well-being.

Again, your gut plays a big role in determining your mood. How you feel is also affected by what you eat. As a result, eating regularly and avoiding junk food can also help you take care of yourself.

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Frequently Asked Questions


1. Why Is Self-Care Important For Women's Mental Health?

Self-care is important for women's mental health because it helps to reduce stress, improve mood and emotional regulation, and promote overall well-being.

2. How Can Women Prioritize Self-Care In Their Busy Lives?

Women can prioritize self-care in their busy lives by setting aside dedicated time for self-care activities, delegating responsibilities when possible, and making self-care a non-negotiable part of their daily routine.

3. What Are Some Examples Of Self-Care Practices For Women's Mental Health?

Some examples of self-care practices for women's mental health include getting enough sleep, regular exercise, practicing mindfulness and meditation, seeking support from friends or professionals, and engaging in hobbies and activities that bring joy.

Summing It Up

Thus, self-care is not just about your physical health or appearance. It is a complete method of transforming yourself by taking care of your needs. Adopting a self-care routine in your daily lifestyle is vital for your mental health and overall wellness.

When it comes to the benefits of taking care of yourself or making yourself a priority, there are many. The more you practice self-care activities, the more confident, creative, and productive you become.

Again it is important to remember that your self-care ideas or activities should depend on what works best for you, what you enjoy, and your energy levels, personality, and other factors. Never feel guilty for taking care of yourself.

I hope this article helped you get a better idea of self-care for women's mental health and get a better insight into exploring five ideas for curating a good self-care routine for yourself.

This article is written by Neha Yasmin who is a content marketer at Vantage Circle. A selenophile with a penchant for discovering great meals and drinks. Is a self-proclaimed binge racer with a knack for cooking in her spare time. For queries, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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