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Employees and Fitness: 5 Workplace Fitness Culture Benefits

6 min read
Last Updated on 14 October, 2024

The modern workspace is more sedentary than ever. As nowadays, an average employee works around 8 hours per day. Because of all these long hours worked and people's love for electronic devices, workplace obesity is on the rise worldwide. Because of this, workplace fitness culture is rising in popularity in offices worldwide.

The reason most people are falling into the trap of obesity is inadequate physical activity. And the reason behind this is we don't think of fitness while working in the office. We have lunch at the same workstation, where we spend most of the day sitting at a desk or staring at a computer screen.

According to studies, Americans labor more than many other countries do. The International Labor Organization reported that-

  • 85.8 percent of American males work more than 40 hours per week.
  • American workers put in 137 more hours annually than Japanese employees.
  • American employees works 260 more hours annually than British employees
  • American employees works 499 more annually than French employees.

Since desk-bound workers spend most of their time at their workplace, we must look at ways to improve workplace fitness culture. Employers and employees can both greatly benefit from encouraging health in the workplace. So, let's understand what workplace fitness culture is.

Workplace Fitness Culture


Workplace fitness refers to conscious efforts made by a firm to educate employees about physical wellness. They want to encourage employees to make fitness a part of their daily routines.

Nearly nothing is more critical to business efficiency than employee retention. Eliminating downtime between the loss of one team member and the arrival of a replacement is the key to minimizing churn. Not to mention the significant expense organizations face when hiring new employees.

A flexible schedule and competitive pay are important factors in job satisfaction. So, some firms overlook the importance of physical benefits while focusing on other things. And that is why it is important to look for all the aspect of employee wellness and not only working hours.

Companies nowadays are focusing more on employee health and fitness. They now focus on more than paid time off, health insurance, or retirement savings opportunities.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nearly 60% of workers do not get enough exercise.

Workplace wellness programs are, therefore, more crucial than ever. Therefore, what precisely is workplace wellness, and how can it help your business? There are many different corporate fitness programs.

But the one that encourages employees to adopt healthier lifestyle choices should be applied. Establishing a culture of fitness in your company has five main advantages.

Endorphins are produced when you exercise. These have been shown to provide people with increased energy and self-confidence.

That dose of happy hormones counteracts depression and makes work much less stressful. Be it easy stretching exercises or scheduled workout sessions; they will make employees feel good.

Suggested Read: 7 Office Yoga Poses That Will Help You Relieve Stress And Stay Healthy

By the end of the day, the monotony of work is broken; you will be able to sleep better and return to work feeling refreshed.

Continue reading as we discuss the benefits of workplace fitness cultures. We will also discuss how motivating teams to exercise more might enhance their performance and productivity at work.

5 Benefits of Workplace Fitness Culture

A healthy worker is less likely to get sick. For instance, employees who keep sitting at a computer screen and don't exercise regularly are far more likely to get sick. Encouragement of fitness and activity among workers will reduce mental health problems.

Although having a fitness culture has many benefits, there are X main benefits linked to it.

1. Fitness Reduce Healthcare Costs

It is a given fact that healthy employees cost less than unhealthy employees. Specialists report that diseases relating to bad lifestyle account for 70 to 90 % of healthcare expenditures.


These lifestyle decisions cost American businesses more than $1 trillion in lost productivity. A poor lifestyle affects health, including poor nutrition, insufficient exercise, or smoking.

2. Less Absenteeism

Naturally, productive and healthy employees will take fewer sick days. If a corporate establish an employee health and well-being department, it can

  • decrease absent workdays by 80%
  • increase modified duty days by 64%

As a result, a company can make good cost savings and less absenteeism. Support will make them happy, encouraging them to come in early and stop frequent absences.

Suggested Read: The HR Professionals Guide to Employee Absenteeism

3. Performance Boost

Research shows that offices with wellness programs keep their staff longer than other businesses. It is because employees are less likely to leave their jobs when they feel appreciated. Motivated workers are always working to boost the business' production.


A business can increase worker attendance by funding health care programs. According to the American Psychological Association, exercise helps the brain create specific chemicals. These chemicals support mental abilities like multitasking, brainstorming, and problem-solving.

4. Foster Teamwork

A staff fitness program can foster a strong sense of teamwork at work. Working out with coworkers helps them get to know one another better and improves relationships.


This can encourage mutual efforts and support mutual accountability. Interactions between employees decrease stress at work. These connections foster a collaborative workplace culture and boost customer loyalty and goodwill. So both partners gain from leading a healthier lifestyle.

5. Exercise Reduces Stress

Workplace wellness initiatives help employees feel physically and mentally fit. Today's workforce is largely sedentary. Hence, this sedentary lifestyle leads to various health problems, such as neck and back pain and wrist and arm fatigue.


Fitness programs provide workouts for office workers. These programs also provide helpful advice to lessen stress and muscle strain at work. Exercise can also be energizing and relaxing. Exercises are a preventative measure against depression by reducing stress, according to studies.

Suggested Read: 47 Unique Stress Management Activities for Employees

Corporate fitness programs in the twenty-first century offer exercises for desk-bound workers. These programs consist of workouts and ergonomic advice to help them reduce stress and muscle strain. Both recommended simple stretching exercises and regular workouts to break up the monotony.

How to start: Create a workplace that values health and fitness


Many businesses provide employee benefits like

All of these depend on the company's size and budget.

  1. You can immediately implement a few strategies to promote a healthy and content workforce.

  2. Give your employees 30 minutes to walk, lift weights, or engage in outdoor activities.

  3. Establish quarterly fitness goals, such as weight loss challenges. You can also organize a 3-day sports challenge.

  4. Install a healthy vending machine that contains fruits, vegetables, and healthy trail mix in place of processed foods.

  5. Encourage and motivate the workers to stand up, move around, and stretch.

  6. Rewards your employees with incentives to encourage them to keep track of their progress.

  7. Install a standing desk and encourage your workers to use it.

  8. Encourage employees to stretch, do desk exercises, or do chair yoga.


These days, workplace fitness is the most crucial factor since individuals work long hours. Long working hours raise stress levels and cause irritability, distraction, and other hormone imbalances.

A fitness culture can empower the workforce and improve employee performance. It can be as simple as offering health education, medical screenings, and weight management programs.

Try incorporating a fitness culture for your employees according to their convenience and see a difference.

This article was written by Daina Barman ,content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. Besides being an epicure trying to cook every dish possible, she likes to dance her way around everything. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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