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Embracing Well-being: 31 Grounding Techniques for Thriving Employees

14 min read
Last Updated on 14 October, 2024

Staying mentally, physically, and socially aligned in today’s fast-paced corporate world is the biggest challenge. Stress, negative thoughts, or memories of past events can often overwhelm you during work hours, leaving you unproductive. Therefore, staying grounded is crucial to balance life's upheavals and excel at work.

The well-being techniques of grounding are well known. Grounding techniques hold the ability to relieve your stress and help you attain good health and well-being.

This blog shall provide 31 grounding techniques to help you heal and improve your performance at work.

The Various Benefits Of Practicing Grounding Techniques


The practice that involves connecting you with the present moment and anchoring yourself in the physical world is called grounding. It is a therapeutic practice to regulate emotions and suffice mental, physical, behavioral, and spiritual wellness.

According to research published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health, humans have increasingly become disconnected from nature, which has led to many physiological and psychological illnesses. Getting grounded can help you connect with nature and find your true self.

According to this U.S. News and World Report article, performing grounding techniques can:

  • Help reduce stress and pain
  • Lessen inflammation
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase energy and motivation
  • Improve circulation
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Build a stronger immune system functioning

A research review published by the National Library of Medicine suggested and revealed all the significant physiological or clinical outcomes of practicing grounding. This body of research has demonstrated the potential of grounding as a simple, natural, and accessible clinical strategy against the global epidemic of noncommunicable, degenerative, inflammatory-related diseases."

31 Techniques of Grounding For Employees To Practice At Work

We are a child of nature, so we must connect with nature in order to blossom into full manifestation..
– Wald Wassermann

The importance of grounding for health and well-being cannot be overstated. In effect, it brings you back to the frontal lobes/executive functions, which comprise logic, reason, judgment, and focus, according to Bethany Cook, Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist in Chicago.

Here are 31 grounding techniques for you to embrace -

1. Deep breathing:


If you regularly practice breathing exercises, you can have a pair of healthy lungs. More the air flows in and out of your lungs, the more physically active you become.

In order to calm your mind and body, take slow, breaths whenever possible. For best results, practice deep breathing for five to ten minutes daily.

Listen to: Integrating Breathwork As A Wellness Strategy At The Workplace by Ed Harrold

2. Mindful meditation:


Practicing mindfulness can help you focus on the present moment and remain centered. So, if you feel unsteady and inattentive at work, you can do some mindfulness exercises.

Many times, online meditation sessions work wonders. The difference in your body and mind between before and after meditation is apparent when you listen to them.

Organizations can also opt for Vantage Fit, as it provides a range of meditation sessions depending on the type of meditation employees want.

3. Progressive muscle relaxation:


Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) addresses fight/flight/freeze symptoms. During this exercise, each muscle should be tensed but not strained. After that, feel the relaxation as you release the tension from your muscles (If you have injuries or pain, skip the affected areas).

PMR is a stress and anxiety-reducing exercise for the body to tense the muscles and then relax each one slowly. It is a deep relaxation technique used with other cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, such as systematic desensitization, and also for insomnia.

4. Visualization:

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens.
– Carl Jung

Have you tried visualizing a peaceful and calming scene to shift your focus while stressed? If not, you must. Focusing or imagining is visualization.

Visualizing is a powerful mental grounding tool. You can do it even sitting at your desk or office pantry holding a cup of your favorite tea or coffee. Think of a place you always dreamt of traveling or imagine having something you wanted. And divert yourself from negative thoughts and rejoice in the moment.

Read: 10 Significant Benefits of Positive Emotion in Corporate Wellness

5. 5-4-3-2-1 technique:


5-4-3-2-1 is a coping technique for anxiety. It is a sensory grounding technique to engage your senses like touching, smelling, listening, feeling, and looking. Using this technique, engage yourself in the following;

  • 5 things you can see
  • 4 things you can touch
  • 3 things you can hear
  • 2 things you can smell
  • 1 thing you can taste

Empty yourself and let the universe fill you.
– Yogi Tea

The 5-4-3-2-1 method will help you ground spiritually and, on top, engage in your senses more mindfully. Also, it will allow you to celebrate your present and become more productive, calm, and steady.

6. Nature break:


Grounding is all about reconnecting with nature. So, take a moment amidst your hectic schedule to step outside and connect with nature for a few minutes.

Consider taking breaks between your work and spending quality time in a biophilic space. Biophilic spaces help rejuvenate and calm the mind when you feel anxious. Or you can do outdoor activities like trekking, swimming, running in the woods, or hiking on weekends. This natural break will help you attain good mental and physical health.

7. Desk yoga:


Yoga is an ancient old practice that is still prevalent today. Yoga isn’t just a workout or flexibility training but also the union of mind, body, and soul.

"With yoga, you're moving the circulatory system and awakening the nervous system — bringing new life into the body," said Bielkus. Simple stretches or yoga poses at your desk can greatly relieve stress. Mayo Clinic says desk yoga can also enhance productivity and chronic health conditions.

8. Journaling:


Journaling is a process of self-reflection, and it can be deeply transformative. If you haven't started it, order a journal today to start your transformation journey.

Write down your thoughts and feelings to gain more clarity and perspective. Also, track your habits, jolt down your ideas, emotions, and experiences, and ground yourself. Journaling can be an awesome mental grounding technique.

9. Affirmations:


Like many, you must be intrigued by the benefits of affirmation as a grounding meditation. Repeat 5-10 positive statements to boost confidence and motivation. Affirm to yourself and the universe for better results.

The purpose of affirmation is to help you stay present and use your mind to transfer energy from your body and mind to the earth and vice-versa. Usually, affirmations are short positive assertions repeated using the present tense. Like, "I am grounded, supported, and safe," or "I am deeply rooted to the earth, like a tree."

Read: 97 Positive Affirmations For Women For Everyday Motivation At The Office

10. Gratitude practice:

The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.
– Marianne Williamson

The list of being grateful is never-ending. Practicing gratefulness cultivates a positive mindset and workplace. Workplaces practicing recognition and appreciation show how crucial they are in the 21st century.
Gratitude is a grounding mechanism that is empowering and worthy of practicing. Below are some ways to practice gratitude as a grounding technique:

  • I am grateful for my surroundings/environment.
  • I am grateful to the people around me for making this a safer and great workplace.
  • Exercising gratitude is a great way to start a happy life.

11. Creative outlet:


Bouncing back from your daily stress and anxiety can be difficult. Most often, it is because of the creative blockage that holds you back from producing new ideas.

So, engage in activities that help you unblock your creative cells, like traveling, painting, or writing. You can purposefully slow down your brain to restart afresh. Grounding yourself once a week can improve your intellectual wellness.

12. Music therapy:


According to the Mozart Effect,"listening to classical composers can enhance your brain activity and act as a catalyst to improve your health and well-being.” Studies have also found that listening to your favorite type of music can improve your productivity and mood.

Furthermore, researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have discovered that natural sounds boost focus, like wind, birds, or streams. Music therapy as a grounding technique is a useful practice for mental wellness.

Listen to music or your favorite song/playlist in distress to uplift your mood and increase your wellness and productivity.

13. Take a walk:


Just 30 minutes of walking can reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. Start with a short walk (you can also try a barefoot walk) to clear your mind, lighten your body and get fresh air.

Morning walk or evening, the benefits are almost similar. You can also turn walking into your daily social occasion. Even more frequent short walks can be beneficial in the workplace or outside.

14. Social support:

Social support acts as a buffer to stress and its destructive consequences. You can connect with a trusted colleague or friend for a supportive conversation. Reach out to them for quality time and ensure it positively impacts your well-being.

Research suggests that people with high levels of social support are more resilient in stressful situations. It is one of the most adaptive approaches that one can look into.

15. Stretch breaks:


Work can cause physical pain. Sitting longer on your desk can contribute to neck pain, obesity, lower back pain, stress, and more. According to the Mayo Clinic, more than four hours a day of screen time can increase your risk of death by 50 percent.

So, take short breaks to stretch your body and relieve muscle tension. Try some office stretching exercises and make sure you breathe normally throughout the stretches.

16. Mini self-massage:


Self-massage is a great way to connect to your body. Gently massage your temples, neck, or hands to relax. It will relieve you from short emotional dysregulation and stress.

You can start by massaging your hands, scalp, forearms, face, neck, shoulder, calves, feet, etc. The mini self-massage technique can lead your emotions and mind to an overall healing experience. It is also a holistic physical grounding technique to calm you down.

17. Mindful eating:


As an employee, it's vital to practice mindful eating during lunchtime. When you settle down for your meal, take a moment to focus on the taste, texture, and smell of your food.

Pay attention to each bite, and savor the flavors by being fully present in the moment. Doing so will allow you to enjoy your meal and promote healthier eating habits.

Listen to the podcast: Eating Habits In The Workplace – Anjan Goswami

18. Power napping:


Taking a quick nap during a work break will recharge your mind and body. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax at work.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to rest. Power napping can help improve your focus, productivity, and overall well-being. It will also help you tackle your work with renewed energy.

19. Humor and laughter:

Laughter releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals. Humor and laughter reduce stress and create a favorable work environment. According to a study, 80% of CFOs say that a sense of humor plays a role in how employees fit into a company’s culture.

Injecting humor into the workplace can lighten the spirit and boost morale. Dentists have suggested laughter can ease pain and stress. So, keep laughing, and make others laugh with your humor.

You can also watch funny videos, sitcom TV shows, or share a joke with your colleagues. Put some effort into making your workplace a good and humorous space.

20. Emotional awareness:


It's essential to be in touch with your emotions. Therefore, identify and acknowledge your emotions without judgment.

Recognizing and accepting your emotions can help you better understand and manage your reactions, whether you're feeling overwhelmed, tense, or happy. You can improve your relationships with colleagues by fostering emotional awareness and promoting a more empathetic workplace.

Listen to the podcast: Emotional Wellness in the Workplace by Ben Eden

21. Positive self-talk:

Negative thoughts can impact your performance and well-being at work. When you think negatively, try to replace those thoughts with positive and encouraging ones.

Self-talk will remind you of your strengths and accomplishments. It can also boost your self-confidence and gain a more optimistic outlook on your work and personal life.

22. Aromatherapy:


Essential oils are a go-to element to reduce negative energy for many employees at work and home. Essential oils or scented candles create a calming and stress-free environment. Scents like lavender, chamomile, and citrus are known for their relaxation properties.

You can use a diffuser or keep a small essential oil bottle nearby. Inhaling these relaxing scents can reduce tension and enhance your well-being throughout the workday.

23. Grounding exercises:


During a busy workday, it's worthwhile to practice grounding exercises. So why not take a moment to focus on the physical sensations of your body, such as feeling your feet on the ground?

-walk barefoot
-hug a tree
-engage in outdoor activities

Pay attention to your breath, skin, feet, body, mind, and any other physical sensations you may experience. Grounding exercises help connect, be present, and concentrate better, allowing you to hover your work more clearly.

24. Disconnect from technology:


Constant screen exposure can lead to health issues besides eye strain and low productivity. To overcome any of the negative impacts of technology, go for a detox and:

  • Take short breaks from technology or social media.
  • Step away from your computer or phone, and engage in mindful exercises.
  • Walk, drink water or tea, converse with a coworker, or enjoy a few minutes of quiet.
  • Detaching from technology can help you rejuvenate and maintain a healthier work-life balance.

25. Organize your workspace:


A messy and cluttered workspace can contribute to a sense of strain and distraction. Timely declutter and clean your workspace for better focus and productivity. Clear away unnecessary items, file documents, and create a better space for you.

An organized environment can reduce mental clutter. It can improve your concentration and create a sense of peace and efficiency in your work atmosphere.

26. Time management:


Since school, we have been taught to prioritize daily tasks and create a schedule. Identifying your most critical tasks and deadlines helps you deal with stress at work better.

Consider the urgency and impact of each task to determine its priority. Break down larger projects into smaller and more actionable steps. Be flexible regarding your schedule, but always keep your priorities in mind.

Time management techniques, you can boost productivity, reduce stress, and attain success swiftly.

27. Mindful walking:


Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Walking is like meditation; when you do it, you regain full consciousness. Pay attention to each step and sensation while walking. It generates awareness, connecting you with the earth’s natural properties.

Walking meditation allows you to be present and exhale all your worries. Observe your surroundings with a curious and non-judgmental attitude. Next time while taking a walk, connect with your body, and adapt to a healthier lifestyle.

28. Boundary setting:


The ability to set clear boundaries to protect your time and energy is critical in this world of distraction. Communicate your availability and limitations to your colleagues and superiors, and ensure they respect your limits and boundaries. That way, you can always create a healthier work-life balance and preserve your mental well-being.

29. Mindful tea or coffee break:


When you sip your tea or coffee during breaks, savor each sip. And pay attention to its delightful taste and aroma.

Notice the warmth of the mug, inhale the rich aroma, and sip it while you relish the moment. Let this break be a moment of ease, revitalization, and a conscious pause to your busy day.

30. Progressive counting:

Focus on each number as you slowly count from one to ten. Notice the rhythm and pace of your counting, and allow yourself to enjoy the tranquility within you. This exercise helps to anchor your attention, promoting mental clarity and reducing stress.

31. Morning routine:


Establish a morning routine with a short yoga session or 7-minutes workout, and set a positive tone for the day.

Awaken your body and bring clarity to your mind. Spend a few moments in meditation, then plan your daily tasks and goals, creating a roadmap for success.

Remember, different techniques work better for different people, so encourage employees to explore and find what resonates with them the most.


In the hustle and bustle of life, grounding techniques provide a much-needed anchor. They allow you to reconnect with yourselves and find solace in the modern world of chaos. So, embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace through the power of grounding techniques.



1. How can grounding techniques benefit employees in the workplace?

Grounding techniques offer numerous benefits for employees in the workplace. Through these techniques, employees can experience greater mental clarity, improved decision-making abilities, increased resilience, and a greater sense of calm amidst work-related pressures.

2. How can employees integrate grounding techniques into their daily work schedule?

Integrating grounding techniques into a daily work schedule can significantly improve employee well-being. One approach is to set aside dedicated moments for grounding throughout the day. Employees can also create reminders or cues, like setting alarms or placing visual prompts in their workspace, to prompt them to engage in grounding techniques regularly.

3. Can grounding techniques be used to manage workplace stress and improve productivity?

Yes, grounding techniques can be valuable tools for addressing workplace stress, improving performance, and enhancing productivity.

4. Are there any simple grounding techniques employees can practice discreetly at their desks?

Absolutely! Employees can practice several discreet grounding techniques right at their desks without drawing attention. For instance, deep breathing, yoga stretches, reading, and so on. They can use a small object like a stress ball or a smooth stone to provide tactile stimulation and grounding. Along with many others, as provided in the blog.

This article is written by Parismita Goswami who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. A feverish poet and cinephile with an intense taste for music, specifically rock, she has the heart of an explorer, learner, and is a lover of the Himalayas. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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