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Women's Health In The Workplace

Last Updated on 01 March, 2023

Nowadays, women are equal contributors to the workforce in almost every industry. They are committed to aspiring at all organizational levels across sectors like medicine, technology, sales, etc.

However, most companies fail to address female health and support women's health in the office. Hence, women employees have had to compromise on home and work-life quality.

With a growing emphasis on creating a supportive work culture for all employees, it has become crucial to prioritize women's health in the workplace. After all, the organization's and the employees' growth depends on employee productivity, which depends on employees' overall health and well-being.

Read: 32 Women's Health Quotes to inspire Women to lead Healthy Lives

About The Speaker

Jackie Ruka is a Professional Happyologist who is on a mission to transform the definition of success and pivot toward a more positive quality of life in which we work and live. She turned her Mental Health career on its head and utilized her human behavior expertise as an award-winning Sales and Marketing pro launching billion-dollar consumer brands. Jackie is also a Certified, Harvard-trained Leadership and Success Coach from Hahnemann University and Medical School and BS from Roger Williams University.

To know more about Myah, connect with her on LinkedIn.

Show Notes

(01:36) What are some women's health issues in your eyes? What is the most important issue in women's health?

(04:40) Are women embracing the overall dimensions of well-being?

(06:17) Do you think the socio-cultural factors hamper women's well-being at the workplace?

(10:29) How can workplaces support female employees' health?

(14:59) Do you think women's health often gets neglected in the workplace because of the various stigmas attached?

(27:06) Do you think employers should feel less embarrassed and come forward to discuss the underlying health issues and support their female workforce?

(30:30) How can organizations revive their corporate wellness programs to support women's health?

This podcast is hosted by Parismita Goswami who is also a content marketer and podcast host at Vantage Circle. A feverish poet and cinephile with an intense taste for music, specifically rock, she has the heart of an explorer, learner, and is a lover of the Himalayas. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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