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Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard To Promote Corporate Wellness

10 min read
Last Updated on 18 April, 2024

Many a time, you may see or hear people say how easy the job of HR is. But is that indeed the scene in reality? Definitely not. The truth is, you never realize the intensity of a particular job unless you get a taste of it firsthand.

HR professionals have a ton of roles and responsibilities to maintain a thriving workplace. And sometimes, HR departments have to deal with bigger challenges like reduced employee retention and low employee turnover rate.

Kudos to the advancements in technology, HRs can now juggle between their different roles and ongoing challenges. The key here is the development of innovative tools and platforms. These innovations can provide them with relevant business intelligence and insights. This is especially relevant for forward-thinking organizations looking for successful corporate wellness programs.

What is an HR wellness dashboard?

Tracking and managing all the various HR data may sometimes get out of hand. This is where an HR wellness dashboard turns out to be a knight in shining armor. When it comes to tackling any task related to HR analytics, dashboards can do wonders.

HR wellness dashboard is a tool that helps manage the human resources of any company. It is an advanced analytics tool that displays vital real-time data visualizations and important HR metrics. HR professionals can utilize this data to enhance employee satisfaction. This will eventually help an organization to flourish successfully.

Importance of HR Wellness Dashboard

Like any other product in the market, a variety of platforms profess to specialize in corporate wellness. But how do you choose a wellness platform that best suits your organizational needs? Beyond great features and support, platform analytics is an important criterion organizations tend to overlook.

Analytics is very important as it helps organizations measure, check and realign a wellness program. In this case, the Vantage Fit platform stands out with its robust and in-depth analytics and easy-to-use features.

The Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard is a hidden gem you didn't even know you were looking for. Are you an HR manager looking for ways to streamline all existing and incoming HR data? Also, do you want to give true meaning to employee engagement at your workplace? If so, you have landed on the correct blog.

To help you, we have specially curated a blog to enlighten you. Here, you will learn everything about the HR dashboard that Vantage Fit has crafted and some FAQs.

Introducing the Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard

Vantage Fit is the one-stop solution for enhanced employee well-being and productivity in small and giant enterprises. It allows enterprises to keep their employees' well-being in check.

While the Vantage Fit app comes packed with USPs capable of solving your corporate wellness needs, its dashboard is the primary key. The Vantage Fit dashboard allows the HR teams to create, manage, and view detailed insight about their employee wellness program.

Also read: Well-being Index, The Key To Maximize Corporate Wellness In Companies

The Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard Components

The HR teams get access to the Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard once an organization signs up for a corporate wellness plan. It is via this dashboard that HR professionals or health admins create fitness contests and challenges for the employees.

They can also decide on the kind of fitness rewards that the best-performing employees will receive. These rewards can be either monetary or non-monetary.

The Vantage Fit HR wellness dashboard has three components or subsections under it

  1. Overview
  2. Configuration
  3. Reports

These sections provide comprehensive HR data shedding light on the company's overall health, including analytics that lets HR managers track and analyze employee activity and engagement levels.


Vfit- Dashboard

The first subsection on the dashboard is the ‘Overview.’
In the ‘overview’ section, HRs have access to four data visualizations

  • Employee engagement level
  • Activity metric
  • Health metric
  • Wellness metric

Engagement metric: This gives the HRs insights into the number of employees participating in a particular challenge. The engagement percentage signifies the number of people actively engaged with the program compared to the number of people registered. With the help of this feature, HRs can gauge the willingness of employees to participate in challenges.

The average adult generally walks approximately 4000 to 7000 steps daily.

But, here is an instance of an organization where 50+ employees enrolled in an E-marathon that Vantage Fit organized as per the requirement suggested by the HRs.

The primary goal of the marathon was the step challenge. Additionally, to mix things up, other health-oriented activities were included. Redeemable points were assigned to each activity in the challenge to motivate the participants.

The outcome was the 50+ employees took an estimated 17 million plus steps over one month.

HR should understand the current scenario of corporate employees. And the scene is they tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle, being committed to their work. But, incorporating a wellness plan wherein employees are allured to participate in weekly or monthly challenges is a much needed human resource initiative.

Also, monetary rewards and social recognition incentives are believed to entice employees to participate and finish a challenge. This way, even if the organization returns to a work-from-home or hybrid setup, the employees can still be motivated to stay active.

Activity metric: HRs also get an understanding of the activity levels of employees over some time. Currently, Vantage Fit counts and tracks users’ steps as an activity. HRs have access to graphs that rank employees based on their total steps. The more the number of steps, the higher the rank.

Also Read: Step Tracker- How Do They Work And Why You Need Them

The activity levels of employees can provide significant insight into their physical and mental health as well. For instance, a particular employee, X, had been a top performer for months. Suddenly, their activity levels decrease, which consequently causes a steady drop in their rank.

The HR, or wellness admins, then understand that a significant change in their lifestyle may affect their performance at work. They can then approach them personally and talk to them about it, thus giving them a much-needed mental boost.

For instance, Vantage Fit hosted a customized 21-day virtual walkathon, where the employees had to complete a daily challenge of 8000 steps. The organization also emphasized the need to elevate its employees’ physical well-being. Taking all their requirements into consideration, Vantage Fit designed a wellness challenge.

At the end of the challenge, the organization observed that the employees had a 2.5 times increase in their activity levels. Moreover, the participants also burned many calories daily during the challenge.

Health metric: This section shows the average BMI of a company. The company has fit employees if the average BMI score is around 20-25. It is important to note that HR managers only get access to a company’s employees’ average BMI. Privacy-sensitive data such as an employee’s height and weight are kept confidential.

The average BMI scores can guide HRs plan and create the fitness initiatives they want to introduce in the company.

Supposedly, if a company’s average BMI is higher than 25, this should tell the HR managers that many employees may suffer from obesity or lead a sedentary lifestyle. In that case, they can organize a virtual marathon, or a virtual walkathon, with rewards that lure more and more employees to finish the challenge.

Here is an instance where an organization aims to fix its employees’ sedentary lifestyle trend and promote employee wellness. Befitting their requests, Vantage Fit curated a 12-week employee wellness program.

The outcome was the employees successfully burned more than 828000 calories and completed over 18 million steps in 3 months.

The Global Corporate Virtual Walkathon 2021

Wellness Metric: This component tells employers, or HRs, about the company’s overall mood. Employees can log their mood on the Mood Meter in the Vantage Fit app. Employees can rate their mood as

  • Horrible
  • Not Good
  • Okay
  • Pretty Nice
  • Awesome

Users make the entry based on how they feel on a particular day.

Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard does not expose privacy-sensitive data such as the employee's BMI and moods. But instead, the app uses the data to get the organization's average BMI and mood score.

Lastly, HRs can also view information on past and upcoming campaigns for the company. They get access to information such as:

  • The duration of the challenge
  • Challenge status
  • Target
  • Completion percentage
  • Challenge engagement
  • The total number of participants
  • The total steps taken
  • The number of employees completing the target, along with the number of times they did so
  • The employee leaderboard


The subsection in the Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard is 'Configuration.' Here, Vantage Fit allows HRs or wellness admins to create a challenge and manage any ongoing challenge.

HRs can go to the 'Create Challenge' section to create a challenge. They can enter the Challenge Name, Challenge Slogan, and Challenge Logo in the required fields. They must also enter the duration they want to keep the challenge running.

Next, HRs also need to decide if they want to -
Host a global challenge meant for all branches of a company,
Or if they want to keep it local, the challenge is limited to the employees of a particular unit or location.

If the challenge is global, all employees across locations and branches receive the email or notification on the Vantage Fit application. If it's limited to a private contest, HR enters the employee names, and voila! The notification flashes on their phones.

Do note there are two types of challenges: prebuilt and custom challenges.
The dashboard offers 3 prebuilt step count challenges from which HRs can choose:

  • Race challenge
  • Streak challenge
  • E-marathon


Otherwise, Vantage Fit has also kept the option of customization. This means HRs can create a customized challenge wherein they can choose different activities that will be part of the weekly challenge.

The beauty of this customization feature is that HR professionals can choose activities based on a well-being index survey results. Or else, after running one weekly challenge, based on the reports, an HR can customize the upcoming challenge accordingly.

In the Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard’s Configuration subsection, HR managers can also broadcast health tips or messages and then push them to the application. HRs can select the message title, text, image, target, and health tips they want to feature on a particular day.

This feature is an effective medium to communicate new health initiatives and organize wellness activities at the workplace.


For instance, on a day that the employees’ overall mood in a company is anything less than ‘Okay,’ HR managers can send a motivating tip or quote focusing on mental health.

A National Library of Medicine research paper studies the impact of motivational quotes in boosting self-esteem. The paper concludes that various digital health technologies introduce motivational quotes as part of treatment programs for individuals with chronic disorders and successfully improve their overall quality of life by boosting self-esteem.


Vfit- Reports

The next subsection of the HR Wellness Dashboard is the Reports segment.
HRs can view detailed reports regarding the employees' Engagement, Activity, Health, and Wellness metrics. These reports can be viewed based on three filters: 'country,' 'department,' and 'gender.'

For instance, if you want to view the engagement level for the men in your company, go to the engagement report, select the Gender filter, and select 'male.' Similarly, if you want insight into the activity levels for your company's marketing department in Canada, select the activity metric under the Reports section. Under filters, select Country>Canada. Select Marketing under the Department filter.

One can set these reports according to various periods, such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. This will help HRs analyze and compare performances across timelines and create more tailored and effective wellness challenges.

Advantages of the Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard

The HR Wellness Dashboard on VantageFit has several advantages:

  • It assists HRs in analyzing four important HR metrics of the organization: Employee engagement, activity, health, and wellness.
  • HRs and health admins can create customized contests and challenges that suit their company requirements.
  • It assists in identifying different trends and patterns of the HR data. This further helps in improving the employee management scenario and reduces training costs.
  • It gives HRs a glimpse into how employees feel mentally or physically in real time.
  • It allows HRs to choose the difficulty and privacy level for each program.
  • It keeps a record of all past and upcoming challenges.
  • It includes interactive data visualizations and graphs that provide significant insights that can enhance employee satisfaction.
  • It highlights users who might be completing the challenges using unfair means.

Fascinated with the advantages and want to try them out to juggle the various common HR responsibilities flawlessly? Well, then, request a demo right away!

Schedule a Free Demo with Vantage Fit!

If you are still contemplating the effectiveness of Vantage Fit’s HR dashboard, here’s something that ought to change your mind.

Success Story of Implementing Vantage Fit HR Wellness Dashboard

Hope Community Resources, an Alaska-based company, enrolled in Vantage Fit’s Walkathon Challenge. The Vantage Fit platform fulfilled several customization requirements regarding the HR dashboard and challenge type as per their work culture and external environment.

Accordingly, Vantage Fit crafted a 9-week walkathon challenge to suit their expectations. At the end of the challenge, it was observed that the employees covered over 11495.367 miles distance throughout the walkathon.

Moreover, as per the record, the average step covered had a steep increase from 6081 (week 1) to 9883 (week 9), ultimately leading to a foreseeable healthy lifestyle.

Final Words

Vantage Fit HR wellness dashboard is an innovative, intuitive, and data-driven interface that helps HR keep the employee's health in check. HRs can seamlessly create customized programs that address employees’ health needs.

This, in turn, enhances key performance and productivity for all employees.
Give your corporate employees a wholesome experience at your company! Get onboard with Vantage Fit and invest your time and money in employee health now!

Frequently Asked Questions:


What should be in an HR wellness dashboard?

An HR dashboard should include features that track, calculate, and interpret common HR metrics such as engagement, activity, health, and wellness in real-time.

What are the 3 benefits of an HR wellness dashboard?

With an HR wellness dashboard, HR professionals can strategically:

  • multiply employee satisfaction
  • enhance employee well-being
  • maintain employee turnover.

Who uses dashboards?

The Dashboard is primarily known as a business intelligence tool. Hence, it is something that organizations should use to extract and manage essential HR data. Hence, HR professionals of an organization have access to and use dashboards.

Why is HR reporting important?

HR reporting plays a vital role in several organizational activities, encompassing recruitment and employee management.

This article is written by Ritushree R Singh, who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. Besides having a curious heart with an avid taste for music, she relishes traveling to new places and exploring different cultures whenever possible. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com

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