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Workplace Wellness Committee: From Ideas To Action

10 min read
Last Updated on 23 April, 2024

Workplace wellness refers to programs and policies implemented by companies to enhance their employees' well-being.

A wellness committee is a group of employees selected to create workplace health strategies.

These committees are great recreational activities for employees passionate about health and wellness. A wellness committee's primary function is to foster an office wellness culture.

Now, when it comes to employee engagement, you don't plan your health plans on the spur of the moment.

Otherwise, you're simply taking a shot in the dark. So, having a committee dedicated to making these arrangements will make an impact.

In this article, we will learn more about wellness committees, how to form one, and their possible positive outcomes.

What is a Wellness Committee?

A wellness committee is a small group of employees that lead and engage in a wellness program for employees. These committees provide leadership and oversight to help the wellness initiatives run smoothly.


They plan, promote, and implement wellness initiatives to improve employees' health. Committee also provides direction and support during the various stages of program implementation.

These committees provide leadership and oversight to help the wellness programs' effectiveness. A wellness committee can greatly influence the success or failure of any employee wellness program.

A wellness program aims to encourage employees to live a better lifestyle. A successful wellness program will include the following:

A group that plans every process step is at the heart of successful wellness programs. Here, we provide detailed guidance for forming the greatest wellness committee possible.

A wellness committee can organize its wellness events, such as signing up for a 5K or 10-mile marathon or hosting a healthy potluck.

They can develop advertising materials for the wellness program. They can also inform about upcoming events during team meetings.

Why Do You Need a Wellness Committee for Your Wellness Program?


A wellness program at work aims to reduce health risks and promotes healthy lifestyle choices.

The committee instills a sense of ownership in employees about the wellness program.

Employee feedback will be used to develop a wellness program that all employees will appreciate and enjoy. Wellness Committees can help programs in many ways, such as.

  • They influence employees about available health programming, activities, and challenges.
  • Program participation will be higher when committee members themselves participate in the programs.
  • They can help you determine important wellness program incentives for your staff.
  • They are the pillar for building a wellness program for employees.
  • Effective wellness programs require a large number of chores to be accomplished. Your wellness committee can assist with the work required for a strong program.

A worksite wellness committee advises you on implementing and administering your wellness program.

How to form a Health and Wellness Committee?

Knowing the functions of the health and wellness committee before building your team is important. Now that we've covered the fundamentals, it's reasonable to presume you're ready to go on.

Following, we'll look at how to identify the members of your new committee. We will also look at various well-being committee ideas you can use to provide a good well-being strategy.

Determine the structure of the wellness committee.

Determine who will coordinate and lead the committee members inside the company. It is recommended that the committee have at least three members and no more than twelve, depending on the organization's size.

Two collaborative groups may be required, depending on the organization:

  • The wellness committee is the group in charge of executing and supporting the program. They must also promote and motivate people to participate in its challenges.

  • The wellness planning team is a subset of the committee responsible for the wellness program's strategy. They are also responsible for planning activities/games in collaboration with the wellness committee.

This group may include employees with functions relevant to the wellness programs. These programs include health and safety, occupational health, human resources, and committee members.

1. Recruit the Team Members

Members should represent a cross-section of the employee population. They must include people from various positions, locales, and demographics to ensure that no one is left out.

The following qualifications should be on the wellness committee:

  • Passionate about health and wellness: A wellness committee member should be enthusiastic about promoting healthy living and wellness.

  • Wellness-related knowledge: A committee member should know about many wellness elements.

  • Excellent communication skills: A member should communicate effectively with colleagues and management.

  • Leadership abilities: A wellness committee member should be able to lead initiatives, organize and distribute work to other members, and propel the team ahead.

  • Organizational abilities: A wellness committee member should be able to plan, organize, and carry out wellness events and activities.

2. Number of workers in the team

Every organization has its own set of rules for committee functioning. Below is one example of recruiting members to the committee:

  • Less than 300 employees—3 to 8 members of the Committee
  • 300 to 1,000 employees—8 to 12 members of the Committee
  • 1,001 employees or more—12 to 15 committee members

3. Create Committee Procedures and Ground Rules

Establishing protocols is one of the most important parts of a wellness committee's efficacy. Meetings of the Wellness Committee should be held regularly.

Depending on the organization's size, the committee can meet once a month, every other month, or quarterly. Each meeting should include a written agenda, minutes, and supporting documentation.

Developing team collaboration is critical for success. Create "ground rules" to foster an environment where committee members feel valued, safe, and empowered.

Be on time - arrive on time so that meetings can begin on time.

Be considerate - attentively and politely listen to all opinions and concerns.

Be democratic- create "vote" methods to determine which ideas are implemented.

Be trustworthy- When expressing ideas or concerns with the group, keep employee confidentially in mind.

Be dependable: Always follow through on your pledges and commitments.

4. Set up a committee kick-off meeting.

A launch meeting will help establish the structure for how the group will collaborate and plan. Make it simple for members to participate to ensure maximum engagement.

  • While organizing the kick-off meeting, consider the following:

  • Send invitations at least two weeks ahead of time.

  • Let people "phone in" if they work at a separate office location.

  • Choose a time that works for different shift employees and time zones.

  • Distribute name tags and ask individuals to introduce themselves and explain why they joined.

  • Gather names, phone numbers, and other information to construct a "master" contact list for the team.

Consider inviting a senior leader to the kick-off meeting. This shows the team that management is involved and their efforts are valued and recognized.

When organizing the committee kick-off meeting, you should keep the following goals in mind:

  • Choose a chairperson to lead the wellness committee.

  • Determine who will take meeting minutes and manage future meetings.

  • Create a committee name, mission statement, and aims and objectives.

  • Create or develop a wellness program strategy and a tactical implementation plan.

  • Create an effective communication strategy to promote the wellness program.

Your company's communications department, if one is available, can provide ideas, guidance, and help.

It's safe to presume that as a leader, you're already busy developing a strategy on your own. Request that your new committee members generate preliminary suggestions for improving workplace wellness.

Doing an employee survey could be a great starting point for your new team. After all, how can you improve your workforce's health and well-being if you don't know the existing difficulties and statistics?

11 Ways a Workplace Wellness Committee Can Assist Programs in Succeeding

The most important function of the members is to show their support for the wellness program. They can show their support by participating and being enthusiastic. Here are a few more ways:

  1. Attend and participate in all meetings of the wellness committee.

  2. Assist with the selection of the year's wellness campaigns.

  3. Assist in deciding what incentives to include with each wellness promotion.

  4. Promote wellness campaigns and initiatives with enthusiasm.

  5. Take part in the wellness program.

  6. Make yourself available and approachable. This is so that employees can address wellbeing-related questions with you.

  7. Before the kick-off and promotions, ensure that promotional posters are posted at your workplace.

  8. Ensure that campaign materials are distributed at your workplace (books, magnets, water bottles, etc.).

  9. Provide positive feedback and success stories to your wellness coordinator and team.

  10. Complete the checklist to change and work to enhance the workplace environment.

  11. Add your thoughts and experiences to debates about wellness programs.

Members of the wellness committee must understand their responsibilities. Be certain that committee members understand their responsibilities.

Urge them to report employee input on the wellness program to ensure that your program meets the needs of your firm.


Top 3 Ideas for a workplace wellness committee


Now that your dream team has been formed, it's time to consider the ideas that your members should be working on. We'll look at how committees might start creating healthier, happier workplaces.

Remind your team that a committee can only function if everyone communicates effectively. Let your organization be open to new ideas and allow everyone to speak up. Consider the following suggestions for wellness committees!

1. Mental health Initiatives


There can be various workplace mental health programs that businesses could look for. Some of these initiatives are-

a. Mental Health Resource:

The committee can give employees access to mental health resources. These resources can vary from counseling, and therapy, to mental health hotlines.

b. Employee Mental Health Education:

The committee can plan workshops, seminars, and resources on mental health issues. They can choose topics like stress management, mindfulness, and self-care.

c. Encourage Open Communication:

The committee may foster an open communication culture. They can achieve this by encouraging employees to communicate about their mental health.

They can create an environment where the one suffering can share without the fear of stigma or discrimination.

d. Offering Mental Health Days:

The committee can offer mental health days or flexible sick leave policies. That way, employees take time off to focus on their mental health when necessary.

e. Building a Supportive Work Environment:

The committee can create a supportive work environment by

  • promoting teamwork
  • employee recognition
  • team collaboration and communication
  • raising awareness

The wellness committee can build a workplace culture that promotes mental health. They can work and minimize the stigma associated with mental illness. They can also help employees reach total well-being with various mental health programs.

2. Physical Health Initiatives


The wellness committee at work can take physical health initiatives. Some of these initiatives can include-

a. Encouraging physical activity:

The committee can organize fitness challenges and competitions. They can offer incentives or prizes to employees who engage in physical activities such as walking, running, or cycling.

b. Promoting healthy eating:

The wellness committee can offer healthy food options in the workplace. They can offer food such as fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks.

c. Providing ergonomic workstations:

The committee can ensure employees have comfortable and safe ergonomic workstations. Safe workplaces minimize the risk of injuries such as back pain or carpal tunnel syndrome.

d. Organizing health screenings:

They can arrange for on-site health screenings. The committee can include screening programs. The programs can range from blood pressure checks and cholesterol tests to diabetes. This will encourage employees to take care of their health.

e. Offering health education:

The committee can provide resources, workshops, and seminars on health-related topics. The topics may include stress management, sleep hygiene, physical activities, and mindfulness.

These initiatives can help create a workplace culture promoting employees' health.

3. Financial Health Initiative


The workplace wellness committee might also implement financial health activities. Among these initiatives could be:

a. Offering financial education:

The committee can give lectures, seminars, and materials. All these could be on financial planning, budgeting, and debt management. This will help the staff achieve financial literacy.

Read: 12 Best Financial Literacy Books To Build Financial Confidence.

b. Providing retirement planning services:

The committee can provide access to retirement planning services. They can include 401(k) plans, pension plans, and financial experts. This will help employees plan for their future financial stability.

c. Encourage financial wellness challenges:

The committee can curate and host financial wellness challenges for all. They can incentivize employees to save more, pay off debt, and improve their financial literacy.

d. Promoting employee benefits:

The committee can educate employees about the many benefits given by the firm. They can promote benefits such as health insurance, disability insurance, and employee assistance programs.
They can make sure to help employees understand the full value of their pay package.

e. Adopting flexible work arrangements:

The committee may advocate for creating flexible work solutions. These solutions can be working from home or other flexible scheduling to help employees save money on transportation.

The wellness committee can help employees achieve financial stability. They can also help reduce financial stress and help mental health. Financial stability can also improve general well-being by implementing these financial health activities.


A workplace wellness committee can be important in encouraging employee well-being. The committee can develop a workplace culture that helps employees achieve overall well-being. That too only by introducing activities focusing on physical, financial, and mental health.

The committee can succeed by offering various activities, tools, and education. Activities include hosting challenges, open communication, and fostering a friendly work atmosphere.

The wellness committee can help increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, and promote employee retention. The wellness committee can impact employees' health and well-being with passion and effort.


Q.1 What exactly is a wellness committee in the workplace?

A workplace wellness committee is a group of employees in charge of planning and implementing workplace health and wellness programs.

Q.2 What is the purpose of a workplace wellness committee?

A corporate wellness committee can assist in promoting a healthy and productive work environment, lowering healthcare expenses, and increasing employee engagement and satisfaction.

Q.3 How can a workplace wellness committee assess the success of its initiatives?

Employee involvement rates, changes in employee health outcomes, and employee feedback can all be used to determine success.

This article is written by Daina Barman who is a content writer and marketer at Vantage Circle. Besides being an epicure trying to cook every dish possible, she likes to dance her way around everything. To get in touch, reach out to

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